Guérir toutes les maladies nigelle. Treat all diseases of pond pills
The benefits of the blessing pill for skin, hair and health
A grain of blessing or black bean is a miracle that can cure any disease. It is a well-known tradition of the Prophet (peace be upon him) that these seeds are a cure for any disease except death. Since then, this plant has been used and used by millions and millions of people to treat chronic and severe cases successfully. It is a treatment for many diseases including anti-diabetic, anti-cancer, immune system strengthening, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, anticonvulsant, liver and kidney disease prevention, stomach protection and antioxidant properties due to its miraculous healing power.
Pericardial acid contains salicylic acid, palmitic acid, fatty acid, palmitic acid, oleic acid, linoleic acid, arachidonic acid, proteins, vitamins (B1), (B2), (B3), calcium, iron, copper, zinc and phosphorus. Pomegranate got the highest ranking among herbal medicines for containing most therapeutic and aesthetic properties.
1 - lightening the skin color:
Regular use of pomegranate oil helps to lighten the skin color. It can open the skin without melanin production, which in turn protects the skin from sun damage. In addition, the properties are moisturizing, anti-oxidant, and anti-inflammatory help in regenerating the skin and make it glowing and healthy. You can take this oil by mouth or massage directly on the skin to restore its natural and vital health.
2 - Treatment of skin diseases:
We can treat eczema with pomegranate oil. The properties of the emollients present in this oil form a non-greasy layer to protect the skin. In addition, its anti-inflammatory properties help reduce inflammation, redness and other eczema symptoms. Apply pomegranate oil directly to the affected skin twice a day for a few days to treat eczema.
3 - Treatment of psoriasis:
Psoriasis is a skin disease that comes with itching and pain, and sometimes it is a source of embarrassment. The cause of this condition is an abnormal immune system reaction in the body causing an abnormal spread of the skin layers. Pomegranate oil regulates immune cells in the body and enhances the body's ability to deal with the proliferation of abnormal cells. Apply the seeds of the pond to the skin to get rid of pain and spots on the skin.
4 - treatment of fungal infections:
In addition to killing the bacteria that causes acne, perennial oil fights fungi. Its anti-fungal effects have been shown on the skin and cause diseases such as inflammation and itching in the skin.
5- Treatment of acne:
Acne is caused by many factors that usually affect teenagers but can last until puberty. It can lead to distorted scars. There are many factors that contribute to the disease including hormones and infections. Borage oil has many properties that can reduce the symptoms of acne including its anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant effects. This oil can help repair and regenerate damaged skin which is anti-histamine for the treatment of allergic skin diseases.
6 - treatment of hair pounding:
To treat hair shampooing, mix a little pudding oil with a little olive oil and a little almond oil with rubbing on your scalp, on the tips of your hair and cover your hair with an hour towel. Repeat this exercise twice a week.
7- Hair growth:
To grow the hair rapidly, using the oil of the blessing. It contains many vitamins that promote hair growth and stretching. Just pour some of the pomegranate oil on your hand and mix it evenly on your hair and leave it for 3 hours and then rinse thoroughly.
Repeat this exercise twice a week.
8- Treatment of hair loss:
Pomegranate oil helps to reduce hair loss. As it contains strong antioxidants and antimicrobial properties that help strengthen hair follicles, which reduces hair loss. In addition, the anti-fungus in this oil prevents infections that cause hair loss, and it has the quality of moisturizing that protects hair from damage, and accelerate hair growth and promote health. Mix in equal amounts of pomegranate oil and olive oil. Heat the mixture at room temperature and gently rub it on the scalp. Leave this oil on your hair for 30 minutes, then rinse it with shampoo. Repeat this process a few times a week to fight hair loss.
9 - Elimination of baldness:
Hair loss can be either due to age or some other basic conditions. Baldness is a condition feared by everyone, especially young people. Poppy oil plays an important role in the treatment of baldness and also helps in getting rid of damaged hair. Pour a handful of the seeds of the pond, mix with calonge oil and two tablespoons of vinegar. Spread the mixture over the bald areas with gently rubbing. Leave it for one hour and then rinse with fresh water. Use this process once a week for one month. It will gradually help you in hair transplantation.
10 - lowers high blood pressure:
The seeds of the pond help to deal with high blood pressure. Daily use of the pond bean for two months has the effect of lowering high blood pressure. In addition, seeds of the grain help to reduce LDL or bad cholesterol levels and promote heart health in general. To regulate the level of high blood pressure, eat 100-200 mg of PEP twice a day. When used regularly you will notice the difference.
11. Control Type 2 Diabetes:
The seeds of the pond control sugar in patients with type 2 diabetes. The daily dose of 2 g of seeds is a good way to manage blood sugar levels. Regular use of the seeds of the pond can help reduce blood sugar levels and insulin resistance, as well as increase the function of pancreatic cells. These seeds are useful in the prevention of diabetes as well.
12. Promotes liver health:
Pomegranate oil enhances the health of the liver to make it work properly and helps to eliminate toxins from the body. Pomegranate oil helps protect against liver disease, reduces complications and delays progression. Add the seeds of the pond in your diet on a regular basis. To improve liver function and prevent both damage and disease.
13. Strengthening memory:
Pomegranate gives a strong boost to brain health. Due to their containment of antioxidants, anti-inflammatory properties to protect nerve cells, also seeds of parenchyma improve memory. Take half a teaspoon of seeds twice a day or take supplements to improve brain health and strengthen memory.
14. Asthma Treatment:
Pomegranate oil has a relatively strong anti-asthma effect in the bronchi, to contain an anti-asthma property and helps to alleviate its symptoms and promotes recovery. Pancreatic oil also helps reduce bronchitis and prevents excess mucus secretion.
This oil is an effective treatment for sore throat, acute sinusitis and tonsillitis.
Add a few drops of borage oil in a bowl of hot water. Cover your head with a towel and vacuum the steam for 5 minutes. Also, put a few drops of pungent oil on a napkin and inhale the scent from time to time.
15. Reduces the risk of cancer:
Pomegranate is effective in reducing the risk of several types of cancer, such as breast and brain cancer, mouth, cervical cancer and colon cancer. Pomegranate seeds have the ability to treat inflammatory disorders and cancer, they contain a component that eliminates free radicals and helps to cause cell death in breast cancer cells, brain tumor cells, pancreatic cancer and cervical cancer. Barley oil sometimes works as a means to provide natural protection against certain risks and use it in conjunction with conventional treatments.
16. Treatment of diarrhea:
Pomegranate is good for treating stomach problems such as diarrhea, gas, colic and constipation.
Mix a teaspoon of powdered saliva into a cup of plain yogurt. Drink it twice a day until your condition improves.
17 - Organization of digestion:
Pomegranate seeds are repellent to the wind, they help in digestion and reduce gas, bloating and stomach pain. Borage oil is often used to get rid of intestinal parasites. It has also been shown to inhibit the growth of colon cancer cells without any negative side effects.
Pomegranate seeds have a protective effect on the heart, promote cholesterol levels and help regulate blood pressure.
19. Strengthening immunity:
Pomegranate is a method of supporting the immune system, to contain antioxidants, beneficial acids and vitamins (B), but beware of those who suffer from autoimmune diseases. Pomegranate seeds achieve the balance associated with a system of increased immune function but not promote immune reactions against healthy body tissues.
Treatment of colds:
Mix a tablespoon of honey with a teaspoon of borage oil and eat it twice a day. For best results, use raw honey. This process will cure you from annoying colds.
21 - get rid of kidney stones:
Mix a tablespoon of the pond with honey and warm water and drink twice a day. You can also mix half a cup of olive oil with a tablespoon of pomegranate oil and raw honey and drink this mixture on an empty stomach before going to bed.
Treatment of dry mouth:
The treatment of mouth dryness with pomegranate oil is very effective and you will get the result in a short time. Bake a little oil of the blessing around the mouth for a minute and gargle it. Do not rinse the mouth with water for 30 minutes.
23. Reducing epilepsy:
Pomegranate has anti-convulsive properties. It is effective in reducing the frequency of seizures in children with epilepsy. Eat twice a day a handful of seeds of the pond or mix them in a glass of yogurt.
24- Treatment of bee watches:
When a bee bites, especially on your face, will cause swelling and pain, you will also stay in the house for three days until the effects of this bite disappear so that the embarrassment does not cause you. Pomegranate is a remedy for this problem, all you have to do is boil a little seed of pint in the water and let it cool until then put it on the stings. Repeat this process more than once a day.
25 - get rid of headaches and migraines:
Mix the honey and honey with equal proportions. Take this mixture twice a day. For a quick result place a few drops on the nose and rub it on the temples.
habat al Baraka
The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "With this black grain, there is a cure for all sickness except poison." - The poison: death (narrated by al-Bukhaari and Muslim).
The black grain contains phosphates, iron, phosphorus and carbohydrates, as well as the destructive antibiotics of all types of bacteria. The study also found anti-cancer carotene with sex hormones that are potent, fertilized, active, diuretic and yellow, and contain digestive enzymes that are antacid and have a soothing and alert substance.
