dried dates

Take three beads of dates in today and get the benefits of amazing! one among the best foods sweet useful, which can organize digestion, supplies body with many of nutrients. And benefits of the date the body many are working on the counter diarrhea disorders intestinal, and treatment of anemia, and prevention of the problems of the heart and some cancers digestive system, as the intervention in fevers overweight or even decreased, due to the fact that dates a rich source of vitamins and Minerals dietary fiber in addition to being a source of wonderful for each of calcium, iron, potassium, phosphorus, manganese and sulfur, copper, magnesium, no it's mine for metals useful body of man. here are about months the benefits of dates body of man and health. Abound studies which confirms the benefits of dates on health, this fruit structure of the small make them useful heart disease and reduce the symptoms of allergy and other benefits, note that take three beads of dates enough to get this is the benefits! Keen many people, especially in the Arab countries on eating dates a day, this is usually a justification for good, of the most food useful for health, this is the fruit is food full, to all types of metal useful body in addition to the vitamins and vehicles food plant. the copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, as well as chain vitamin "b" including "b6" acid pantothenic , as well as to date is rich in vitamin "a" and "k" and vehicles , it also has a lot of fiber. Three beads going through a day enough confirmed the several studies the health benefits of this fruit structure of the small, but even that there is a recent study published in the Journal private nutrition and health in America confirms that the date is the source of the food ideal almost as confirmed the study that dates contains at least 15 species of metal important, as well as the selenium a material anti-cancer and help strengthen the immune. Also contains dates 23 species of amino acid and some of unsaturated fatty acids like . Most important is that make use of this fruit does not require a lot of taken up, three beads of dates in today's enough to get the benefits of amazing to this fruit. Here's six reasons viewed some sites German: provider energy high-speed: contains the date on each nutrients that body needs to enhance energy during the day, it provides the body of energy and help the fiber inside the stability of blood sugar, what helps body on avoiding the consumption of sugar (source of energy) excess in the body. Supports digestion: according to the site "" the dates rich of very fiber-soluble. Ensures these fibers the ability to digestion smoothly. He explains of course tips grandmother to take the dates of infection . It is paradoxically dates and is used in cases of diarrhea, helps to achieve the balance of a given in the intestine. handful small dates, ensure the ease the pain of intestinal and increase the number of bacteria intestinal useful. Improvement of the immune: make the amount of Minerals are a lot in the date of this fruit food his Magic when it comes to strengthen the bones and promote the immune, according to many studies, the intake 3 dates daily is the best way to food for prevention of bone disease osteoporosis for example, as stated in the site " his identity". Helps to treat the problem of anemia is a problem with anemia is one of the problems that increases spread a lot, especially in the Western countries, and thanks to the amount of iron high located in the dates, this is the fruit food best for prevention of the problem with anemia and treatment. Strengthen the heart abound evidence confirm that date is food good heart, proportion of potassium high inside make eating dates useful heart, site " stiff," the many studies confirmed that eating dates reducing the risk of injury stroke, heart disease and the other. Can dates structure that help to reduce the amount of cholesterol "ldl" health, which, according to the opinion of the doctors cause of the biggest problems of the heart like a heart attack strokes. Reduce the symptoms of sensitivity contains the date on high amount of sulfur, the studies have demonstrated that the compounds sulfur-ended the ability to reduce the symptoms of sensitivity. Note that the types of dates are those of fresh
homogeneous and best way to save the dates are stored in a Bowl sealed tightly and in the dark place, what makes use it possible for a full year. - promote health digestive system: as date is the source of high-fiber food soluble and non-soluble, surely will have a role in promoting health digestive and his work, and prevention of some disorders such as: constipation, and prevention of inflammatory bowel, colon, digestive system. 2- anemia: is the date source for many of Minerals, including the iron, which has a role in the treatment of anemia output iron deficiency. 3- body: contains the date on a high percentage of carbohydrates and sugars natural such as: glucose, and fructose. Which extend the body of energy, and raise blood sugar levels, may be a snack ideal especially suitable pre-workout 4- promote health nervous system: contains a date range of vitamins, which is very important and necessary to make nervous system and brain, higher of glucose is necessary to make the brain as he was the main source of energy, as on potassium helps in the work of nerves. 5- strengthen the heart health: is the date very useful for the health of the heart, as it is the source of potassium and magnesium important work of the heart, and are essential the work of the heart, and sang dates in fiber food, makes his role in lowering cholesterol levels bad ldl in the body, making his role in the prevention of strokes and heart attack. 6- anti-inflammatory: sang dates makes him effects anti-inflammatory, such as: infections arteries, arthritis, infections digestive system. It has found some studies an important role in reducing opportunities injury and heart disease, arthritis, disease Alzheimer's. 7- control of the blood pressure: the date the source of high-potassium, which is the most important element to keep the poise fluids in the body and control of the rates of blood pressure. In addition to the magnesium, which helps to reduce blood pressure. The benefits of dates in the morning of the year in our religion true that deals with the human seven تمرات a day, as stated in saheeh Bukhari about our Prophet Holy it better peace and blessings: "of become all day seven date not hurt that day poison and charm", I have played, modern science eating dates depending on what holds of the benefits of a large back on the body, perhaps the morning and may be the best time for a date in order for several reasons: source of vitamins and Minerals important functions of your body natural simple flying levels of blood sugar source to supply the body to fibers, the necessary to enhance the work of the feeling to relax and focus. The benefits of dates in Ramadan to start eating dates as soon as اذان Morocco and after the fasting hours

daily long, as well as being a year of the Prophet peace be upon him, he also is of interest for your body is great, and enables the advantages of starting breakfast on the passing of being a: includes natural sugars simple and easy-absorption like glucose and fructose which extend your body digestion rates of blood sugar, as it is the absorption of sugars derived from it quickly in your body to receive the meals of intestinal. The benefits of dates to follow the damned many fevers download weight dependent dates depending key in dates, yogurt famous even though they diet harsh, but it has chosen dates on the other fruits, features , and in the other hand dates and high- heat source of energy, needless to sugars, making his role as well in fevers weight gain that require intake high-of heat. You and how to use the dates in both cases, whether to increase the weight or lose. Weight gain: the date it may be the best options foods that may fall within the list options diets health targeting the weight gain, in higher of carbohydrates and calories in addition to proteins and vitamins and Minerals core. Vkilo grams one of the dates extends the body approximately 3000 calories. Loss weight: it is necessary attention to content and sugar higher in the dates, but of well-known in general the takingmedicinebefore foods high to fibers will help you to increase is full of gastric thus increasing the feeling . And I found some studies relationship linking increase eating foods high in fiber and reduce the waistline. If you can use this character in the dates, within the damned healthy diet calculated calorie appropriate exploitation meal light help to increase the sense energy. Dates, diabetes, despite the fact that the date the source of high- sugars simple and fructose, as that all 100 cloud of dates and provide the body approximately 63 cloud from sugar, but could diabetics taken within the quota calculated a day, it is a pointer low (low gi), which means being an does not cause a sharp rise in the levels of blood sugar, but it works to raise a gradual Due to being a rich in fiber food, are advised to usually take the diabetic share of the date it is what convergence three beads small from the date, and within the plan food calculated. Dates, sex and found that the role in an increase the ability of sexual and treatment of the problems of infertility output for some disorders nationality, and found role in an increase the number of sperm and improve the movement. In addition to the fact that dates and provide the body sources simple necessary to supply the cells of energy, and increased dysfunction. If you are aspires to exploit the dates at this point we recommend to take the dates with milk local honey and pre-sleep, you will notice the difference

Food to increase the child's intelligence

Food to increase the child's intelligence

Every mother is interested in growing her child better and getting skills that help him to become important when he grows up, providing healthy meals for him to have healthy growth that ensures his focus and mental activity better.

In this article you will review a list of foods that help stimulate your child's intelligence and develop his skills so that you can give him a helping hand to focus on his assignments and activate his mental skills.


Fish contain a high percentage of the body's essential nutrients. It contains high levels of omega-3 fatty acids needed by the brain cells to form, which ensures that your child has a higher level of intelligence. To help your child improve his intelligence, provide weekly meals of fish It has better health and higher skills.


Red meat helps to improve the intelligence of children, as it is a great source of many elements, such as proteins and iron fibers. Red meat is also more important than red meat, because it contains high levels of nutrients needed by your child's body and mind. Because it contains a high percentage of vitamin B12, which helps to improve the level of intelligence in children, so make sure to provide red meat in a healthy manner and quantities appropriate to your kindness so that he can get the elements needed by his body to grow properly.


Eggs are a great source of cholesterol, vitamin B and proteins that help your child develop and improve his intelligence. Nutrition experts advise eggs to be fed to children to feed their bodies with nutrients. Which they need.


Many children prefer to eat nuts in general, as they are light and highly nutritious, but pistachios have many benefits in stimulating your child's skills and skills. So make sure to make pistachios for your child, either cereal or peanut butter sandwiches to feed your child and stimulate his intelligence. And skills.

the milk

Of course, milk is among the foods that you should provide your child. Many scientific studies have shown that milk has many benefits for developing children's intelligence because it is rich in fatty acids and cholesterol, especially for children not older than two years. Cholesterol at this age helps stimulate the child's nerve and brain cells Which increases the child's intelligence, so make sure to provide a daily glass of milk, especially your child's full fat, to get the amazing benefits of milk to develop your child's intelligence and mental skills.

The child must eat as many proteins as possible. Eggs are a protein-rich nutrient, and egg yolks are important for brain growth because they contain choline, which promotes and strengthens brain function. Eggs are characterized by cooking in several ways, and also presented in different forms so it is easy to integrate into the school diet of the child.


Broccoli contains antioxidants, it is rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals and thus protects the body from bowel cancer. It also contributes to the strengthening and protection of the immune system and improves the flow of blood circulation to all parts of the body, improving the performance of the heartbeat and strengthening the bones. .


Tuna is a food rich in fatty acids and the most important of these acids is the acid (Omega 3), which is an acid that helps to maintain the integrity of the body and mind alike, and that the acid is located in the brain naturally.