It has been discovered recently that the black bean activates the immune system in the body of resistance to pathogens and eliminate them and also protects against diseases.
Benefits of the Pill in the treatment of diseases:
1) To remove the nervous tension: a teaspoon of borage oil with a cup of coffee completely calms the nerves and removes tension.
2) For coughs and asthma: Pour the pomegranate oil on the chest and back and drink a teaspoon three times a day, and two tablespoons of pond oil in hot water and inhalation of steam.
3) to remove laziness and laziness: a teaspoon of oil of the pond with orange juice in the morning and for ten days (and you will see the difference)
4) To activate the memory and speed of perception: a teaspoon of the oil of the pond with mint boiled for ten days.
5) For diabetes: cup of black bean, cup of love Rashad, half cup soft pomegranate peel, half a cup, grind the mixture until it is powder and take the patient half a spoon a day for about a month and drink a teaspoon of oil of the blessing on the blessing.
6) for kidney and bladder stones: one quarter kilo of black bean, one quarter kilo of pure honey, grind the black bean well and then knead the honey and mix two tablespoons of this mixture in half a cup of hot water and drink this mixture on the saliva daily with a teaspoon of oil.
7) To remove the purity and beauty of the face: Mix a teaspoon of oil of the blessing with a spoon of olive oil and paint the face and leave it for an hour and then wash with soap and water and you will see the difference clearly.
8) For whom vomiting and nausea: a teaspoon of ground cloves and then a tablespoon of borage oil with boiling mint 3 times a day.
9) Psoriasis and others: The amount of cup of black seed oil and the amount of a cup of lemon juice is diluted well and used paint for three days and if need more than that repeat work.
10) for inflammation between the thighs: Wash the area with soap and water well and then dry well and oil the grain of the pond area inflamed evening and leave it for the morning for (3) days and you will see the result on the first day, God willing.
11) for cases of inflammation of the heart and narrow veins: Drink the oil of the blessing of the pond constantly with any hot drink, it dissolves fat and expansion of veins and arteries.
12) for cases of vitiligo and leprosy: Place the vitiligo vitiligo with apple cider vinegar and then place the vitiligo place with the oil of the pond for 15 days.
13) To remove the warts: Wipe the okra well with the foot and then paint the oil of the blessing and continue for 15 days with a teaspoon 3 times a day.
14) Back pain and rheumatism of all kinds: Warm up a bit of oil of the grain of the pond simple gas and then rub the place of rheumatism very heavy as if you massage the bone not skin and drink a teaspoon of oil of the blessing three times a day and God will find healing within two weeks.
15) to remove the headache: Paint the oil of the blessing on the forehead and sides of the face next to the ears and the headache will disappear completely with a teaspoon of oil of the blessing on the stomach for three days.
16) for acidity and all stomach pains: a glass of milk + a teaspoon of the oil of the pond and within five days end all stomach problems completely (three times a day)
Le Messager de la paix d'Allah soit sur lui «ce haricot noir où le remède pour toutes les maladies sauf poison» - poison: la mort (Rapporté par al-Bukhari et Muslim).
Nigella contient, le haricot noir de phosphate et de fer et de phosphore et des hydrates de carbone, comme contenant des antibiotiques destructeurs pour tous les types de germes. On trouve également un matériau analysé anti-cancer caroténoïde et par les hormones sexuelles et enrichi de vitamines et stimulant et diurétique et la bile, il contient des enzymes peptique et anti-acidité et ses propriétés sédatives et stimulant ensemble.
Il a récemment découvert que le haricot noir activer le système immunitaire du corps pour résister à des agents pathogènes et le tuer, et protège également contre les maladies.
Avantages de cumin dans le traitement des maladies:
1) pour éliminer la tension nerveuse: une cuillère à café de l'huile de cumin avec une tasse de café calme les nerfs et élimine complètement la tension.
2) les cas de toux et l'asthme: Rub cumin huile sur la poitrine et le dos trois fois le montant d'une cuillère à café par jour et boire, et deux cuillères à soupe d'huile dans la piscine d'eau chaude et inhaler la vapeur.
3) pour enlever l'inactivité et la paresse: une cuillère à café d'huile de cumin avec du jus d'orange le matin pendant dix jours (et vous verrez la différence (
4) pour activer la mémoire et la vitesse de la cognition: une cuillère à café de l'huile de cumin à la menthe fait bouillir pendant dix jours.
5) Diabète: tasse de haricots noirs, tasse amour Rashad, peau demi-tasse de grenade douce, une demi-tasse une fois, mélanger mouture jusqu'à ce qu'il devienne poudre et prend la demi-cuillère à café de patients par jour pendant près d'un mois et boire une cuillère à café d'huile de cumin sur un estomac vide.
6) pour les calculs rénaux et de la vessie: un quart de kilo de haricots noirs, un quart de Kilwa de miel pur, broyer haricots noirs bien ensuite malaxé avec du miel et mélanger deux cuillères à soupe de ce mélange en une demi-tasse d'eau chaude et boire ce mélange sur un estomac vide tous les jours avec une cuillère à café de l'huile de cumin.
7) pour l'évacuation et la sérénité et la beauté du visage: Mélanger une cuillère à café d'huile de cumin avec une cuillère d'huile d'olive et oins-le visage et laisser reposer pendant une heure, puis laver avec du savon et de l'eau et vous verrez clairement la différence.
8) La personne qui vomit et des nausées: une cuillère à café de clou de girofle moulu et une cuillère à café d'huile de cumin à la menthe bouillie 3 fois par jour.
9) le psoriasis et d'autres: le montant pris une tasse d'huile de graine noire et la quantité d'une tasse de jus de citron et diluer la peinture bien utilisé pendant trois jours et si je besoin de plus que de répéter le travail.
10) infections entre les cuisses: Laver la zone avec du savon et de puits d'eau, puis Nschwh bien et oindre soir région Nigella huile enflammée et laissez le matin pendant une période de 3 jours et vous verrez le résultat dans le premier jour, si Dieu le veut.
11) cas d'inflammation du cœur et des veines étroites: l'huile de nigelle potable en continu avec une boisson chaude, ils fondent la graisse et l'expansion des veines et des artères.
12) cas de lèpre et Vitiligo: Vitiligo vinaigre lieu oint de cidre de pomme, puis peinte lieu huile Vitiligo nigelle pour (15) jours.
13) pour enlever les verrues: verrue bien essuyer scanne Balrgelh puis peint à l'huile, le cumin et dure quinze jours à boire une cuillère à café 3 fois par jour.
14) les maux de dos et types Alrmatesm: la quantité d'huile est chauffée étang de grain est doucement simple, puis massé sa place sévère Dlka rhumatismes si vous frotter la peau et l'os ne boit pas une cuillère à café d'huile de cumin trois fois par jour, et si Dieu le veut, vous trouverez la guérison dans les deux semaines.
15) pour éliminer le mal de tête: Frottez avec de l'huile de nigelle sur l'avant et sur les côtés du visage près des oreilles et des maux de tête va complètement disparaître avec boire une cuillère à café d'huile de cumin sur un estomac vide pendant trois jours.
16) Tous les cas de douleurs à l'acidité et de l'estomac: une tasse de lait + petite cuillère à café d'huile de cumin et dans les cinq jours, se terminant tous les problèmes d'estomac complètement (trois fois par jour
1. éclaircir la couleur de la peau:
L'utilisation régulière de Nigella huile aide à éclaircir la couleur de la peau. Il peut ouvrir la peau sans la production de mélanine, ce qui protège la peau des dommages du soleil. De plus, les propriétés hydratantes et anti-oxydant, la régénération de la peau d'aide anti-inflammatoire et la rendre éclatante et saine. Vous pouvez cette huile prise par la bouche ou le massage directement sur la peau pour rétablir la santé naturelle et de vitalité.
2. Le traitement des maladies de la peau:
Nous pouvons traiter Nigella huile d'eczéma. Caractéristiques émollientes trouvé dans cette huile est une couche non grasse pour protéger la peau. En outre, sa propriété aide anti-inflammatoire pour réduire l'inflammation et de l'irritation et d'autres symptômes de l'eczéma. L'application de l'huile de nigelle directement sur la peau affectée deux fois par jour pendant quelques jours pour traiter l'eczéma.
3. Traitement du psoriasis:
Le psoriasis est une maladie de la peau vient avec des démangeaisons et la douleur, et parfois être une source d'embarras. La raison de ce cas, la réaction du système immunitaire est anormale dans le corps provoquant une prolifération anormale des couches de peau. huile de nigelle régule les cellules immunitaires dans le corps, il améliore également la capacité du corps à faire face à la prolifération des cellules anormales. graines de cumin Application sur la peau pour se débarrasser de la douleur et des taches sur la peau.
4. Le traitement des infections fongiques:
En plus de tuer les bactéries qui cause l'acné, Nigella huile combat champignon. Les effets anti-fongiques ont été montré sur la peau qui provoque des maladies telles que l'inflammation et les démangeaisons de la peau.
5. Traitement de l'acné:
L'acné est causée par de nombreux facteurs qui affectent généralement les adolescents, mais peut durer jusqu'à l'âge de la puberté. Elle peut conduire à des cicatrices disgracieuses. Il y a beaucoup de facteurs qui contribuent à la maladie, y compris les hormones et les infections. huile de nigelle possède de nombreuses propriétés qui peuvent réduire les symptômes de l'acné, y compris son anti-inflammatoire et anti-oxydant. Cette huile peut aider dans la réparation et la régénération de la peau endommagée qui est un anti-histaminique pour le traitement des maladies de la peau associés aux allergies.
6. Traitement des cheveux à la bombe:
Pour traiter les cheveux battre, nationaliste mélanger un petit étang de grain d'huile avec un peu d'huile d'olive et un peu d'huile d'amande avec le frottement sur votre cuir chevelu et sur le bord de vos cheveux cassants et couvrir vos cheveux avec une serviette pendant une heure. Répétez ce processus deux fois par semaine.
7. La croissance des cheveux:
La croissance des cheveux rapidement en utilisant l'étang de grain d'huile nationale. Ils contiennent beaucoup de vitamines qui favorisent la croissance des cheveux et prorogeable. Il suffit de verser une partie de la nigelle d'huile sur votre main et mélangé uniformément sur vos cheveux et laissez-le pendant 3 heures puis rincez bien.
Répétez ce processus deux fois par semaine.
8. Traitement de perte de cheveux:
huile de nigelle aide à réduire la perte de cheveux. Et afin de contenir des propriétés antioxydantes puissantes et anti-microbienne, ce qui contribue à renforcer les follicules pileux, ce qui réduit la perte de cheveux. En outre, anti-fongique dans cette huile pour prévenir les infections qui causent la perte de cheveux, il a aussi une qualité hydratant qui protègent les cheveux contre les dommages et d'accélérer la croissance des cheveux et promouvoir la santé. La robe mélangeant des quantités égales d'huile, le cumin et l'huile d'olive, chauffer le mélange à la température ambiante et on frotte doucement sur le cuir chevelu. Cette huile est laissée sur vos cheveux pendant 30 minutes, puis rincer shampooing. Répétez cette opération plusieurs fois par semaine pour lutter contre la perte de cheveux.
9. Mise au rebut de la calvitie:
La perte de cheveux peut être dû à l'âge ou d'autres conditions de base. Calvitie est le cas craint tout le monde, en particulier les jeunes. huile de Nigelle joue un rôle important dans le traitement de la calvitie et aide aussi à se débarrasser des cheveux abîmés. Une poignée de l'étang national Bers Bdhurehh, se mélange à l'huile Kalonji et deux cuillères à soupe de vinaigre. Étendre le mélange sur les endroits chauves frottant doucement. Et laissez-le pendant une heure, puis rincer à l'eau fraîche. Utilisez ce processus une fois par semaine pendant un mois. Il va progressivement vous aider à pousser les cheveux.
10. abaisse la pression artérielle:
étang Bdhurehh aidera à traiter l'hypertension artérielle. L'utilisation quotidienne de la pilule pendant deux mois, l'étang a pour effet d'abaisser une pression artérielle élevée. En outre, les graines de nigelle aident à réduire le LDL lipoprotéines de basse densité ou mauvais taux de cholestérol et de promouvoir la santé du cœur en général. Pour réguler le niveau de l'hypertension artérielle, manger un étang de pilules 100-200 mg deux fois par jour. Lorsque vous utilisez régulièrement, vous remarquerez la différence.
11. Contrôle du diabète sucré de type 2:
graines Cumin contrôle le sucre chez les patients atteints de diabète de type 2. dose quotidienne de la maladie de 2 grammes d'étang Albdhurehh est un moyen utile pour gérer les niveaux de sucre dans le sang. L'utilisation régulière de graines de nigelle peut aider à réduire le taux de sucre dans le sang et la résistance à l'insuline, ainsi que des fonctionnalités accrues du pancréas Khalaa. Ces graines sont utiles dans la prévention du diabète ainsi.
12. favorise la santé du foie:
huile de nigelle augmente la santé du foie pour le faire fonctionner correctement et aidé à l'élimination des toxines du corps. huile de nigelle maladie du foie Aazzalhamaih et réduit les complications de la maladie et retarder ses progrès. Ajouter les graines de cumin dans votre alimentation sur une base régulière. Pour améliorer la fonction hépatique et de prévenir les dommages et la maladie.
13. Booster mémoire:
Nigella donner une impulsion forte à la santé du cerveau. En raison des antibiotiques, ils contiennent des propriétés antioxydantes et anti-inflammatoires pour protéger les cellules nerveuses, aussi nigelle amélioration de la mémoire. Mangez une demi-cuillère à café de graines de cumin deux fois par jour ou manger Almkmlath pour améliorer la santé du cerveau et de renforcer la mémoire.
14. Traitement de l'asthme:
huile de nigelle a une influence relativement forte pour lutter contre l'asthme dans les voies respiratoires, car elle contient des propriétés anti pour l'asthme et aide à soulager les symptômes et favorise la récupération. Aide aussi l'huile de nigelle à réduire l'inflammation des voies respiratoires et empêche la sécrétion de l'excès de mucus.
Cette huile est un traitement efficace pour les maux de gorge, sinusite aiguë et amygdalite.
Ajouter quelques gouttes d'huile de cumin dans un bol d'eau chaude. Couvrez votre tête avec une serviette et inhaler la vapeur pendant 5 minutes. , Mettez également quelques gouttes d'huile sur un mouchoir de nigelle et respirer l'odeur de temps en temps.
15. réduit le risque de cancer:
pilule Pond est efficace pour réduire le risque de plusieurs types de cancer, comme le cancer du sein, du cerveau, de la bouche, le cancer du col utérin et le cancer du côlon. nigelle ont la capacité de traiter les troubles inflammatoires et le cancer, ils contiennent un composant qui élimine les radicaux libres et contribue à entraîner la mort cellulaire dans les cellules cancéreuses du sein, les cellules tumorales du cerveau et le cancer du pancréas et le cancer du col utérin. huile de nigelle fonctionne parfois comme un moyen d'assurer une protection naturelle contre certains des risques et être utilisés conjointement avec les traitements conventionnels.
16. Traitement de la diarrhée:
Baraka est une bonne pilule pour traiter les problèmes d'estomac tels que la diarrhée, le gaz, les coliques et la constipation.
Mélanger une cuillère à café de poudre de cumin à une tasse de yogourt nature. boisson nationale deux fois par jour jusqu'à ce que votre état améliore.
17. réguler la digestion:
nigelle sont pourchassés par le vent, ce qui aide à la digestion et réduire le gaz et les douleurs de l'estomac et ballonnements. Souvent utilisé Nigella huile pour se débarrasser des parasites intestinaux. Il a également été constaté qu'il inhibe la croissance des cellules cancéreuses du côlon, sans effets secondaires négatifs.
18. santé du cœur:
nigelle ont un effet protecteur sur le cœur, et de promouvoir le taux de cholestérol et aident à réguler la pression artérielle.
19. Renforcement de l'immunité:
pilule Pond est un moyen de soutenir le système immunitaire, ils contiennent des antioxydants et des acides bénéfiques et des vitamines (B), mais méfiez-vous de ceux qui souffrent de maladies auto-immunes. nigelle contrôle associé à une augmentation de l'équilibre du système de la fonction immunitaire, mais non pour encourager les réactions immunitaires contre les tissus sains du corps.
20. Le traitement du rhume:
Mélanger une cuillère à soupe de miel avec une cuillère à café d'huile de cumin et de manger deux fois par jour. Pour de meilleurs résultats, l'utilisation du miel brut. Ce processus vous évitera de rhume ennuyeux.
21. se débarrasser des calculs rénaux:
Mélanger une cuillère à soupe de cumin avec du miel et de l'eau tiède et boire deux fois par jour. Vous pouvez également mélanger une demi-tasse d'huile d'olive avec une cuillère à soupe d'huile de cumin, miel cru et boire ce mélange sur un estomac vide avant d'aller se coucher.
22. Le traitement de la bouche sèche:
Le traitement de Nigella huile de bouche sèche est très efficace et Stthsalin le résultat dans un court laps de temps, mélanger un peu d'huile de nigelle autour de la bouche pendant une minute et gargouillis, ne pas rincer la bouche avec de l'eau pendant 30 minutes.
23. Réduction de l'épilepsie:
Nigella a des propriétés anti-convulsives. Il est efficace pour réduire la fréquence des crises chez les enfants souffrant d'épilepsie. Mangez deux fois par jour une poignée de graines de cumin ou mélanger dans une tasse de lait.
24. Le traitement des heures abeilles:
Quand une abeille Tsak en particulier sur votre visage et provoque la douleur enflure, également à la maison vous restez ici pendant trois jours jusqu'à ce qu'ils disparaissent ont soulevé cette piqûre afin de ne pas vous causer d'embarras. pilule Pond est un remède à ce problème, tout ce que vous avez à faire est de faire bouillir un peu de graines de cumin dans l'eau et laissez-le refroidir, puis les mettre sur les piqûres. Répétez ce processus plus d'une fois par jour.