Milk and dairy products:

Milk and its derivatives contain calcium, proteins and vitamin D. These elements are the most important elements that provide the child with protection for his muscles, tissues, nerves and enzymes.

the bread:

For different types of bread, including toast and plain bread, which provide the child with fiber, fiber can be obtained from salty biscuits and corn chips.


Beans are an integrated meal, as it contains all the nutrients that the body always needs. These nutrients include vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C, fiber, proteins, iron and calcium. It also contains a substance called dopamine, Of the activity of the body and increase its energy.

the banana:

It is recommended that you give your child a banana every morning before going to school. The bananas contain different minerals that give energy to the body. Bananas are rich in potassium, which reduces the pain of the muscles and helps reduce blood pressure. On large amounts of fiber.

Bee's honey:

Honey is one of the most important sources of energy for the body because it contains water and carbohydrates, and is also an anti-inflammatory and viruses and therefore it gets rid of colds, so we recommend you dear mother to feed your child a tablespoon of honey every morning before going to school, or before Go to the club to practice physical and motor sports.

Aliments pour augmenter l'intelligence de l'enfant

Chaque mère que son enfant grandir mieux et d'obtenir les compétences nécessaires pour l'aider à devenir un important quand il grandit, après quoi fournir des repas sains pour lui de profiter d'une croissance saine assure sa concentration et l'activité de mon esprit les meilleurs soins.

Passez en revue votre magazine de la vie dans cette liste d'articles des aliments qui aident à activer l'intelligence de votre bébé et de développer des compétences pour Taatmkny de lui fournir Tsaeidih de se concentrer dans son école et stimuler les aptitudes mentales.


Les poissons contiennent de fortes proportions des éléments que le corps a besoin en général, car ils contiennent de grandes proportions d'acides gras du type de cellules oméga-3 cerveau nécessaires pour former ce qui assure plus le niveau d'intelligence de votre enfant, et aider votre enfant à améliorer le niveau d'intelligence offre nationale poisson hebdomadaire repas sa meilleure santé et des compétences plus élevées.


Des aliments qui sont recommandés en prévoyant votre enfant dans la viande rouge régulièrement, car ils contiennent des niveaux élevés de nutriments nécessaires à l'esprit de votre enfant et le corps, aide rouge Vallhom pour améliorer le niveau d'intelligence des enfants afin d'être considéré comme une grande source de nombreux éléments tels que les protéines et les fibres de fer, comme cela devient de la viande rouge de plus en plus importante car il contient un pourcentage élevé de vitamine B12, ce qui contribue à l'amélioration du niveau de l'intelligence chez les enfants, alors assurez-vous de fournir la viande rouge d'une manière saine et en quantités appropriées pour votre gentillesse afin qu'il puisse obtenir les éléments nécessaires à l'organisme pour se développer correctement.


Fournir des oeufs un repas de base pour votre enfant le matin avec du fromage et du lait pour obtenir votre enfant aux valeurs nutritionnelles merveilleuses contenues dans les œufs, ce qui est des oeufs une grande source de cholestérol et de la vitamine B et des protéines qui aident votre enfant les compétences Tnumeio et augmenter le niveau d'intelligence, si les experts en nutrition sont invités à fournir des œufs pour les enfants à nourrir leurs corps éléments ils ont besoin.


De préférence, de nombreux enfants mangent des noix en général, avec l'avantage d'être léger et de hautes valeurs nutritives, mais Pistache en particulier de multiples avantages pour stimuler les compétences de votre enfant et le développement des compétences, alors assurez-vous de fournir des arachides pour votre bébé soit pilules ou par le travail des sandwichs au beurre d'arachide pour l'alimentation de votre bébé et stimuler son intelligence et ses compétences.


Bien sûr, le lait tombe dans la nourriture que vous fournissez pour votre enfant, de nombreuses études scientifiques ont montré que le lait de multiples avantages pour le développement de l'intelligence des enfants, car il est riche en acides gras et de cholestérol est important pour les enfants en particulier ceux qui ne les dépasse pas deux ans, Valchollstrul à cet âge contribue à stimuler les cellules nerveuses et cérébrales d'un enfant qui travaille pour élever le niveau de l'intelligence de l'enfant, alors assurez-vous de fournir une tasse de lait par jour, en particulier du lait entier pour votre bébé pour obtenir les bienfaits du lait au développement extraordinaire de l'intelligence et les capacités mentales de votre bébé.

L'enfant doit traiter avec le plus grand des protéines, et est l'œuf des riches sources alimentaires de protéines, et le jaune d'œuf a un rôle important pour la croissance du cerveau, car il contient une substance (choline), qui travaille à promouvoir et à renforcer la performance du cerveau. Les œufs se caractérise comme cuit de plusieurs façons, et offre également diverses formes si facile à intégrer dans le régime alimentaire des enfants d'âge scolaire.


Le brocoli contient des matériaux anti-oxydants, comme il est riche en fibres, vitamines et minéraux et protège ainsi le corps d'un cancer de l'intestin, en plus de sa contribution au renforcement du système immunitaire, de protéger et d'améliorer le flux de la circulation sanguine à toutes les parties du corps qui améliore les performances de la force du rythme cardiaque et de l'os, et améliore l'humeur .


Le thon est un des acides gras riches en aliments et les plus importants de ces acides acide (oméga-3), qui est l'un des acides, ce qui contribue à maintenir l'intégrité du corps et de l'esprit à la fois, et cet acide réside dans le cerveau naturellement.


Nous savons tous à quel point le lait pour le bébé, le lait et les produits laitiers Ihton calcium, de protéines, de la vitamine D, et ces éléments est l'un des éléments les plus importants qui offrent une protection pour l'enfant à ses muscles, les tissus de son humeur et Anzimath.


Pain de différents types, y compris des toasts et du pain ordinaire, qui fournit la fibre de bébé, et de fibres peut être obtenu à partir de biscuits salés et de flocons de maïs.

Les haricots:

Bean est l'un des plats intégrés, car elle contient tous les éléments nutritifs nécessaires à l'organisme toujours, et ces nutriments: vitamine A, vitamine B, vitamine C, des fibres, des protéines, le fer et le calcium, il contient également une substance appelée (dopamine) qui favorisent de l'activité du corps et de l'énergie augmentent.


Nous vous conseillons mère chère donner à votre enfant tous les matins de la banane traitée avant d'aller à l'école, les bananes contiennent différents métaux de travail sur l'énergie pour le corps d'accorder, comme la banane est riche en potassium, ce qui réduit le sentiment des muscles de la douleur et aide à réduire le niveau de la pression artérielle à être normale, ainsi que le fait que les bananes contiennent de grandes quantités de fibres.

Miel Abeilles:

Le fils de miel des sources les plus importantes d'énergie pour le corps, car il contient de l'eau et des hydrates de carbone, et est aussi un anti-inflammatoire et les virus et donc il se débarrasse du rhume, donc, nous vous recommandons de mère chère nourrir votre cuillère pour bébé de miel tous les matins avant d'aller à l'école, ou avant il est allé au club pour pratiquer le sport physique et moteur.

Herbs to fight cancer and protect it. Herbes pour lutter contre le cancer et de protéger le

Herbs to fight cancer and protection of it

contains herbs and spices to many of the nutrients that can have the protection of the body of diseases which may be subject to her, vinsah doctors to take drinks herbs hot to cool the symptoms of influenza, cold by anti-herbs virus . As demonstrated scientific studies conducted research team at the University of Leipzig that herbs and spices ability to control the dangers of cancer, reviews Journal of your life in this article list herbs and spices, which helps in the fight against cancer and protection of it to food the health of the ideal and free of diseases. Ginger long ago, ginger, is a cure popularly treat colds and constipation to fit the articles of anti-oxidation assist in the treatment of these diseases relieve symptoms annoying, and can be eating ginger ground on the spices be added to foods different to give her taste great and unique, as can be eating ginger fresh to provide comfort stomach, and helps eating ginger in the protection of infections cancer different especially gastric cancer, colon. Rosemary is Rosemary otherwise known as "rose Marie" of herbs Mediterranean Wood and one of the best sources of natural materials and anti-, is used to this grass in many of the Italian dishes where can add sauces different, it also helps Rosemary on detoxification of the body and treatment of the problem of indigestion, loss of appetite, and can be protection of diseases cancer by taking a Cup of tea Rosemary a day to keep the safety of the body and protection of the dangers that may exposed. Turmeric is turmeric a family-ginger herbal on behalf of Curry, which uses chefs professionals in the preparation of diets in restaurants luxury لنكهته delicious, has been proven to this compound the characteristics of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory, likely to be a protection against the evolution of cancer, including the colon, prostate, breast cancer, and skin cancer. Chili is chili of foods that help in the treatment of some pain, he discovered researchers to eat chili helps to the secretion of the body chemicals is working to reduce the feeling of pain وتسكينها, this does not mean put chili the affected areas pain this is it may increases the severity of the pain, but consult your doctor specialist to use drugs creams localized contain some elements taken from the chili pain, of infections cancer you can assessment address the meals with proper amount of Red pepper and tafrti in quantity added for meals in order effects of negative Red on the health of the body. Mint use Mint since the thousands of years as a means of ease of the problems of digestive system where the ease of gases and treatment indigestion colic, diarrhea, and improve the flow of yellow, as a Mint to protect the body of cancer, so advised to doctors to take a Cup of tea added his Mint a day or take a Cup of drink Mint hot, proved scientific studies that Mint helps to reduce the problem of sores mouth painful that can occur of chemotherapy

Herbes pour lutter contre le cancer et de protéger le

Herbes et épices contiennent de nombreux nutriments qui peuvent protéger le corps contre les maladies qui peuvent être exposés, les médecins sont invités à manger des boissons à base d'herbes chaudes pour soulager la grippe et les symptômes du rhume par le virus de contrôle des mauvaises herbes qui provoque la grippe.