25. se débarrasser des maux de tête et migraines:
Le mélange d'huile de cumin et du miel dans des proportions égales, manger ce mélange deux fois par jour. Pour obtenir un résultat rapide Placez quelques gouttes sur le nez et frotté sur les tempes.
monuments Egypte et civilisations
monuments of Egypt
One of the three famous Egyptian pyramids is one of the seven ancient wonders of the world, specifically the Pyramid of Khufu the Great, one of the three famous Egyptian pyramids in the Giza governorate. Today we present you with some information about the pyramids of Egypt and the most famous pyramids.
The ancient Egyptians believed in life after death and thought that when a person dies, his body needs to be cared for so that he can return to life in other life according to their beliefs. The Egyptian pyramids were originally designed to preserve the remains of the pharaohs mummy and their families.
Building the Egyptian pyramids:
Bob Breier, an archaeologist, points out that there are still many questions about how the Egyptian pyramids are built. Scientists have suggested that construction workers used ladders on the outer surface of the pyramids to lift the blocks to the upper levels of the pyramids. Herodotus, an ancient historian, Machines for lifting the blocks to the pyramids, and the French architect Jean-Pierre Houdin developed a theory to indicate that the pyramids were raised using ramps inside the pyramids.
The First Pyramid
The construction of the first pyramid in Egypt, a pyramid runway in Saqqara by amhtyb in the era of Pharaoh zoser, it was intended to build the pyramid originally be a Terrace, so be structure a rectangular large designed to protect the mummy Pharaoh, but has been completed construction in hierarchical after a long time to become the length of pyramid Saqqara about 204 feet component of the six layers, the pyramid Saqqara in the original part of the group cemeteries, which included the temples squares, and was built rooms burial actual underground to prevent the thieves Graves of stealing artifacts buried with the King. Pyramid bent:
Egyptian pyramids
The largest pyramid that was built in 2550 in Giza during the reign of King Khufu, and covers the Great Pyramid area up to 13 acres at the base and the height of the Great Pyramid up to 481 feet at the time of construction, and there are three rooms for burial inside the Great Pyramid, and the Great Pyramid like the rest of the pyramids The Egyptian was part of a complex that included other pyramids, temples and tombs.
Other Egyptian Pyramids
Pyramids Egyptian explains archaeologists the presence of three pyramids huge at Giza-on-the pyramid elder was King khufu then the son khafre building a pyramid of the last near the pyramid the largest and then the munqarae governor sixth of family fourth to build a third pyramids huge at Giza the pyramid munqarae no more than ten size pyramid khafre, and then the construction of many of the pyramids Egyptian other after pyramid mnkr was the pyramids much smaller than pyramid munqarae were made of materials poor, and another pyramids Egyptian built the King baby second ruling the second of family sixth
The most important effects pharaonic in Luxor of the city of Luxor raised the city of good, which has been the capital of state for centuries multiple in ages pharaonic. It is the most important معالمها: Luxor Temple was constructed this Temple to worship God Amon re. Begins the entrance of the Temple بالصرح who built Ramses second and has تمثالان ضخمان يمثلانه sitting. And make the Temple مسلتان one is still a list of the other adorn the field of Concorde in Paris. Following this edifice patio Ramses second surrounded of three aspects of two rows of columns on the package papyrus compatible. In the North East there is now a mosque Abu pilgrims. The rest of parts of the Temple شيدها Amenhotep III, start Hall of columns huge of Fourteen column is divided into two rows, then the courtyard the large open surrounded by three aspects صفان of the columns - and then we get to the lobby of columns has a 32 columns - and in the inside the Temple room boat Holy. Has built Alexander the great compartment small his bearing his name inside compartment Amenhotep III. Finally, we get to sanctum where room statue Holy and have four pillars Museum Luxor located between معبدى Luxor والكرنك features a Museum collections archaeological pharaonic that found in Luxor and neighboring located between معبدى Luxor والكرنك features a Museum collections archaeological pharaonic that found in Luxor and neighboring. Raised the West Bank statue grateful are all the rest of the Temple of immortalization anniversary للفرعون Amenhotep the third and up high one about 19.20 meters. Complex temples Karnak a complex gorgeous of temples of fine, which does not match her where featuring Karnak temples the God of Amon and his wife الإلهه "death" and her son of God "khonsu". Began the establishment of the Temple days state Central (around 2000 ق.م). In the era of the modern state that ينتمى to the King "Tutankhamun" King "Ramses second", was held on the ruins of this Temple, the Temple of luxury befitting greatly Empire Egyptian huge had all the King of adds a new to the Temple .. so تقربا to the gods, and desire in eternity, and get great Fame when the members of the people. 1 - Temple "Amon re" the great consists Temple the niche is located in the far side of East. Has been prepared this niche to save the statues of God "Amon" and his family. This is known place "bakds holies" which was the dark shrouded! Then followed by then patio exposed يغمره daylight, then the end of this courtyard besrah great falls entrance between Berger. The multiplied group buildings this Temple, and took shape a final looks like a character t in English, but the subject is italic on one side and determine this character ten Sorouh, it also contains a number of الافنية. In front of the Temple there square great, in which we see platform is high in the middle, and is that the Marina ships for بالمعبد in one day, where was the Nile being once near. Has been set up the King "city first" مسلتين them .. is still one remain in place, and extends them to interface edifice صفان of statues, which set up "Ramses second" on the "Sphinx", for each of the head of Ram and body Lion. Notes that under the chin all of them a statue of King himself. That's the way is to which they call "by Rams. 2- made the Temple amoun a patio wide يضمه of the two sides row of columns on the plant papyrus. (It was strikethrough once" جوسق طهارقة "which was made up of ten columns graceful set up the King" طهارقة "of the family Twenty-fifth, still one of the columns in place in its place.) There are also in the corner Northwest of these backyard three compartments, prepared to House ships Holy own بثالوث" good ", built by King" city first "of the Kings of the family nineteenth, was decorated the walls of this compartments carvings prominent represent ships Holy. 3 - the Temple of" Ramses III "Karnak. Organized Ramses third to House ships Holy is this the Temple model of the Temple of Egypt full. He begins besrah great izinh تمثالان رائعان the King of the outside. Followed from the inside the courtyard open the penned البوائك (collection باكية) East and West. Seems to the King of columns in the body of Osiris walls are decorated بالنقوش representing the King's different modes in front of" the God of Amon ", then follows that vestibule by صفان of columns .. first of which consists of columns stick of statuettes" أوزيرية "on the pattern of statuettes courtyard, row second consists of four pillars of body plant papyrus. ويقودنا this vestibule to lobby of columns that result in turn to المقاصير three own harboring ships Holy Trinity" good ". And جوارها there are a number of rooms dark was used لحاجيات worship. There was a تمثالان عظيمان يزينان interface this edifice King" Ramses II, "he was standing. Leaving except bust right, ويلى that edifice foyer columns, which are reflected in which an image reached the art of architecture in our country the Egyptian of sophistication والعظمة .. it's more like بغابة of columns representing the plant papyrus, covers an area of the land of six thousand square meters. Contains at 134 column, Qatar, each of which 3,37-meter, high columns side-13-meter the height of the columns Central فحوالى 21 meters, and columns are all on the legs papyrus. وتعلو columns high and crowns in the form of flowers papyrus المتفتحة. It was said about the capacity of the Crown that he can accommodate parking more than ten members of it! The columns short فتيجانها on the buds closed flowers papyrus as well. It was that the Hall مسقوفة Bechtel huge of stones. Still some of them in its place. The inscriptions, which these columns, and on the walls that behind they in a very extravaganza and beauty. And still some colors bright, it is a King" city ", and his son" Ramses second ", and are serving offerings the gods of different. The landscape excavated on the walls of the lobby of abroad - accessible to get out of one of the doors and side - they photos are both the King" city ", and his son" Ramses II, "in حروبهما different with the enemies of Egypt of الحيثيين, Libyans. 4 - the Temple of God khonsu built by King" Ramses third-"second Kings of the family Twenty year 1198 BCE, then increased in it from beyond his child" Ramses fourth ", then" Ramses الحادى ten ", and finally أتمه" حريحور "chief priests who has become the property of" فرعونا "in 1085 ق. M., a recent Kings of the family twentieth. Consists the Temple of said he بنقشه priest" my star ", which is the eighth Kings of the family Twenty-first. Followed by a courtyard with columns in the form of papyrus, وتيجانها on the buds flowers papyrus also, ويلى this vestibule by twelve column lead to the lobby of columns that appear on the walls inscriptions of the era of" Ramses الحادى ten "tenth Kings of the family twentieth, and" حريحور "which was a trustee it. Finally, we get to the cabin boats Holy own" بخونسو ", والمحاريب dark of around it. It make up the whole" mihrab ", or" sanctum ", and have inscriptions views of the era of" Ramses fourth ", and stands behind" mihrab "patio small its four pillars, connected by seven cabins small era" Ramses III "and" the fourth "respectively. Colors landscape in الحجرتين الواقعتين to the right still bright to now. The allocated closet following them to worship" Auxerre ", which we see lying on the bed, and for his part," Isis, "and" نفتيس "تبكيان it. Valley Kings where more than 60 Cemetery, and there religions Kings, one Eastern and one Western: contains Valley the East on most cemeteries, the most visited by tourists who come to the region. There are بالوادى Western مقبرتان ملكيتان, one particular to" Amenhotep III "the other special to" any ". 