Des études scientifiques menées par une équipe de recherche à l'Université de Leipzig a également montré que la capacité des herbes et des épices pour lutter contre les dangers du cancer, et passez en revue votre magazine de la vie dans cette liste d'articles d'herbes et d'épices qui aident dans la lutte contre le cancer et à la protection de celui-ci à ajouter aux repas alimentaires et Tnama santé idéal et sans maladie.


Il y a longtemps et le gingembre est un traitement populaire pour le traitement du rhume et de la constipation, car il contient l'aide d'oxydation anti-matière dans le traitement de ces maladies et soulager les symptômes lancinante, peut être l'apport de gingembre moulu sous la forme d'épices ajoutées à différents aliments pour lui donner un goût merveilleux et unique, comme le gingembre manger frais pour offrir un confort estomac et aide à manger du gingembre protéger contre diverses maladies, notamment le cancer de l'estomac et le cancer du côlon.


Le romarin est également connu comme le « Mary Rose » d'herbes bois méditerranéen et l'une des meilleures sources naturelles de matériaux, anti-oxydation et utilisé cette herbe dans de nombreux plats italiens où il peut être ajouté à des sauces soupe et divers, aussi il aide le romarin à éliminer les toxines du corps et de traiter le problème de l'indigestion perte d'appétit, et peuvent être protégés contre l'incidence du cancer en mangeant une tasse de thé de romarin par jour pour maintenir l'intégrité du corps et le protéger contre les dangers qui pourraient être exposés.


Est considéré comme le curcuma membre du gingembre à base de plantes connu comme le curry utilisé par des chefs professionnels dans la préparation des repas dans les restaurants de luxe et délicieux pour sa famille saveur, ce composé a des propriétés anti-oxydantes éprouvée et des propriétés anti-inflammatoires, et est susceptible d'être protégé contre le développement du cancer, y compris du côlon, de la prostate et le cancer du sein , et le cancer de la peau.


Est-ce chili des aliments qui aident à traiter certains de la douleur, et ont découvert des chercheurs que manger le piment aide la sécrétion de produits chimiques du corps travaillent pour soulager la sensation de douleur et cantonnement, et ce que cela peut augmenter signifie pas mis du piment sur les zones touchées de la douleur, la gravité de la douleur, mais consulter un médecin spécialiste pour utiliser les médicaments et les crèmes contiennent topiques certains éléments de chili pour soulager la douleur, et de protéger contre les infections de cancer, vous pouvez évaluer manger des repas qui contiennent une quantité de piment rouge approprié de ne pas Tafrti la quantité ajoutée pour les repas de manière à influencer S poivron rouge négatif sur la santé du corps.


Utilisez la menthe pour des milliers d'années comme un moyen de soulager les problèmes digestifs où la réduction des gaz et de traiter l'indigestion, les coliques, la diarrhée, et d'améliorer l'écoulement de la bile, comme la menthe poivrée fonctionne pour protéger le corps contre le cancer, afin que les médecins recommandent de manger une tasse de thé ajouté un jour à la menthe ou une tasse de menthe boisson études chaudes, scientifiques ont montré que la menthe poivrée aide à atténuer le problème des plaies douloureuses de la bouche qui peuvent se produire à partir de la chimiothérapie et la radiothérapie.

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The benefits of Peel lemon

The benefits of Peel lemon

Lemons are a favorite all over the world and an essential kitchen staple. Plus, they’re one of those foods that you can use every bit of – from the flesh to the peels.

Lemon peels contain a wide range of vitamins, minerals and fiber that provide a nutritional boost. In fact, compared to lemon juice, the peels have more vitamins C and A, beta-carotene, folate, calcium, magnesium and potassium, to name a few.

The peels are even refreshing and smell divine, and can add flavor and aroma to foods and drinks. They also offer skin as well as common household cleaning benefits

1. Improve Your Skin Health

Lemon peel has many skin benefits. The acid in it can help enhance the clarity, glow and softness of your skin.

Plus, lemon peels are great for exfoliating to remove dead skin cells and stimulate new skin growth. They can also be helpful for those with acne.

You can choose from various methods to reap the benefits.

You can rub fresh lemon peel all over your face. Wait 10 minutes, then rinse it off with lukewarm water. Do it 3 or 4 times a week to enjoy smooth and bright skin.
Dry your leftover lemon peels in the sun for a few days. Put the dried lemon peels in the blender into a coarse powder. Mix 1 cup of this crumbly mix with ½ cup of sugar and enough olive oil and honey to make a paste. Gently rub this homemade scrub on your damp skin for a few minutes, then leave it on for 15 minutes before rinsing it off to get soft and glowing skin.
Grind dried lemon peel into a powder, then add a little water to make a paste. Apply it on the acne-affected area. Leave it on for 10 minutes, then rinse it off with lukewarm water. Repeat once daily.
Massage leftover lemon peels on your hands, elbows and heels to rejuvenate and lighten the skin as well as tighten the pores.

2. Make Lemon Peel Tea

Instead of throwing away the peel, you can use it to make tasty and healthy homemade tea.

Packed with vitamin C and antioxidants, lemon peels can help improve digestion, reduce weight, balance your pH levels, boost the immune system, and offer liver-toning benefits, among others

It’s easy to make the tea.

Put 1 tablespoon of thinly cut lemon peels (remove the white pith) in a cup.
Pour some boiling water over the peels.
Cover and allow it to steep for 10 minutes.
Strain the liquid.
Add some honey and stir thoroughly.
Drink the tea while it is still warm.
3. Keep Your Home Ant-Free

Dealing with ants is a frustrating and tiring task. Now, you can make your kitchen and other areas of your house ant-proof with the help of lemon peels.

The sweet, lemony smell deters ants. Also, the acidic property masks the scent trails that their ant friends follow when finding their way into your home.

Cut lemon peels into small pieces.
Place these pieces in windowsills, door entrances and any sorts of cracks to prevent pests and ants from getting in.
Replace the lemon peels every few days until you are satisfied with your efforts.
4. Make a DIY All-Purpose Cleaner

Lemon peel can also be used as an all-purpose cleaner. Its acidic property makes it an awesome element for cutting through grease and disinfecting items.

It is particularly effective at cleaning glass windows, mirrors and showerheads, and other household surfaces.

Throw a few handfuls of washed, chopped lemon peels into a clean glass jar half way.
Pour white vinegar into the jar until the peels are completely covered.
Put the lid on and keep the jar on a sunny windowsill for 2 to 3 weeks, shaking it occasionally.
Pour the mixture through a mesh strainer or a cheesecloth.
Transfer the lemony liquid into a clean spray bottle.
Use your homemade lemon cleanser as you would use any other all-purpose cleaner. You can also dilute it with an equal amount of water and then use it.
Note: Do not use this cleaner on porous surfaces like granite and marble.

5. Make Homemade Lemon Pepper Seasoning

Whether you are preparing chicken wings, pasta, grilled veggies or roasted potatoes, you can enhance the taste with homemade lemon pepper seasoning.

The savory blend of salt, zesty lemon peel and freshly cracked black pepper is all that you need to take your culinary skills to new levels.

Preheat your oven on the lowest possible setting.
Using a zester or vegetable peeler, remove the yellow part from the outside of 4 or 5 lemons.
Coarsely grind ¼ cup of black peppercorns.
In a small bowl, thoroughly mix together the crushed pepper and lemon zest.
Spread the mixture evenly on a baking sheet.
Bake it on low until the mixture is dry.
Add ¼ cup of sea salt to the mixture.
Store it in an airtight container and use as needed.
This homemade seasoning will last for up to 6 months.

Even without adding the pepper, you can use lemon zest to flavor both sweet and savory dishes.

6. Brighten Yellow Nails and Teeth

No matter how beautifully you cut and shape your nails, if they have a yellowish tinge you’ll be reaching for some nail polish. But it’s important to give your nails a break from the polish, as they need air to breathe and remain healthy.

To brighten yellow nails, lemon peel is one of the best secrets. The acidic property of the peels helps reduce discoloration. In addition, it is effective in treating nail infections that may be causing the discoloration.

Soak your nails in warm water for 10 minutes.
Rub each of your nails with fresh lemon peels for 20 to 30 seconds.
Rinse your nails with water.
Use this treatment twice daily until your nails are no longer discolored.
You can also use fresh lemon peels to reduce the yellow tinge accumulated on your teeth. Its bleaching property helps reduce teeth staining, especially smoking stains.

Rub lemon peel over your teeth for 2 to 3 minutes.
Rinse your teeth and mouth thoroughly with lukewarm water.
Do this twice daily until you are satisfied with the


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How to Raise a Child

How to Raise a Child

No one would argue that raising children of character demands time and big effort. While having children may be doing what comes naturally, being a good parent is much more complicated. If you want to know how to raise a child, follow these steps

How to Raise a Child
No one would argue that raising children of character demands time and big effort. While having children may be doing what comes naturally, being a good parent is much more complicated. If you want to know how to raise a child, follow these steps.

Part One of Four:
Developing a Healthy Routine
Image titled Raise a Child Step 1
Put parenting first. This is hard to do in a world with so many competing demands. Good parents consciously plan and devote time to parenting. They make developing their child’s character their top priority. Once you're a parent, you have to learn to put your priorities below your children's, and to make the sacrifice to spending more of your day caring for them than you do caring for yourself. Of course, you shouldn't neglect yourself completely, but you should get accustomed to the idea of putting your child's needs first.
If you have a spouse, then you can take turns caring for the child so each of you can have some "me time."
When you plan your weekly routine, your child's needs should be your primary focus

How to Raise a Child
No one would argue that raising children of character demands time and big effort. While having children may be doing what comes naturally, being a good parent is much more complicated. If you want to know how to raise a child, follow these steps.

Part One of Four:
Developing a Healthy Routine
Image titled Raise a Child Step 1
Put parenting first. This is hard to do in a world with so many competing demands. Good parents consciously plan and devote time to parenting. They make developing their child’s character their top priority. Once you're a parent, you have to learn to put your priorities below your children's, and to make the sacrifice to spending more of your day caring for them than you do caring for yourself. Of course, you shouldn't neglect yourself completely, but you should get accustomed to the idea of putting your child's needs first.
If you have a spouse, then you can take turns caring for the child so each of you can have some "me time."
When you plan your weekly routine, your child's needs should be your primary focus.
Image titled Raise a Child Step 2
Read to your child every day. Your 15 year old will particular appreciate this. Helping to nurture a love for the written word will help your child to develop a love for reading later on. Set a time for reading for your child every day -- typically around bedtime or nap time. Spend at least half an hour to an hour reading to your child each day, if not more. Not only will your child develop a love for words, but your child will have a better chance of both academic and behavioral success. Studies show that children that were read to on a daily basis demonstrate less bad behavior in school.[1]
Once your child starts learning to read or write, let your child take over. Don't correct his or her mistakes every two seconds, or your child will get discouraged

Eat dinner as a family. One of the most dangerous trends in the modern family is the dying of the family meal. The dinner table is not only a place of sustenance and family business but also a place for the teaching and passing on of our values. Manners and rules are subtly absorbed over the table. Family mealtime should communicate and sustain ideals that children will draw on throughout their lives.[2]
If your child is a picky eater, don't spend dinner time criticizing your child's eating habits and watching what he or she doesn't eat like a hawk. This will lead your child to have a negative association with family meals.
Get your child involved in the meal. Dinner will be more fun if your child "helps" you pick out food at the grocery store or helps you set up the table or to do small food-related tasks, such as washing the vegetables you will cook. An older child can obviously handle more than vegetable washing. Involve all the family in menu planning for the family.
Keep dinner conversation open and light. Don't give your child the third-degree. Simply ask, "How was your day?"
Check out the article Make Time for Family Dinners

Set a strict bedtime routine. Though your child doesn't have to go to bed during the same five-minute stretch every single night, you should set a bedtime routine that your child can follow and stick to it. Studies show that children's cognitive abilities can drop two full grade levels after just one missed hour of sleep, so it's important that they get as much rest as they can before you send them to school.[3]
Your routine should include some winding-down time. Turn off the TV, music, or any electronics, and either talk to your child softly in bed or read to him.
Don't give your child sugary snacks right before bed or it'll be harder to get him to sleep

Encourage your child to develop skills each week. Though you don't have to sign your child up for ten different activities each week, you should find at least one or two activities that your child loves to do and incorporate them into your child's weekly routine. This can be anything from soccer to art class -- it really doesn't matter, as long as your child shows a talent or a love for something. Tell your child what a great job he's doing and encourage him to keep going.
Taking your child to different lessons will also help him or her socialize with other children.
Don't get lazy. If your child complains that she doesn't want to go to piano lessons, but you know she likes it deep down, don't give in just because you don't feel like driving over there

Give your child enough play time every day. "Play time" does not mean having your child sit in front of the TV and suck on a building block while you do the dishes. "Play time" means letting your child sit in his room or play area and to actively engage with stimulating toys while you help him explore their possibilities. Though you may be tired, it's important that you show your child the benefits of playing with his toys so he gets the stimulation he needs and so he learns to play with them on his own.
It doesn't matter if you don't have 80 million toys for your child to play with. It's the quality, not the quantity of the toys that counts. And you may find that your child's favorite toy of the month is an empty toilet paper roll.

Learn to listen to your children. Influencing their lives is one of the greatest things you can do. It is easy to tune out our children, and a miss an opportunity for meaningful guidance. If you never listen to your children and spend all of your time barking orders at them, they won't feel respected or cared for.
Encourage your children to talk. Helping them express themselves early on can help them communicate successfully in the future.

How to Raise a Child
No one would argue that raising children of character demands time and big effort. While having children may be doing what comes naturally, being a good parent is much more complicated. If you want to know how to raise a child, follow these steps.

Part One of Four:
Developing a Healthy Routine
Image titled Raise a Child Step 1
Put parenting first. This is hard to do in a world with so many competing demands. Good parents consciously plan and devote time to parenting. They make developing their child’s character their top priority. Once you're a parent, you have to learn to put your priorities below your children's, and to make the sacrifice to spending more of your day caring for them than you do caring for yourself. Of course, you shouldn't neglect yourself completely, but you should get accustomed to the idea of putting your child's needs first.
If you have a spouse, then you can take turns caring for the child so each of you can have some "me time."
When you plan your weekly routine, your child's needs should be your primary focus.
Image titled Raise a Child Step 2
Read to your child every day. Your 15 year old will particular appreciate this. Helping to nurture a love for the written word will help your child to develop a love for reading later on. Set a time for reading for your child every day -- typically around bedtime or nap time. Spend at least half an hour to an hour reading to your child each day, if not more. Not only will your child develop a love for words, but your child will have a better chance of both academic and behavioral success. Studies show that children that were read to on a daily basis demonstrate less bad behavior in school.[1]
Once your child starts learning to read or write, let your child take over. Don't correct his or her mistakes every two seconds, or your child will get discouraged.
Image titled Raise a Child Step 3
Eat dinner as a family. One of the most dangerous trends in the modern family is the dying of the family meal. The dinner table is not only a place of sustenance and family business but also a place for the teaching and passing on of our values. Manners and rules are subtly absorbed over the table. Family mealtime should communicate and sustain ideals that children will draw on throughout their lives.[2]
If your child is a picky eater, don't spend dinner time criticizing your child's eating habits and watching what he or she doesn't eat like a hawk. This will lead your child to have a negative association with family meals.
Get your child involved in the meal. Dinner will be more fun if your child "helps" you pick out food at the grocery store or helps you set up the table or to do small food-related tasks, such as washing the vegetables you will cook. An older child can obviously handle more than vegetable washing. Involve all the family in menu planning for the family.
Keep dinner conversation open and light. Don't give your child the third-degree. Simply ask, "How was your day?"
Check out the article Make Time for Family Dinners
Image titled Raise a Child Step 4
Set a strict bedtime routine. Though your child doesn't have to go to bed during the same five-minute stretch every single night, you should set a bedtime routine that your child can follow and stick to it. Studies show that children's cognitive abilities can drop two full grade levels after just one missed hour of sleep, so it's important that they get as much rest as they can before you send them to school.[3]
Your routine should include some winding-down time. Turn off the TV, music, or any electronics, and either talk to your child softly in bed or read to him.
Don't give your child sugary snacks right before bed or it'll be harder to get him to sleep.
Image titled Raise a Child Step 5
Encourage your child to develop skills each week. Though you don't have to sign your child up for ten different activities each week, you should find at least one or two activities that your child loves to do and incorporate them into your child's weekly routine. This can be anything from soccer to art class -- it really doesn't matter, as long as your child shows a talent or a love for something. Tell your child what a great job he's doing and encourage him to keep going.
Taking your child to different lessons will also help him or her socialize with other children.
Don't get lazy. If your child complains that she doesn't want to go to piano lessons, but you know she likes it deep down, don't give in just because you don't feel like driving over there.
Image titled Raise a Child Step 6
Give your child enough play time every day. "Play time" does not mean having your child sit in front of the TV and suck on a building block while you do the dishes. "Play time" means letting your child sit in his room or play area and to actively engage with stimulating toys while you help him explore their possibilities. Though you may be tired, it's important that you show your child the benefits of playing with his toys so he gets the stimulation he needs and so he learns to play with them on his own.
It doesn't matter if you don't have 80 million toys for your child to play with. It's the quality, not the quantity of the toys that counts. And you may find that your child's favorite toy of the month is an empty toilet paper roll.

Part Two of Four:
Loving Your Child
Image titled Raise a Child Step 7
Learn to listen to your children. Influencing their lives is one of the greatest things you can do. It is easy to tune out our children, and a miss an opportunity for meaningful guidance. If you never listen to your children and spend all of your time barking orders at them, they won't feel respected or cared for.
Encourage your children to talk. Helping them express themselves early on can help them communicate successfully in the future.
Image titled Raise a Child Step 8
Treat your child with respect. Don't ever forget that your child is a living, breathing human being who has needs and wants just like the rest of us. If your child is a picky eater, don't nag him constantly at the dinner table; if he's slow to potty train, don't embarrass him by talking about it in public; if you promised your child you'd take him to the movies if he was good, don't take back your promise because you're too tired.[4]
If you respect your child, then it's much more likely that your child will respect you back.

Know that you can never love your child too much. It's a myth that loving your child "too much," praising your child "too much," or showering your child with "too much" affection can make your child spoiled rotten. Giving your child love, affection, and attention will positively encourage your child to develop as a human being. Giving your child toys instead of love, or not reprimanding your child for bad behavior is what will lead you to spoil your child.
Tell your child how much you love him at least once a day -
but preferably, as often as you ca

How to Raise a Child
No one would argue that raising children of character demands time and big effort. While having children may be doing what comes naturally, being a good parent is much more complicated. If you want to know how to raise a child, follow these steps.