1 - Cemetery King" Tutankhamun "in the Valley of Kings mainland Western in Luxor. Longer months richest Cemetery in the world, ففيها many النفائس effects wonderful that stunned the world. Where found furniture الجنائزى full (more 5000 piece). The dug Cemetery in the low Valley" Ramses sixth "who built مقبرته next to the tomb of" Tutankhamun ", was that of the factors that helped save Cemetery" Tutankhamun "sound away from the eyes of thieves. Even discovered in 1922 in one of the most important discoveries archaeological the world and the tomb of the King" Tutankhamun "is the greatest the richest Cemetery in the world now, and out of the treasures of the art of good see it at the entrance door second للمقبرة there is room wide Overstock the furniture up a few. Has lacquered most of it in gold buraq, and between it boxes beautiful inlaid بالعاج والأبنوس, and the view of hunting, war, and some الكراسى, and family, carts ownership, وأوانى مرمرية, statues of various shapes and colors. (Quoted in Egyptian Museum in Cairo). And when the end of the closet تمثالان of Wood madhoun كأنهما يحرسان the contents of the room second. (Quoting the Egyptian Museum in Cairo). The closet the second is the burial Chamber, which he found out four مقاصير some of them inside some of the Wood covered بصفائح gold. It was surrounded بالتابوت الحجرى, which is still in its place للآن. Was inside this coffin three coffins on the human smallest solid gold weighs about 110 kg and there is currently the Museum of Egypt. Still mummy King reserved in its place with a coffins Wood-covered برقائق gold. There are fees beautiful on walls room of sketch" لتوت ankh Amon "shows behind him on the throne," which ", which has become the property of after" Tutankhamun ", which is wearing apparel priests and بالطقوس religious own the process of open mouth لمومياء King. There is a picture" لتوت ankh Amon "standing in the Center of the Wall between my hand" notes and "(the goddess of the Sky) that manufactures of health and life. But on the Wall and right there view of the cabin, which was include the body of the King" Tutankhamun "-mounted excavators يجرها Nobles and footnote, and the Wall left there are some of texts own book what in the" world lower ", and there are a number of monkeys Holy يتوسطها الجعران. There are a side room small relate to room the burial, as there is room similar relate بالبهو the outside. It was them some furniture الجنائزى. 2- Cemetery King" city first "in the Valley of Kings mainland Western in Luxor. It is engraved in rock, and has a depth of about 30 meters, ونقوشها on much of beauty, وتخلل these patterns in some parts fees prominent large represent the King, a worship in front of the gods, which receive him welcomes do. This is the Cemetery carved in rock Mountain Valley of the Kings of the most important cemeteries, because it has the largest number of books funerary decorations. It is the most prominent what the ceiling, which seems as if he covers the throne shows what won by God" re "of the relationship distinct. After a few hundred meters ending vestibule to the Hall of columns beautiful kept all inscriptions where بألوانها bright. Has been prepared in the Center of the Hall place low to put the Ark of the King made with marble, the transfer of this coffin to one of museums London. Covers this part of the Hall Dome, looks كالسماء a color Blue dark opaque كالليل, and shall towers Sun known in the animals that symbolize the towers. There are a Hall of attached made around seats of Stone. The purpose of them store furniture. وجدرانها covered carvings beautiful represent the Sun's journey to the other world. There are also حجرتان inscribed walls carvings religious is still the colors of some of them and clear. The right hand of the lobby are found room side other inscribed on the walls story loss of human. 3 - Cemetery King" أمنحوتب second "seventh-Kings of the family Eighteen بوادى Kings. It is made up of the corridor steep ends BIR false to mislead thieves to protect the tomb of heavy rains. After this well there on the left side room. There are also Hall other free patterns in the face of the entrance. Located in the left side of which corridor lead to a burial, which include the coffin, the lift ceiling on six columns vzant its aspects in the King of my hand gods of the dead:" Auxerre "and" Hathor "and" anubis ". Shows the ceiling similar بالسماء in Blue color, and spread the stars star in. The walls were covered with images elaborate painted in color on the floor yellow. So that it seems للناظر it manuscripts of papyrus محلاة pictures ومعلقة on the walls. Most of these inscriptions a views and text book," what the world lower ". Relate to the Hall a number of rooms side prepared to put the furniture الجنائزى then used later cache to save the مومياوات some of the Pharaohs, which was transferred to such Cemetery days family Twenty-first under the supervision of كبيرالكهن" my star
 story of the life of the Queen Hatshepsut puzzle اختفاها name original: حتشپسوت means in pharaonic: أميز women ***********************************: "the Queen Hatshepsut Queen Egyptian the only ruled Egypt in the circumstances of political, economic and stable, but was sentenced to Egypt during the Golden age, an era of the Empire Egyptian formed in the family 18 modern state. So unlike Queens former who was disorder feature key in the period of tolihn throne. The characterize the era of this Queen: first, the power of the Egyptian Army, Secondly is: journeys *** of the most prominent its reuse channel linking the Nile at the end of the Delta the Red sea, where the clean this channel after dug Egyptians days state Central to the conduct of fleet Egypt Marine them to come out to the Gulf of Suez and after to water Red sea. *** the journey takes her time back and forth two years, and re-work in the mines copper in Sinai Peninsula, *** celebrated far" love "or holiday attaches to the throne, this was in the fifteenth of its judgment. *** ordered the construction of a ship large official in order to move the people on the page Nile of the Temple of Karnak during celebrate the Nile down to the Beach and the other third: building temples .. and months what built in عهدها: دجسر دجسرو, which is the main building in the Temple funerary complex حتشپسوت in a convent of Marine. Designed by the engineer سنموت on the basis of geometric is the symmetry full والتناظر is التشابة between both sides of the Temple was already Pharaohs build this Temple الپارثينون a thousand years old. Temple monastery maritime ---------------------------------------------> located monastery Marine in the land, Western لطيبة, returns named to the monastery Coptic built-in seventh century ad. Has been Associated with the Temple worship the goddess Hathor, واختاره King مونتوحتب second ليشيد the معبده الجنزي, set up the Queen Hatshepsut معبدها الجنزي there are also other found near the site, tomb مونتومحات, who was a Minister وحاكما the South by families Twenty-fifth and sixth Twenty. How reached Hatshepsut the rule of Egypt? King تحوتمس first and her mother Queen ahmose was the father of King وحتشبسوت is the daughter of the great Pharaoh Egypt as he had begotten son illegal was a young is tuthmosis II has accepted the marriage of it on the habit of families pharaonic ليشاركا together in the referee after his death. *********************************** Egyptian women in age of the Pharaohs and women in the ancient Egypt you don't have the right a legitimate my God in order to take over the referee, but this was the right limited only to the men, at the same time was not the right of the man that governs the absolutely no woman. Behold, is Isis the wife الوفية which has re her husband to life ودموعها the death of good and I think the ancient Egyptian they formed the waters of the Nile, therefore has become a sacred and that was able to raising her son Horus in order to retaliate against of evil, from this God known as six, he said the King in ancient Egypt is Horus Victor, so if you look to the group hierarchical لوجدنا that there is a place dedicated to worship re place to another to worship Isis (حاتحور) as well as Horus King. Statue of limestone لحتشپسوت at the Museum of the Metropolitan. Observed that the statue carving without chin aliases traditional as clear a reflection of femininity, it keeps the rest of symbols authority pharaonic such as: live property (has been removed this sculpture of this statue) - and الخات robe the head. Has happened to the development of the art pharaonic reflects that, the statue wonderful Queen Hatshepsut the son of her husband tuthmosis III. Were Hatshepsut often are portrayed as a man wearing النقبة property, but its features appear beauty woman with a personal strong, it was her وجنتان ممتلئتان, lines aesthetic long لعينيها الواسعتين, mouth crossing, nose hooked. Has the sculpture tuthmosis third share some of those qualities. We are sometimes that tuthmosis third, raped statues Hatshepsut, conducted an amendment to simple in the literature hieroglyphic names. واعتلت throne after the death of tuthmosis second, announced his wife and Queen Hatshepsut itself will on the throne tuthmosis III. Two years later, demanded بالعرش for itself. Recorded on the walls of معبدها events campaigns, legend her birth الربانية. After Twenty years of its judgment, disappeared Hatshepsut, was the destruction of مقبرتيها. Has received a judgment with" tuthmosis III "which was the son of her husband of one of الجاريات, was in the same time pair her daughter, remained until her death in 1484 BCE a holding on the reins of judgment, was the ruling peremptory throughout her life, وأبعدت" tuthmosis III "for the referee, did not his character and the judgment was I think at first to one of these two المومياوين can be a Queen Hatshepsut .. and put المومياوين inside your Rays sectional, where it turns out that one of them died dead; because her mouth open until now. The password has been in انتظارنا in the Cemetery number (60), which are located below the Cemetery Hatshepsut directly, and found it also Hayward Carter and in 1907 M., transfer mummy of this Cemetery was inside the Ark of Wood carries last two characters of the name of wet nurse Queen Hatshepsut known our behalf« sat where is re. "And started looking for this mummy in Egyptian Museum, وعثرنا them inside store in the third floor, and found that the method of mummification has style Royal, ووقتها I thought that this mummy can be a Queen Hatshepsut, this was the beginning of a journey find mummy Queen Hatshepsut greatest Queens Egypt ... ruled in brighter ages Egypt of its history, the old. I have set up Hatshepsut the most beautiful العمائر religious والجنائزية at all, still معبدها بالدير Marine witness to the beauty of عمارتها. It was the most important three characters in the life of the Queen are the architect سنموت who was constructed لمليكته Temple monastery Marine was probably is the beloved hidden Queen, keen to bury the bottom of معبدها, the personal the second is مرضعتها own, of course the personal third in the life of the Queen is the daughter Princess نفرورع
One of the three famous Egyptian pyramids is one of the seven ancient wonders of the world, specifically the Pyramid of Khufu the Great, one of the three famous Egyptian pyramids in the Giza governorate. Today we present you with some information about the pyramids of Egypt and the most famous pyramids.