Part One of Four:
Developing a Healthy Routine
Image titled Raise a Child Step 1
Put parenting first. This is hard to do in a world with so many competing demands. Good parents consciously plan and devote time to parenting. They make developing their child’s character their top priority. Once you're a parent, you have to learn to put your priorities below your children's, and to make the sacrifice to spending more of your day caring for them than you do caring for yourself. Of course, you shouldn't neglect yourself completely, but you should get accustomed to the idea of putting your child's needs first.
If you have a spouse, then you can take turns caring for the child so each of you can have some "me time."
When you plan your weekly routine, your child's needs should be your primary focus.
Image titled Raise a Child Step 2
Read to your child every day. Your 15 year old will particular appreciate this. Helping to nurture a love for the written word will help your child to develop a love for reading later on. Set a time for reading for your child every day -- typically around bedtime or nap time. Spend at least half an hour to an hour reading to your child each day, if not more. Not only will your child develop a love for words, but your child will have a better chance of both academic and behavioral success. Studies show that children that were read to on a daily basis demonstrate less bad behavior in school.[1]
Once your child starts learning to read or write, let your child take over. Don't correct his or her mistakes every two seconds, or your child will get discouraged.
Image titled Raise a Child Step 3
Eat dinner as a family. One of the most dangerous trends in the modern family is the dying of the family meal. The dinner table is not only a place of sustenance and family business but also a place for the teaching and passing on of our values. Manners and rules are subtly absorbed over the table. Family mealtime should communicate and sustain ideals that children will draw on throughout their lives.[2]
If your child is a picky eater, don't spend dinner time criticizing your child's eating habits and watching what he or she doesn't eat like a hawk. This will lead your child to have a negative association with family meals.
Get your child involved in the meal. Dinner will be more fun if your child "helps" you pick out food at the grocery store or helps you set up the table or to do small food-related tasks, such as washing the vegetables you will cook. An older child can obviously handle more than vegetable washing. Involve all the family in menu planning for the family.
Keep dinner conversation open and light. Don't give your child the third-degree. Simply ask, "How was your day?"
Check out the article Make Time for Family Dinners
Image titled Raise a Child Step 4
Set a strict bedtime routine. Though your child doesn't have to go to bed during the same five-minute stretch every single night, you should set a bedtime routine that your child can follow and stick to it. Studies show that children's cognitive abilities can drop two full grade levels after just one missed hour of sleep, so it's important that they get as much rest as they can before you send them to school.[3]
Your routine should include some winding-down time. Turn off the TV, music, or any electronics, and either talk to your child softly in bed or read to him.
Don't give your child sugary snacks right before bed or it'll be harder to get him to sleep.
Image titled Raise a Child Step 5
Encourage your child to develop skills each week. Though you don't have to sign your child up for ten different activities each week, you should find at least one or two activities that your child loves to do and incorporate them into your child's weekly routine. This can be anything from soccer to art class -- it really doesn't matter, as long as your child shows a talent or a love for something. Tell your child what a great job he's doing and encourage him to keep going.
Taking your child to different lessons will also help him or her socialize with other children.
Don't get lazy. If your child complains that she doesn't want to go to piano lessons, but you know she likes it deep down, don't give in just because you don't feel like driving over there.
Image titled Raise a Child Step 6
Give your child enough play time every day. "Play time" does not mean having your child sit in front of the TV and suck on a building block while you do the dishes. "Play time" means letting your child sit in his room or play area and to actively engage with stimulating toys while you help him explore their possibilities. Though you may be tired, it's important that you show your child the benefits of playing with his toys so he gets the stimulation he needs and so he learns to play with them on his own.
It doesn't matter if you don't have 80 million toys for your child to play with. It's the quality, not the quantity of the toys that counts. And you may find that your child's favorite toy of the month is an empty toilet paper roll.

Part Two of Four:
Loving Your Child
Image titled Raise a Child Step 7
Learn to listen to your children. Influencing their lives is one of the greatest things you can do. It is easy to tune out our children, and a miss an opportunity for meaningful guidance. If you never listen to your children and spend all of your time barking orders at them, they won't feel respected or cared for.
Encourage your children to talk. Helping them express themselves early on can help them communicate successfully in the future.
Image titled Raise a Child Step 8
Treat your child with respect. Don't ever forget that your child is a living, breathing human being who has needs and wants just like the rest of us. If your child is a picky eater, don't nag him constantly at the dinner table; if he's slow to potty train, don't embarrass him by talking about it in public; if you promised your child you'd take him to the movies if he was good, don't take back your promise because you're too tired.[4]
If you respect your child, then it's much more likely that your child will respect you back.
Image titled Raise a Child Step 9
Know that you can never love your child too much. It's a myth that loving your child "too much," praising your child "too much," or showering your child with "too much" affection can make your child spoiled rotten. Giving your child love, affection, and attention will positively encourage your child to develop as a human being. Giving your child toys instead of love, or not reprimanding your child for bad behavior is what will lead you to spoil your child.
Tell your child how much you love him at least once a day -- but preferably, as often as you can.
Image titled Raise a Child Step 10
Be involved in your child's daily life. It will take effort and strength to be there for your child every day, but if you want to encourage your child to develop his own interests and character, you have to create a strong support system for him. This doesn't mean you have to follow your child around every second of the day, but it does mean that you have to be there for all of the little moments, from his first soccer game to family time at the beach.
Once your child starts school, you should know what classes he's taking and the names of his teachers. Go over your child's homework with him and help him with any difficult tasks, but do not do it for him.
As your child gets older, you can start pulling back a bit, and encouraging your child to explore his interests without you by his side all the time.

Encourage independence. You can still be there for your child while encouraging him to explore his own interests. Don't tell your child which lessons to take; let him pick from a variety of options. You can help dress your child, but go clothes shopping together with your child, so he has some say in his appearance. And if your child wants to play with his friends or to play with his toys by himself without you there, let him build his own identity from time to time.[5]
If you encourage independence early on, your child will be much more likely to think for himself as an adult.

Know that children need limits. They will ignore these limits on occasion. Reasonable punishment is one of the ways human beings have always learned. Children must understand what punishment is for and know that its source is parental love.
As a parent, you will need cognitive tools if you are to adjust unwanted behaviours. Instead of making up a confusing, non-related punishment like, "If you ride your tricycle into the street, you will have to balance this book on your head," withdraw a privilege. The child must naturally connect the privilege withdrawal with the behavior: "If you ride your tricycle into the street, you lose the use of your tricycle for the rest of the day."
Don't use violent forms of punishment, such as spanking or hitting. Children who are spanked or hit aren't any more likely to listen. Parents should never hit a child, under any circumstances. Children who are spanked, hit, or slapped are more prone to fighting with other children. They are more likely to be bullies and more likely to use aggression to solve disputes with others.[6] Children exposed to family violence are also more likely to develop Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.

How to Raise a Child
No one would argue that raising children of character demands time and big effort. While having children may be doing what comes naturally, being a good parent is much more complicated. If you want to know how to raise a child, follow these steps.

Part One of Four:
Developing a Healthy Routine
Image titled Raise a Child Step 1
Put parenting first. This is hard to do in a world with so many competing demands. Good parents consciously plan and devote time to parenting. They make developing their child’s character their top priority. Once you're a parent, you have to learn to put your priorities below your children's, and to make the sacrifice to spending more of your day caring for them than you do caring for yourself. Of course, you shouldn't neglect yourself completely, but you should get accustomed to the idea of putting your child's needs first.
If you have a spouse, then you can take turns caring for the child so each of you can have some "me time."
When you plan your weekly routine, your child's needs should be your primary focus.
Image titled Raise a Child Step 2
Read to your child every day. Your 15 year old will particular appreciate this. Helping to nurture a love for the written word will help your child to develop a love for reading later on. Set a time for reading for your child every day -- typically around bedtime or nap time. Spend at least half an hour to an hour reading to your child each day, if not more. Not only will your child develop a love for words, but your child will have a better chance of both academic and behavioral success. Studies show that children that were read to on a daily basis demonstrate less bad behavior in school.[1]
Once your child starts learning to read or write, let your child take over. Don't correct his or her mistakes every two seconds, or your child will get discouraged.
Image titled Raise a Child Step 3
Eat dinner as a family. One of the most dangerous trends in the modern family is the dying of the family meal. The dinner table is not only a place of sustenance and family business but also a place for the teaching and passing on of our values. Manners and rules are subtly absorbed over the table. Family mealtime should communicate and sustain ideals that children will draw on throughout their lives.[2]
If your child is a picky eater, don't spend dinner time criticizing your child's eating habits and watching what he or she doesn't eat like a hawk. This will lead your child to have a negative association with family meals.
Get your child involved in the meal. Dinner will be more fun if your child "helps" you pick out food at the grocery store or helps you set up the table or to do small food-related tasks, such as washing the vegetables you will cook. An older child can obviously handle more than vegetable washing. Involve all the family in menu planning for the family.
Keep dinner conversation open and light. Don't give your child the third-degree. Simply ask, "How was your day?"
Check out the article Make Time for Family Dinners
Image titled Raise a Child Step 4
Set a strict bedtime routine. Though your child doesn't have to go to bed during the same five-minute stretch every single night, you should set a bedtime routine that your child can follow and stick to it. Studies show that children's cognitive abilities can drop two full grade levels after just one missed hour of sleep, so it's important that they get as much rest as they can before you send them to school.[3]
Your routine should include some winding-down time. Turn off the TV, music, or any electronics, and either talk to your child softly in bed or read to him.
Don't give your child sugary snacks right before bed or it'll be harder to get him to sleep.
Image titled Raise a Child Step 5
Encourage your child to develop skills each week. Though you don't have to sign your child up for ten different activities each week, you should find at least one or two activities that your child loves to do and incorporate them into your child's weekly routine. This can be anything from soccer to art class -- it really doesn't matter, as long as your child shows a talent or a love for something. Tell your child what a great job he's doing and encourage him to keep going.
Taking your child to different lessons will also help him or her socialize with other children.
Don't get lazy. If your child complains that she doesn't want to go to piano lessons, but you know she likes it deep down, don't give in just because you don't feel like driving over there.
Image titled Raise a Child Step 6
Give your child enough play time every day. "Play time" does not mean having your child sit in front of the TV and suck on a building block while you do the dishes. "Play time" means letting your child sit in his room or play area and to actively engage with stimulating toys while you help him explore their possibilities. Though you may be tired, it's important that you show your child the benefits of playing with his toys so he gets the stimulation he needs and so he learns to play with them on his own.
It doesn't matter if you don't have 80 million toys for your child to play with. It's the quality, not the quantity of the toys that counts. And you may find that your child's favorite toy of the month is an empty toilet paper roll.

Part Two of Four:
Loving Your Child
Image titled Raise a Child Step 7
Learn to listen to your children. Influencing their lives is one of the greatest things you can do. It is easy to tune out our children, and a miss an opportunity for meaningful guidance. If you never listen to your children and spend all of your time barking orders at them, they won't feel respected or cared for.
Encourage your children to talk. Helping them express themselves early on can help them communicate successfully in the future.
Image titled Raise a Child Step 8
Treat your child with respect. Don't ever forget that your child is a living, breathing human being who has needs and wants just like the rest of us. If your child is a picky eater, don't nag him constantly at the dinner table; if he's slow to potty train, don't embarrass him by talking about it in public; if you promised your child you'd take him to the movies if he was good, don't take back your promise because you're too tired.[4]
If you respect your child, then it's much more likely that your child will respect you back.
Image titled Raise a Child Step 9
Know that you can never love your child too much. It's a myth that loving your child "too much," praising your child "too much," or showering your child with "too much" affection can make your child spoiled rotten. Giving your child love, affection, and attention will positively encourage your child to develop as a human being. Giving your child toys instead of love, or not reprimanding your child for bad behavior is what will lead you to spoil your child.
Tell your child how much you love him at least once a day -- but preferably, as often as you can.
Image titled Raise a Child Step 10
Be involved in your child's daily life. It will take effort and strength to be there for your child every day, but if you want to encourage your child to develop his own interests and character, you have to create a strong support system for him. This doesn't mean you have to follow your child around every second of the day, but it does mean that you have to be there for all of the little moments, from his first soccer game to family time at the beach.
Once your child starts school, you should know what classes he's taking and the names of his teachers. Go over your child's homework with him and help him with any difficult tasks, but do not do it for him.
As your child gets older, you can start pulling back a bit, and encouraging your child to explore his interests without you by his side all the time.
Image titled Raise a Child Step 11
Encourage independence. You can still be there for your child while encouraging him to explore his own interests. Don't tell your child which lessons to take; let him pick from a variety of options. You can help dress your child, but go clothes shopping together with your child, so he has some say in his appearance. And if your child wants to play with his friends or to play with his toys by himself without you there, let him build his own identity from time to time.[5]
If you encourage independence early on, your child will be much more likely to think for himself as an adult.

Part Three of Four:
Disciplining Your Child
Image titled Raise a Child Step 12
Know that children need limits. They will ignore these limits on occasion. Reasonable punishment is one of the ways human beings have always learned. Children must understand what punishment is for and know that its source is parental love.
As a parent, you will need cognitive tools if you are to adjust unwanted behaviours. Instead of making up a confusing, non-related punishment like, "If you ride your tricycle into the street, you will have to balance this book on your head," withdraw a privilege. The child must naturally connect the privilege withdrawal with the behavior: "If you ride your tricycle into the street, you lose the use of your tricycle for the rest of the day."
Don't use violent forms of punishment, such as spanking or hitting. Children who are spanked or hit aren't any more likely to listen. Parents should never hit a child, under any circumstances. Children who are spanked, hit, or slapped are more prone to fighting with other children. They are more likely to be bullies and more likely to use aggression to solve disputes with others.[6] Children exposed to family violence are also more likely to develop Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. [7].
Image titled Raise a Child Step 13
Reward your child for good behavior. Rewarding your child for good behavior is even more important than punishing your child for bad behavior. Letting your child know when he or she is doing something right will encourage the behavior in the future. If your child behaved well, from sharing his toys at a play date to being patient during a car ride, then let him know you noticed his good behavior; don't just say nothing when your child behaves well and punish him when he does not.
Don't underestimate the importance of praising your child for good behavior. Saying, "I'm so proud of you for..." can make your child feel that his good behavior is really appreciated.
You can give your child toys or treats from time to time, but don't make your child think that he deserves a toy any time he does something good.
Image titled Raise a Child Step 14
Be consistent. If you want to discipline your child effectively, then you have to be consistent. You can't punish your child for doing something one day, and then give him candy to stop doing it another day, or even say nothing because you're too tired to put up a fight. And if your child does something good, like using the bathroom correctly during potty training, make sure you praise your child every time. Consistency is what reinforces good and bad behavior.
If you and a spouse are raising your child together, then you should be a united front against your children, using the same disciplinary methods. There should be no "good cop, bad cop" routine in your home.

Explain your rules. If you really want your child to recognize your disciplinary methods, then you have to be able to explain why your child can't do certain things. Do not just tell him not to be mean to other children, or to clean up his toys; tell him why this behavior will be good for him, for you, and for society at large. Making a connection between your child's actions and what they mean will help your child understand your decision-making process.

Teach your child to take responsibility for his actions. This is an important part of disciplining your child and building his character. If he does something wrong, like throwing his food on the ground, make sure he owns up to the behavior and explains why he did it, instead of blaming it on someone else or even denying it. After your child does something naughty, have a conversation about why it happened.
It's important for your child to know that everyone makes mistakes. The mistake isn't as important as the way your child reacts to it.

Do not reduce character education to words alone. We gain virtue through practice. Parents should help children by promoting moral action through self-discipline, good work habits, kind and considerate behavior to others, and community service. The bottom line in character development is behavior--their behavior. If your child is too young for real humanitarian behavior, you can always teach your child to be kind toward others, no matter his age

Be a good role model. Face it: human beings learn primarily through modeling. In fact, you can’t avoid being an example to your children, whether good or bad. Being a good example, then, is probably your most important job. If you yell at your child and then tell her never to yell, kick the wall when you're angry, or make mean comments about your neighbors, your child will think that this behavior is okay.[8]
Start being a good role model from day one. Your child will be aware of your moods and behavior earlier than you think.

Develop an ear and an eye for what your children are absorbing. Children are like sponges. Much of what they take in has to do with moral values and character. Books, songs, TV, the Internet, and films are continually delivering messages—moral and immoral—to our children. As parents we must control the flow of ideas and images that are influencing our children.
If you and your child see something upsetting, such as two people in an argument at the grocery store or a clip about violence on the news, don't miss the opportunity to talk about it with your child.

Teach good manners. Teaching your child to say "Thank you," and "please," and to treat others with a baseline of respect will go a long way in helping them succeed in the future. Don't underestimate the power of teaching your child to be kind to adults, to respect their elders, and to avoid fighting with or picking on other children. Good manners will follow your children for the rest of their lives, and you should start modeling it as soon as possible.
One crucial aspect of good manners is cleaning up after yourself. Teach your child to clean up after his own toys when he's three, and he'll make a great house guest when he's twenty-three.

How to Raise a Child
No one would argue that raising children of character demands time and big effort. While having children may be doing what comes naturally, being a good parent is much more complicated. If you want to know how to raise a child, follow these steps.

Part One of Four:
Developing a Healthy Routine
Image titled Raise a Child Step 1
Put parenting first. This is hard to do in a world with so many competing demands. Good parents consciously plan and devote time to parenting. They make developing their child’s character their top priority. Once you're a parent, you have to learn to put your priorities below your children's, and to make the sacrifice to spending more of your day caring for them than you do caring for yourself. Of course, you shouldn't neglect yourself completely, but you should get accustomed to the idea of putting your child's needs first.
If you have a spouse, then you can take turns caring for the child so each of you can have some "me time."
When you plan your weekly routine, your child's needs should be your primary focus.
Image titled Raise a Child Step 2
Read to your child every day. Your 15 year old will particular appreciate this. Helping to nurture a love for the written word will help your child to develop a love for reading later on. Set a time for reading for your child every day -- typically around bedtime or nap time. Spend at least half an hour to an hour reading to your child each day, if not more. Not only will your child develop a love for words, but your child will have a better chance of both academic and behavioral success. Studies show that children that were read to on a daily basis demonstrate less bad behavior in school.[1]
Once your child starts learning to read or write, let your child take over. Don't correct his or her mistakes every two seconds, or your child will get discouraged.
Image titled Raise a Child Step 3
Eat dinner as a family. One of the most dangerous trends in the modern family is the dying of the family meal. The dinner table is not only a place of sustenance and family business but also a place for the teaching and passing on of our values. Manners and rules are subtly absorbed over the table. Family mealtime should communicate and sustain ideals that children will draw on throughout their lives.[2]
If your child is a picky eater, don't spend dinner time criticizing your child's eating habits and watching what he or she doesn't eat like a hawk. This will lead your child to have a negative association with family meals.
Get your child involved in the meal. Dinner will be more fun if your child "helps" you pick out food at the grocery store or helps you set up the table or to do small food-related tasks, such as washing the vegetables you will cook. An older child can obviously handle more than vegetable washing. Involve all the family in menu planning for the family.
Keep dinner conversation open and light. Don't give your child the third-degree. Simply ask, "How was your day?"
Check out the article Make Time for Family Dinners
Image titled Raise a Child Step 4
Set a strict bedtime routine. Though your child doesn't have to go to bed during the same five-minute stretch every single night, you should set a bedtime routine that your child can follow and stick to it. Studies show that children's cognitive abilities can drop two full grade levels after just one missed hour of sleep, so it's important that they get as much rest as they can before you send them to school.[3]
Your routine should include some winding-down time. Turn off the TV, music, or any electronics, and either talk to your child softly in bed or read to him.
Don't give your child sugary snacks right before bed or it'll be harder to get him to sleep.
Image titled Raise a Child Step 5
Encourage your child to develop skills each week. Though you don't have to sign your child up for ten different activities each week, you should find at least one or two activities that your child loves to do and incorporate them into your child's weekly routine. This can be anything from soccer to art class -- it really doesn't matter, as long as your child shows a talent or a love for something. Tell your child what a great job he's doing and encourage him to keep going.
Taking your child to different lessons will also help him or her socialize with other children.
Don't get lazy. If your child complains that she doesn't want to go to piano lessons, but you know she likes it deep down, don't give in just because you don't feel like driving over there.
Image titled Raise a Child Step 6
Give your child enough play time every day. "Play time" does not mean having your child sit in front of the TV and suck on a building block while you do the dishes. "Play time" means letting your child sit in his room or play area and to actively engage with stimulating toys while you help him explore their possibilities. Though you may be tired, it's important that you show your child the benefits of playing with his toys so he gets the stimulation he needs and so he learns to play with them on his own.
It doesn't matter if you don't have 80 million toys for your child to play with. It's the quality, not the quantity of the toys that counts. And you may find that your child's favorite toy of the month is an empty toilet paper roll.