The ancient Egyptians believed in life after death and thought that when a person dies, his body needs to be cared for so that he can return to life in other life according to their beliefs. The Egyptian pyramids were originally designed to preserve the remains of the pharaohs mummy and their families.
Building the Egyptian pyramids:
Bob Breier, an archaeologist, points out that there are still many questions about how the Egyptian pyramids are built. Scientists have suggested that construction workers used ladders on the outer surface of the pyramids to lift the blocks to the upper levels of the pyramids. Herodotus, an ancient historian, Machines for lifting the blocks to the pyramids, and the French architect Jean-Pierre Houdin developed a theory to indicate that the pyramids were raised using ramps inside the pyramids.
The First Pyramid
The construction of the first pyramid in Egypt, a pyramid runway in Saqqara by amhtyb in the era of Pharaoh zoser, it was intended to build the pyramid originally be a Terrace, so be structure a rectangular large designed to protect the mummy Pharaoh, but has been completed construction in hierarchical after a long time to become the length of pyramid Saqqara about 204 feet component of the six layers, the pyramid Saqqara in the original part of the group cemeteries, which included the temples squares, and was built rooms burial actual underground to prevent the thieves Graves of stealing artifacts buried with the King. Pyramid bent:
Egyptian pyramids
The largest pyramid that was built in 2550 in Giza during the reign of King Khufu, and covers the Great Pyramid area up to 13 acres at the base and the height of the Great Pyramid up to 481 feet at the time of construction, and there are three rooms for burial inside the Great Pyramid, and the Great Pyramid like the rest of the pyramids The Egyptian was part of a complex that included other pyramids, temples and tombs.
Other Egyptian Pyramids
Pyramids Egyptian explains archaeologists the presence of three pyramids huge at Giza-on-the pyramid elder was King khufu then the son khafre building a pyramid of the last near the pyramid the largest and then the munqarae governor sixth of family fourth to build a third pyramids huge at Giza the pyramid munqarae no more than ten size pyramid khafre, and then the construction of many of the pyramids Egyptian other after pyramid mnkr was the pyramids much smaller than pyramid munqarae were made of materials poor, and another pyramids Egyptian built the King baby second ruling the second of family sixth
The most important effects pharaonic in Luxor of the city of Luxor raised the city of good, which has been the capital of state for centuries multiple in ages pharaonic. It is the most important معالمها: Luxor Temple was constructed this Temple to worship God Amon re. Begins the entrance of the Temple بالصرح who built Ramses second and has تمثالان ضخمان يمثلانه sitting. And make the Temple مسلتان one is still a list of the other adorn the field of Concorde in Paris. Following this edifice patio Ramses second surrounded of three aspects of two rows of columns on the package papyrus compatible. In the North East there is now a mosque Abu pilgrims. The rest of parts of the Temple شيدها Amenhotep III, start Hall of columns huge of Fourteen column is divided into two rows, then the courtyard the large open surrounded by three aspects صفان of the columns - and then we get to the lobby of columns has a 32 columns - and in the inside the Temple room boat Holy. Has built Alexander the great compartment small his bearing his name inside compartment Amenhotep III. Finally, we get to sanctum where room statue Holy and have four pillars Museum Luxor located between معبدى Luxor والكرنك features a Museum collections archaeological pharaonic that found in Luxor and neighboring located between معبدى Luxor والكرنك features a Museum collections archaeological pharaonic that found in Luxor and neighboring. Raised the West Bank statue grateful are all the rest of the Temple of immortalization anniversary للفرعون Amenhotep the third and up high one about 19.20 meters. Complex temples Karnak a complex gorgeous of temples of fine, which does not match her where featuring Karnak temples the God of Amon and his wife الإلهه "death" and her son of God "khonsu". Began the establishment of the Temple days state Central (around 2000 ق.م). In the era of the modern state that ينتمى to the King "Tutankhamun" King "Ramses second", was held on the ruins of this Temple, the Temple of luxury befitting greatly Empire Egyptian huge had all the King of adds a new to the Temple .. so تقربا to the gods, and desire in eternity, and get great Fame when the members of the people. 1 - Temple "Amon re" the great consists Temple the niche is located in the far side of East. Has been prepared this niche to save the statues of God "Amon" and his family. This is known place "bakds holies" which was the dark shrouded! Then followed by then patio exposed يغمره daylight, then the end of this courtyard besrah great falls entrance between Berger. The multiplied group buildings this Temple, and took shape a final looks like a character t in English, but the subject is italic on one side and determine this character ten Sorouh, it also contains a number of الافنية. In front of the Temple there square great, in which we see platform is high in the middle, and is that the Marina ships for بالمعبد in one day, where was the Nile being once near. Has been set up the King "city first" مسلتين them .. is still one remain in place, and extends them to interface edifice صفان of statues, which set up "Ramses second" on the "Sphinx", for each of the head of Ram and body Lion. Notes that under the chin all of them a statue of King himself. That's the way is to which they call "by Rams. 2- made the Temple amoun a patio wide يضمه of the two sides row of columns on the plant papyrus. (It was strikethrough once" جوسق طهارقة "which was made up of ten columns graceful set up the King" طهارقة "of the family Twenty-fifth, still one of the columns in place in its place.) There are also in the corner Northwest of these backyard three compartments, prepared to House ships Holy own بثالوث" good ", built by King" city first "of the Kings of the family nineteenth, was decorated the walls of this compartments carvings prominent represent ships Holy. 3 - the Temple of" Ramses III "Karnak. Organized Ramses third to House ships Holy is this the Temple model of the Temple of Egypt full. He begins besrah great izinh تمثالان رائعان the King of the outside. Followed from the inside the courtyard open the penned البوائك (collection باكية) East and West. Seems to the King of columns in the body of Osiris walls are decorated بالنقوش representing the King's different modes in front of" the God of Amon ", then follows that vestibule by صفان of columns .. first of which consists of columns stick of statuettes" أوزيرية "on the pattern of statuettes courtyard, row second consists of four pillars of body plant papyrus. ويقودنا this vestibule to lobby of columns that result in turn to المقاصير three own harboring ships Holy Trinity" good ". And جوارها there are a number of rooms dark was used لحاجيات worship. There was a تمثالان عظيمان يزينان interface this edifice King" Ramses II, "he was standing. Leaving except bust right, ويلى that edifice foyer columns, which are reflected in which an image reached the art of architecture in our country the Egyptian of sophistication والعظمة .. it's more like بغابة of columns representing the plant papyrus, covers an area of the land of six thousand square meters. Contains at 134 column, Qatar, each of which 3,37-meter, high columns side-13-meter the height of the columns Central فحوالى 21 meters, and columns are all on the legs papyrus. وتعلو columns high and crowns in the form of flowers papyrus المتفتحة. It was said about the capacity of the Crown that he can accommodate parking more than ten members of it! The columns short فتيجانها on the buds closed flowers papyrus as well. It was that the Hall مسقوفة Bechtel huge of stones. Still some of them in its place. The inscriptions, which these columns, and on the walls that behind they in a very extravaganza and beauty. And still some colors bright, it is a King" city ", and his son" Ramses second ", and are serving offerings the gods of different. The landscape excavated on the walls of the lobby of abroad - accessible to get out of one of the doors and side - they photos are both the King" city ", and his son" Ramses II, "in حروبهما different with the enemies of Egypt of الحيثيين, Libyans. 4 - the Temple of God khonsu built by King" Ramses third-"second Kings of the family Twenty year 1198 BCE, then increased in it from beyond his child" Ramses fourth ", then" Ramses الحادى ten ", and finally أتمه" حريحور "chief priests who has become the property of" فرعونا "in 1085 ق. M., a recent Kings of the family twentieth. Consists the Temple of said he بنقشه priest" my star ", which is the eighth Kings of the family Twenty-first. Followed by a courtyard with columns in the form of papyrus, وتيجانها on the buds flowers papyrus also, ويلى this vestibule by twelve column lead to the lobby of columns that appear on the walls inscriptions of the era of" Ramses الحادى ten "tenth Kings of the family twentieth, and" حريحور "which was a trustee it. Finally, we get to the cabin boats Holy own" بخونسو ", والمحاريب dark of around it. It make up the whole" mihrab ", or" sanctum ", and have inscriptions views of the era of" Ramses fourth ", and stands behind" mihrab "patio small its four pillars, connected by seven cabins small era" Ramses III "and" the fourth "respectively. Colors landscape in الحجرتين الواقعتين to the right still bright to now. The allocated closet following them to worship" Auxerre ", which we see lying on the bed, and for his part," Isis, "and" نفتيس "تبكيان it. Valley Kings where more than 60 Cemetery, and there religions Kings, one Eastern and one Western: contains Valley the East on most cemeteries, the most visited by tourists who come to the region. There are بالوادى Western مقبرتان ملكيتان, one particular to" Amenhotep III "the other special to" any ". 