Part Two of Four:
Loving Your Child
Image titled Raise a Child Step 7
Learn to listen to your children. Influencing their lives is one of the greatest things you can do. It is easy to tune out our children, and a miss an opportunity for meaningful guidance. If you never listen to your children and spend all of your time barking orders at them, they won't feel respected or cared for.
Encourage your children to talk. Helping them express themselves early on can help them communicate successfully in the future.
Image titled Raise a Child Step 8
Treat your child with respect. Don't ever forget that your child is a living, breathing human being who has needs and wants just like the rest of us. If your child is a picky eater, don't nag him constantly at the dinner table; if he's slow to potty train, don't embarrass him by talking about it in public; if you promised your child you'd take him to the movies if he was good, don't take back your promise because you're too tired.[4]
If you respect your child, then it's much more likely that your child will respect you back.
Image titled Raise a Child Step 9
Know that you can never love your child too much. It's a myth that loving your child "too much," praising your child "too much," or showering your child with "too much" affection can make your child spoiled rotten. Giving your child love, affection, and attention will positively encourage your child to develop as a human being. Giving your child toys instead of love, or not reprimanding your child for bad behavior is what will lead you to spoil your child.
Tell your child how much you love him at least once a day -- but preferably, as often as you can.
Image titled Raise a Child Step 10
Be involved in your child's daily life. It will take effort and strength to be there for your child every day, but if you want to encourage your child to develop his own interests and character, you have to create a strong support system for him. This doesn't mean you have to follow your child around every second of the day, but it does mean that you have to be there for all of the little moments, from his first soccer game to family time at the beach.
Once your child starts school, you should know what classes he's taking and the names of his teachers. Go over your child's homework with him and help him with any difficult tasks, but do not do it for him.
As your child gets older, you can start pulling back a bit, and encouraging your child to explore his interests without you by his side all the time.
Image titled Raise a Child Step 11
Encourage independence. You can still be there for your child while encouraging him to explore his own interests. Don't tell your child which lessons to take; let him pick from a variety of options. You can help dress your child, but go clothes shopping together with your child, so he has some say in his appearance. And if your child wants to play with his friends or to play with his toys by himself without you there, let him build his own identity from time to time.[5]
If you encourage independence early on, your child will be much more likely to think for himself as an adult.

Part Three of Four:
Disciplining Your Child
Image titled Raise a Child Step 12
Know that children need limits. They will ignore these limits on occasion. Reasonable punishment is one of the ways human beings have always learned. Children must understand what punishment is for and know that its source is parental love.
As a parent, you will need cognitive tools if you are to adjust unwanted behaviours. Instead of making up a confusing, non-related punishment like, "If you ride your tricycle into the street, you will have to balance this book on your head," withdraw a privilege. The child must naturally connect the privilege withdrawal with the behavior: "If you ride your tricycle into the street, you lose the use of your tricycle for the rest of the day."
Don't use violent forms of punishment, such as spanking or hitting. Children who are spanked or hit aren't any more likely to listen. Parents should never hit a child, under any circumstances. Children who are spanked, hit, or slapped are more prone to fighting with other children. They are more likely to be bullies and more likely to use aggression to solve disputes with others.[6] Children exposed to family violence are also more likely to develop Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. [7].
Image titled Raise a Child Step 13
Reward your child for good behavior. Rewarding your child for good behavior is even more important than punishing your child for bad behavior. Letting your child know when he or she is doing something right will encourage the behavior in the future. If your child behaved well, from sharing his toys at a play date to being patient during a car ride, then let him know you noticed his good behavior; don't just say nothing when your child behaves well and punish him when he does not.
Don't underestimate the importance of praising your child for good behavior. Saying, "I'm so proud of you for..." can make your child feel that his good behavior is really appreciated.
You can give your child toys or treats from time to time, but don't make your child think that he deserves a toy any time he does something good.
Image titled Raise a Child Step 14
Be consistent. If you want to discipline your child effectively, then you have to be consistent. You can't punish your child for doing something one day, and then give him candy to stop doing it another day, or even say nothing because you're too tired to put up a fight. And if your child does something good, like using the bathroom correctly during potty training, make sure you praise your child every time. Consistency is what reinforces good and bad behavior.
If you and a spouse are raising your child together, then you should be a united front against your children, using the same disciplinary methods. There should be no "good cop, bad cop" routine in your home.
Image titled Raise a Child Step 15
Explain your rules. If you really want your child to recognize your disciplinary methods, then you have to be able to explain why your child can't do certain things. Do not just tell him not to be mean to other children, or to clean up his toys; tell him why this behavior will be good for him, for you, and for society at large. Making a connection between your child's actions and what they mean will help your child understand your decision-making process.
Image titled Raise a Child Step 16
Teach your child to take responsibility for his actions. This is an important part of disciplining your child and building his character. If he does something wrong, like throwing his food on the ground, make sure he owns up to the behavior and explains why he did it, instead of blaming it on someone else or even denying it. After your child does something naughty, have a conversation about why it happened.
It's important for your child to know that everyone makes mistakes. The mistake isn't as important as the way your child reacts to it.

Part Four of Four:
Building Character
Image titled Raise a Child Step 17
Do not reduce character education to words alone. We gain virtue through practice. Parents should help children by promoting moral action through self-discipline, good work habits, kind and considerate behavior to others, and community service. The bottom line in character development is behavior--their behavior. If your child is too young for real humanitarian behavior, you can always teach your child to be kind toward others, no matter his age.
Image titled Raise a Child Step 18
Be a good role model. Face it: human beings learn primarily through modeling. In fact, you can’t avoid being an example to your children, whether good or bad. Being a good example, then, is probably your most important job. If you yell at your child and then tell her never to yell, kick the wall when you're angry, or make mean comments about your neighbors, your child will think that this behavior is okay.[8]
Start being a good role model from day one. Your child will be aware of your moods and behavior earlier than you think.
Image titled Raise a Child Step 19
Develop an ear and an eye for what your children are absorbing. Children are like sponges. Much of what they take in has to do with moral values and character. Books, songs, TV, the Internet, and films are continually delivering messages—moral and immoral—to our children. As parents we must control the flow of ideas and images that are influencing our children.
If you and your child see something upsetting, such as two people in an argument at the grocery store or a clip about violence on the news, don't miss the opportunity to talk about it with your child.
Image titled Raise a Child Step 20
Teach good manners. Teaching your child to say "Thank you," and "please," and to treat others with a baseline of respect will go a long way in helping them succeed in the future. Don't underestimate the power of teaching your child to be kind to adults, to respect their elders, and to avoid fighting with or picking on other children. Good manners will follow your children for the rest of their lives, and you should start modeling it as soon as possible.
One crucial aspect of good manners is cleaning up after yourself. Teach your child to clean up after his own toys when he's three, and he'll make a great house guest when he's twenty-three.
Image titled Raise a Child Step 21
Only use the words you want your children to use. Though you may feel the urge to curse, complain, or say negative things about a person you know in front of your child, even if you're just talking on the phone, remember that your child is always paying attention. And if you're having a heated argument with your spouse, it's better to do it behind closed doors so your child can't mimic your negative behavior.
If you do use a bad word and your child notices it, don't pretend like it did not happen. Apologize and say it won't happen again. If you say nothing, then your child will think these words are okay

Teach your children to have empathy for others. Empathy is an important skill and one that you can never teach too early. If your child knows how to have empathy for others, then he'll be able to see the world from a more judgment-free perspective and will be able to put himself in someone else's shoes. Let's say your child comes home and tells you that his friend Jimmy was mean to him; try to talk about what happened and see if you can figure out how Jimmy might be feeling and what led to the negative behavior.[9] Or, if a waitress forgets your order in a restaurant, don't tell your child that she's lazy or stupid; instead, point out how tired she must be after spending all day on her feet

How to Raise a Child
No one would argue that raising children of character demands time and big effort. While having children may be doing what comes naturally, being a good parent is much more complicated. If you want to know how to raise a child, follow these steps.

Part One of Four:
Developing a Healthy Routine
Image titled Raise a Child Step 1
Put parenting first. This is hard to do in a world with so many competing demands. Good parents consciously plan and devote time to parenting. They make developing their child’s character their top priority. Once you're a parent, you have to learn to put your priorities below your children's, and to make the sacrifice to spending more of your day caring for them than you do caring for yourself. Of course, you shouldn't neglect yourself completely, but you should get accustomed to the idea of putting your child's needs first.
If you have a spouse, then you can take turns caring for the child so each of you can have some "me time."
When you plan your weekly routine, your child's needs should be your primary focus.
Image titled Raise a Child Step 2
Read to your child every day. Your 15 year old will particular appreciate this. Helping to nurture a love for the written word will help your child to develop a love for reading later on. Set a time for reading for your child every day -- typically around bedtime or nap time. Spend at least half an hour to an hour reading to your child each day, if not more. Not only will your child develop a love for words, but your child will have a better chance of both academic and behavioral success. Studies show that children that were read to on a daily basis demonstrate less bad behavior in school.[1]
Once your child starts learning to read or write, let your child take over. Don't correct his or her mistakes every two seconds, or your child will get discouraged.
Image titled Raise a Child Step 3
Eat dinner as a family. One of the most dangerous trends in the modern family is the dying of the family meal. The dinner table is not only a place of sustenance and family business but also a place for the teaching and passing on of our values. Manners and rules are subtly absorbed over the table. Family mealtime should communicate and sustain ideals that children will draw on throughout their lives.[2]
If your child is a picky eater, don't spend dinner time criticizing your child's eating habits and watching what he or she doesn't eat like a hawk. This will lead your child to have a negative association with family meals.
Get your child involved in the meal. Dinner will be more fun if your child "helps" you pick out food at the grocery store or helps you set up the table or to do small food-related tasks, such as washing the vegetables you will cook. An older child can obviously handle more than vegetable washing. Involve all the family in menu planning for the family.
Keep dinner conversation open and light. Don't give your child the third-degree. Simply ask, "How was your day?"
Check out the article Make Time for Family Dinners
Image titled Raise a Child Step 4
Set a strict bedtime routine. Though your child doesn't have to go to bed during the same five-minute stretch every single night, you should set a bedtime routine that your child can follow and stick to it. Studies show that children's cognitive abilities can drop two full grade levels after just one missed hour of sleep, so it's important that they get as much rest as they can before you send them to school.[3]
Your routine should include some winding-down time. Turn off the TV, music, or any electronics, and either talk to your child softly in bed or read to him.
Don't give your child sugary snacks right before bed or it'll be harder to get him to sleep.
Image titled Raise a Child Step 5
Encourage your child to develop skills each week. Though you don't have to sign your child up for ten different activities each week, you should find at least one or two activities that your child loves to do and incorporate them into your child's weekly routine. This can be anything from soccer to art class -- it really doesn't matter, as long as your child shows a talent or a love for something. Tell your child what a great job he's doing and encourage him to keep going.
Taking your child to different lessons will also help him or her socialize with other children.
Don't get lazy. If your child complains that she doesn't want to go to piano lessons, but you know she likes it deep down, don't give in just because you don't feel like driving over there.
Image titled Raise a Child Step 6
Give your child enough play time every day. "Play time" does not mean having your child sit in front of the TV and suck on a building block while you do the dishes. "Play time" means letting your child sit in his room or play area and to actively engage with stimulating toys while you help him explore their possibilities. Though you may be tired, it's important that you show your child the benefits of playing with his toys so he gets the stimulation he needs and so he learns to play with them on his own.
It doesn't matter if you don't have 80 million toys for your child to play with. It's the quality, not the quantity of the toys that counts. And you may find that your child's favorite toy of the month is an empty toilet paper roll.