1 - Cemetery King" Tutankhamun "in the Valley of Kings mainland Western in Luxor. Longer months richest Cemetery in the world, ففيها many النفائس effects wonderful that stunned the world. Where found furniture الجنائزى full (more 5000 piece). The dug Cemetery in the low Valley" Ramses sixth "who built مقبرته next to the tomb of" Tutankhamun ", was that of the factors that helped save Cemetery" Tutankhamun "sound away from the eyes of thieves. Even discovered in 1922 in one of the most important discoveries archaeological the world and the tomb of the King" Tutankhamun "is the greatest the richest Cemetery in the world now, and out of the treasures of the art of good see it at the entrance door second للمقبرة there is room wide Overstock the furniture up a few. Has lacquered most of it in gold buraq, and between it boxes beautiful inlaid بالعاج والأبنوس, and the view of hunting, war, and some الكراسى, and family, carts ownership, وأوانى مرمرية, statues of various shapes and colors. (Quoted in Egyptian Museum in Cairo). And when the end of the closet تمثالان of Wood madhoun كأنهما يحرسان the contents of the room second. (Quoting the Egyptian Museum in Cairo). The closet the second is the burial Chamber, which he found out four مقاصير some of them inside some of the Wood covered بصفائح gold. It was surrounded بالتابوت الحجرى, which is still in its place للآن. Was inside this coffin three coffins on the human smallest solid gold weighs about 110 kg and there is currently the Museum of Egypt. Still mummy King reserved in its place with a coffins Wood-covered برقائق gold. There are fees beautiful on walls room of sketch" لتوت ankh Amon "shows behind him on the throne," which ", which has become the property of after" Tutankhamun ", which is wearing apparel priests and بالطقوس religious own the process of open mouth لمومياء King. There is a picture" لتوت ankh Amon "standing in the Center of the Wall between my hand" notes and "(the goddess of the Sky) that manufactures of health and life. But on the Wall and right there view of the cabin, which was include the body of the King" Tutankhamun "-mounted excavators يجرها Nobles and footnote, and the Wall left there are some of texts own book what in the" world lower ", and there are a number of monkeys Holy يتوسطها الجعران. There are a side room small relate to room the burial, as there is room similar relate بالبهو the outside. It was them some furniture الجنائزى. 2- Cemetery King" city first "in the Valley of Kings mainland Western in Luxor. It is engraved in rock, and has a depth of about 30 meters, ونقوشها on much of beauty, وتخلل these patterns in some parts fees prominent large represent the King, a worship in front of the gods, which receive him welcomes do. This is the Cemetery carved in rock Mountain Valley of the Kings of the most important cemeteries, because it has the largest number of books funerary decorations. It is the most prominent what the ceiling, which seems as if he covers the throne shows what won by God" re "of the relationship distinct. After a few hundred meters ending vestibule to the Hall of columns beautiful kept all inscriptions where بألوانها bright. Has been prepared in the Center of the Hall place low to put the Ark of the King made with marble, the transfer of this coffin to one of museums London. Covers this part of the Hall Dome, looks كالسماء a color Blue dark opaque كالليل, and shall towers Sun known in the animals that symbolize the towers. There are a Hall of attached made around seats of Stone. The purpose of them store furniture. وجدرانها covered carvings beautiful represent the Sun's journey to the other world. There are also حجرتان inscribed walls carvings religious is still the colors of some of them and clear. The right hand of the lobby are found room side other inscribed on the walls story loss of human. 3 - Cemetery King" أمنحوتب second "seventh-Kings of the family Eighteen بوادى Kings. It is made up of the corridor steep ends BIR false to mislead thieves to protect the tomb of heavy rains. After this well there on the left side room. There are also Hall other free patterns in the face of the entrance. Located in the left side of which corridor lead to a burial, which include the coffin, the lift ceiling on six columns vzant its aspects in the King of my hand gods of the dead:" Auxerre "and" Hathor "and" anubis ". Shows the ceiling similar بالسماء in Blue color, and spread the stars star in. The walls were covered with images elaborate painted in color on the floor yellow. So that it seems للناظر it manuscripts of papyrus محلاة pictures ومعلقة on the walls. Most of these inscriptions a views and text book," what the world lower ". Relate to the Hall a number of rooms side prepared to put the furniture الجنائزى then used later cache to save the مومياوات some of the Pharaohs, which was transferred to such Cemetery days family Twenty-first under the supervision of كبيرالكهن" my star
 story of the life of the Queen Hatshepsut puzzle اختفاها name original: حتشپسوت means in pharaonic: أميز women ***********************************: "the Queen Hatshepsut Queen Egyptian the only ruled Egypt in the circumstances of political, economic and stable, but was sentenced to Egypt during the Golden age, an era of the Empire Egyptian formed in the family 18 modern state. So unlike Queens former who was disorder feature key in the period of tolihn throne. The characterize the era of this Queen: first, the power of the Egyptian Army, Secondly is: journeys *** of the most prominent its reuse channel linking the Nile at the end of the Delta the Red sea, where the clean this channel after dug Egyptians days state Central to the conduct of fleet Egypt Marine them to come out to the Gulf of Suez and after to water Red sea. *** the journey takes her time back and forth two years, and re-work in the mines copper in Sinai Peninsula, *** celebrated far" love "or holiday attaches to the throne, this was in the fifteenth of its judgment. *** ordered the construction of a ship large official in order to move the people on the page Nile of the Temple of Karnak during celebrate the Nile down to the Beach and the other third: building temples .. and months what built in عهدها: دجسر دجسرو, which is the main building in the Temple funerary complex حتشپسوت in a convent of Marine. Designed by the engineer سنموت on the basis of geometric is the symmetry full والتناظر is التشابة between both sides of the Temple was already Pharaohs build this Temple الپارثينون a thousand years old. Temple monastery maritime ---------------------------------------------> located monastery Marine in the land, Western لطيبة, returns named to the monastery Coptic built-in seventh century ad. Has been Associated with the Temple worship the goddess Hathor, واختاره King مونتوحتب second ليشيد the معبده الجنزي, set up the Queen Hatshepsut معبدها الجنزي there are also other found near the site, tomb مونتومحات, who was a Minister وحاكما the South by families Twenty-fifth and sixth Twenty. How reached Hatshepsut the rule of Egypt? King تحوتمس first and her mother Queen ahmose was the father of King وحتشبسوت is the daughter of the great Pharaoh Egypt as he had begotten son illegal was a young is tuthmosis II has accepted the marriage of it on the habit of families pharaonic ليشاركا together in the referee after his death. *********************************** Egyptian women in age of the Pharaohs and women in the ancient Egypt you don't have the right a legitimate my God in order to take over the referee, but this was the right limited only to the men, at the same time was not the right of the man that governs the absolutely no woman. Behold, is Isis the wife الوفية which has re her husband to life ودموعها the death of good and I think the ancient Egyptian they formed the waters of the Nile, therefore has become a sacred and that was able to raising her son Horus in order to retaliate against of evil, from this God known as six, he said the King in ancient Egypt is Horus Victor, so if you look to the group hierarchical لوجدنا that there is a place dedicated to worship re place to another to worship Isis (حاتحور) as well as Horus King. Statue of limestone لحتشپسوت at the Museum of the Metropolitan. Observed that the statue carving without chin aliases traditional as clear a reflection of femininity, it keeps the rest of symbols authority pharaonic such as: live property (has been removed this sculpture of this statue) - and الخات robe the head. Has happened to the development of the art pharaonic reflects that, the statue wonderful Queen Hatshepsut the son of her husband tuthmosis III. Were Hatshepsut often are portrayed as a man wearing النقبة property, but its features appear beauty woman with a personal strong, it was her وجنتان ممتلئتان, lines aesthetic long لعينيها الواسعتين, mouth crossing, nose hooked. Has the sculpture tuthmosis third share some of those qualities. We are sometimes that tuthmosis third, raped statues Hatshepsut, conducted an amendment to simple in the literature hieroglyphic names. واعتلت throne after the death of tuthmosis second, announced his wife and Queen Hatshepsut itself will on the throne tuthmosis III. Two years later, demanded بالعرش for itself. Recorded on the walls of معبدها events campaigns, legend her birth الربانية. After Twenty years of its judgment, disappeared Hatshepsut, was the destruction of مقبرتيها. Has received a judgment with" tuthmosis III "which was the son of her husband of one of الجاريات, was in the same time pair her daughter, remained until her death in 1484 BCE a holding on the reins of judgment, was the ruling peremptory throughout her life, وأبعدت" tuthmosis III "for the referee, did not his character and the judgment was I think at first to one of these two المومياوين can be a Queen Hatshepsut .. and put المومياوين inside your Rays sectional, where it turns out that one of them died dead; because her mouth open until now. The password has been in انتظارنا in the Cemetery number (60), which are located below the Cemetery Hatshepsut directly, and found it also Hayward Carter and in 1907 M., transfer mummy of this Cemetery was inside the Ark of Wood carries last two characters of the name of wet nurse Queen Hatshepsut known our behalf« sat where is re. "And started looking for this mummy in Egyptian Museum, وعثرنا them inside store in the third floor, and found that the method of mummification has style Royal, ووقتها I thought that this mummy can be a Queen Hatshepsut, this was the beginning of a journey find mummy Queen Hatshepsut greatest Queens Egypt ... ruled in brighter ages Egypt of its history, the old. I have set up Hatshepsut the most beautiful العمائر religious والجنائزية at all, still معبدها بالدير Marine witness to the beauty of عمارتها. It was the most important three characters in the life of the Queen are the architect سنموت who was constructed لمليكته Temple monastery Marine was probably is the beloved hidden Queen, keen to bury the bottom of معبدها, the personal the second is مرضعتها own, of course the personal third in the life of the Queen is the daughter Princess نفرورع