Part Two of Four:
Loving Your Child
Image titled Raise a Child Step 7
Learn to listen to your children. Influencing their lives is one of the greatest things you can do. It is easy to tune out our children, and a miss an opportunity for meaningful guidance. If you never listen to your children and spend all of your time barking orders at them, they won't feel respected or cared for.
Encourage your children to talk. Helping them express themselves early on can help them communicate successfully in the future.
Image titled Raise a Child Step 8
Treat your child with respect. Don't ever forget that your child is a living, breathing human being who has needs and wants just like the rest of us. If your child is a picky eater, don't nag him constantly at the dinner table; if he's slow to potty train, don't embarrass him by talking about it in public; if you promised your child you'd take him to the movies if he was good, don't take back your promise because you're too tired.[4]
If you respect your child, then it's much more likely that your child will respect you back.
Image titled Raise a Child Step 9
Know that you can never love your child too much. It's a myth that loving your child "too much," praising your child "too much," or showering your child with "too much" affection can make your child spoiled rotten. Giving your child love, affection, and attention will positively encourage your child to develop as a human being. Giving your child toys instead of love, or not reprimanding your child for bad behavior is what will lead you to spoil your child.
Tell your child how much you love him at least once a day -- but preferably, as often as you can.
Image titled Raise a Child Step 10
Be involved in your child's daily life. It will take effort and strength to be there for your child every day, but if you want to encourage your child to develop his own interests and character, you have to create a strong support system for him. This doesn't mean you have to follow your child around every second of the day, but it does mean that you have to be there for all of the little moments, from his first soccer game to family time at the beach.
Once your child starts school, you should know what classes he's taking and the names of his teachers. Go over your child's homework with him and help him with any difficult tasks, but do not do it for him.
As your child gets older, you can start pulling back a bit, and encouraging your child to explore his interests without you by his side all the time.
Image titled Raise a Child Step 11
Encourage independence. You can still be there for your child while encouraging him to explore his own interests. Don't tell your child which lessons to take; let him pick from a variety of options. You can help dress your child, but go clothes shopping together with your child, so he has some say in his appearance. And if your child wants to play with his friends or to play with his toys by himself without you there, let him build his own identity from time to time.[5]
If you encourage independence early on, your child will be much more likely to think for himself as an adult.

Part Three of Four:
Disciplining Your Child
Image titled Raise a Child Step 12
Know that children need limits. They will ignore these limits on occasion. Reasonable punishment is one of the ways human beings have always learned. Children must understand what punishment is for and know that its source is parental love.
As a parent, you will need cognitive tools if you are to adjust unwanted behaviours. Instead of making up a confusing, non-related punishment like, "If you ride your tricycle into the street, you will have to balance this book on your head," withdraw a privilege. The child must naturally connect the privilege withdrawal with the behavior: "If you ride your tricycle into the street, you lose the use of your tricycle for the rest of the day."
Don't use violent forms of punishment, such as spanking or hitting. Children who are spanked or hit aren't any more likely to listen. Parents should never hit a child, under any circumstances. Children who are spanked, hit, or slapped are more prone to fighting with other children. They are more likely to be bullies and more likely to use aggression to solve disputes with others.[6] Children exposed to family violence are also more likely to develop Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. [7].
Image titled Raise a Child Step 13
Reward your child for good behavior. Rewarding your child for good behavior is even more important than punishing your child for bad behavior. Letting your child know when he or she is doing something right will encourage the behavior in the future. If your child behaved well, from sharing his toys at a play date to being patient during a car ride, then let him know you noticed his good behavior; don't just say nothing when your child behaves well and punish him when he does not.
Don't underestimate the importance of praising your child for good behavior. Saying, "I'm so proud of you for..." can make your child feel that his good behavior is really appreciated.
You can give your child toys or treats from time to time, but don't make your child think that he deserves a toy any time he does something good.
Image titled Raise a Child Step 14
Be consistent. If you want to discipline your child effectively, then you have to be consistent. You can't punish your child for doing something one day, and then give him candy to stop doing it another day, or even say nothing because you're too tired to put up a fight. And if your child does something good, like using the bathroom correctly during potty training, make sure you praise your child every time. Consistency is what reinforces good and bad behavior.
If you and a spouse are raising your child together, then you should be a united front against your children, using the same disciplinary methods. There should be no "good cop, bad cop" routine in your home.
Image titled Raise a Child Step 15
Explain your rules. If you really want your child to recognize your disciplinary methods, then you have to be able to explain why your child can't do certain things. Do not just tell him not to be mean to other children, or to clean up his toys; tell him why this behavior will be good for him, for you, and for society at large. Making a connection between your child's actions and what they mean will help your child understand your decision-making process.
Image titled Raise a Child Step 16
Teach your child to take responsibility for his actions. This is an important part of disciplining your child and building his character. If he does something wrong, like throwing his food on the ground, make sure he owns up to the behavior and explains why he did it, instead of blaming it on someone else or even denying it. After your child does something naughty, have a conversation about why it happened.
It's important for your child to know that everyone makes mistakes. The mistake isn't as important as the way your child reacts to it.

Part Four of Four:
Building Character
Image titled Raise a Child Step 17
Do not reduce character education to words alone. We gain virtue through practice. Parents should help children by promoting moral action through self-discipline, good work habits, kind and considerate behavior to others, and community service. The bottom line in character development is behavior--their behavior. If your child is too young for real humanitarian behavior, you can always teach your child to be kind toward others, no matter his age.
Image titled Raise a Child Step 18
Be a good role model. Face it: human beings learn primarily through modeling. In fact, you can’t avoid being an example to your children, whether good or bad. Being a good example, then, is probably your most important job. If you yell at your child and then tell her never to yell, kick the wall when you're angry, or make mean comments about your neighbors, your child will think that this behavior is okay.[8]
Start being a good role model from day one. Your child will be aware of your moods and behavior earlier than you think.
Image titled Raise a Child Step 19
Develop an ear and an eye for what your children are absorbing. Children are like sponges. Much of what they take in has to do with moral values and character. Books, songs, TV, the Internet, and films are continually delivering messages—moral and immoral—to our children. As parents we must control the flow of ideas and images that are influencing our children.
If you and your child see something upsetting, such as two people in an argument at the grocery store or a clip about violence on the news, don't miss the opportunity to talk about it with your child.
Image titled Raise a Child Step 20
Teach good manners. Teaching your child to say "Thank you," and "please," and to treat others with a baseline of respect will go a long way in helping them succeed in the future. Don't underestimate the power of teaching your child to be kind to adults, to respect their elders, and to avoid fighting with or picking on other children. Good manners will follow your children for the rest of their lives, and you should start modeling it as soon as possible.
One crucial aspect of good manners is cleaning up after yourself. Teach your child to clean up after his own toys when he's three, and he'll make a great house guest when he's twenty-three.
Image titled Raise a Child Step 21
Only use the words you want your children to use. Though you may feel the urge to curse, complain, or say negative things about a person you know in front of your child, even if you're just talking on the phone, remember that your child is always paying attention. And if you're having a heated argument with your spouse, it's better to do it behind closed doors so your child can't mimic your negative behavior.
If you do use a bad word and your child notices it, don't pretend like it did not happen. Apologize and say it won't happen again. If you say nothing, then your child will think these words are okay.
Image titled Raise a Child Step 22
Teach your children to have empathy for others. Empathy is an important skill and one that you can never teach too early. If your child knows how to have empathy for others, then he'll be able to see the world from a more judgment-free perspective and will be able to put himself in someone else's shoes. Let's say your child comes home and tells you that his friend Jimmy was mean to him; try to talk about what happened and see if you can figure out how Jimmy might be feeling and what led to the negative behavior.[9] Or, if a waitress forgets your order in a restaurant, don't tell your child that she's lazy or stupid; instead, point out how tired she must be after spending all day on her feet.
Image titled Raise a Child Step 23
Teach your children to be grateful. Teaching your child to be truly grateful is different than forcing your child to say "thank you" all the time. To truly teach your child to be grateful, you have to say "thank you" all the time yourself, so your child sees the good behavior. If your child complains that everyone in school has a new toy that you won't let her get, remind her how many people are less fortunate than she is.[10]
Expose her to people of all walks of life so she understands how privileged she is, even if that means she won't be getting a Nintendo DS for Christmas.
Saying, "I didn't hear you say thank you..." after your child misses this point won't actually get the message across as much as saying "thank you" yourself and making sure your child hears you.