dried dates
Take three beads of dates in today and get the benefits of amazing! one among the best foods sweet useful, which can organize digestion, supplies body with many of nutrients. And benefits of the date the body many are working on the counter diarrhea disorders intestinal, and treatment of anemia, and prevention of the problems of the heart and some cancers digestive system, as the intervention in fevers overweight or even decreased, due to the fact that dates a rich source of vitamins and Minerals dietary fiber in addition to being a source of wonderful for each of calcium, iron, potassium, phosphorus, manganese and sulfur, copper, magnesium, no it's mine for metals useful body of man. here are about months the benefits of dates body of man and health. Abound studies which confirms the benefits of dates on health, this fruit structure of the small make them useful heart disease and reduce the symptoms of allergy and other benefits, note that take three beads of dates enough to get this is the benefits! Keen many people, especially in the Arab countries on eating dates a day, this is usually a justification for good, of the most food useful for health, this is the fruit is food full, to all types of metal useful body in addition to the vitamins and vehicles food plant. the copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, as well as chain vitamin "b" including "b6" acid pantothenic , as well as to date is rich in vitamin "a" and "k" and vehicles , it also has a lot of fiber. Three beads going through a day enough confirmed the several studies the health benefits of this fruit structure of the small, but even that there is a recent study published in the Journal private nutrition and health in America confirms that the date is the source of the food ideal almost as confirmed the study that dates contains at least 15 species of metal important, as well as the selenium a material anti-cancer and help strengthen the immune. Also contains dates 23 species of amino acid and some of unsaturated fatty acids like . Most important is that make use of this fruit does not require a lot of taken up, three beads of dates in today's enough to get the benefits of amazing to this fruit. Here's six reasons viewed some sites German: provider energy high-speed: contains the date on each nutrients that body needs to enhance energy during the day, it provides the body of energy and help the fiber inside the stability of blood sugar, what helps body on avoiding the consumption of sugar (source of energy) excess in the body. Supports digestion: according to the site "" the dates rich of very fiber-soluble. Ensures these fibers the ability to digestion smoothly. He explains of course tips grandmother to take the dates of infection . It is paradoxically dates and is used in cases of diarrhea, helps to achieve the balance of a given in the intestine. handful small dates, ensure the ease the pain of intestinal and increase the number of bacteria intestinal useful. Improvement of the immune: make the amount of Minerals are a lot in the date of this fruit food his Magic when it comes to strengthen the bones and promote the immune, according to many studies, the intake 3 dates daily is the best way to food for prevention of bone disease osteoporosis for example, as stated in the site " his identity". Helps to treat the problem of anemia is a problem with anemia is one of the problems that increases spread a lot, especially in the Western countries, and thanks to the amount of iron high located in the dates, this is the fruit food best for prevention of the problem with anemia and treatment. Strengthen the heart abound evidence confirm that date is food good heart, proportion of potassium high inside make eating dates useful heart, site " stiff," the many studies confirmed that eating dates reducing the risk of injury stroke, heart disease and the other. Can dates structure that help to reduce the amount of cholesterol "ldl" health, which, according to the opinion of the doctors cause of the biggest problems of the heart like a heart attack strokes. Reduce the symptoms of sensitivity contains the date on high amount of sulfur, the studies have demonstrated that the compounds sulfur-ended the ability to reduce the symptoms of sensitivity. Note that the types of dates are those of fresh
homogeneous and best way to save the dates are stored in a Bowl sealed tightly and in the dark place, what makes use it possible for a full year. - promote health digestive system: as date is the source of high-fiber food soluble and non-soluble, surely will have a role in promoting health digestive and his work, and prevention of some disorders such as: constipation, and prevention of inflammatory bowel, colon, digestive system. 2- anemia: is the date source for many of Minerals, including the iron, which has a role in the treatment of anemia output iron deficiency. 3- body: contains the date on a high percentage of carbohydrates and sugars natural such as: glucose, and fructose. Which extend the body of energy, and raise blood sugar levels, may be a snack ideal especially suitable pre-workout 4- promote health nervous system: contains a date range of vitamins, which is very important and necessary to make nervous system and brain, higher of glucose is necessary to make the brain as he was the main source of energy, as on potassium helps in the work of nerves. 5- strengthen the heart health: is the date very useful for the health of the heart, as it is the source of potassium and magnesium important work of the heart, and are essential the work of the heart, and sang dates in fiber food, makes his role in lowering cholesterol levels bad ldl in the body, making his role in the prevention of strokes and heart attack. 6- anti-inflammatory: sang dates makes him effects anti-inflammatory, such as: infections arteries, arthritis, infections digestive system. It has found some studies an important role in reducing opportunities injury and heart disease, arthritis, disease Alzheimer's. 7- control of the blood pressure: the date the source of high-potassium, which is the most important element to keep the poise fluids in the body and control of the rates of blood pressure. In addition to the magnesium, which helps to reduce blood pressure. The benefits of dates in the morning of the year in our religion true that deals with the human seven تمرات a day, as stated in saheeh Bukhari about our Prophet Holy it better peace and blessings: "of become all day seven date not hurt that day poison and charm", I have played, modern science eating dates depending on what holds of the benefits of a large back on the body, perhaps the morning and may be the best time for a date in order for several reasons: source of vitamins and Minerals important functions of your body natural simple flying levels of blood sugar source to supply the body to fibers, the necessary to enhance the work of the feeling to relax and focus. The benefits of dates in Ramadan to start eating dates as soon as اذان Morocco and after the fasting hours
daily long, as well as being a year of the Prophet peace be upon him, he also is of interest for your body is great, and enables the advantages of starting breakfast on the passing of being a: includes natural sugars simple and easy-absorption like glucose and fructose which extend your body digestion rates of blood sugar, as it is the absorption of sugars derived from it quickly in your body to receive the meals of intestinal. The benefits of dates to follow the damned many fevers download weight dependent dates depending key in dates, yogurt famous even though they diet harsh, but it has chosen dates on the other fruits, features , and in the other hand dates and high- heat source of energy, needless to sugars, making his role as well in fevers weight gain that require intake high-of heat. You and how to use the dates in both cases, whether to increase the weight or lose. Weight gain: the date it may be the best options foods that may fall within the list options diets health targeting the weight gain, in higher of carbohydrates and calories in addition to proteins and vitamins and Minerals core. Vkilo grams one of the dates extends the body approximately 3000 calories. Loss weight: it is necessary attention to content and sugar higher in the dates, but of well-known in general the takingmedicinebefore foods high to fibers will help you to increase is full of gastric thus increasing the feeling . And I found some studies relationship linking increase eating foods high in fiber and reduce the waistline. If you can use this character in the dates, within the damned healthy diet calculated calorie appropriate exploitation meal light help to increase the sense energy. Dates, diabetes, despite the fact that the date the source of high- sugars simple and fructose, as that all 100 cloud of dates and provide the body approximately 63 cloud from sugar, but could diabetics taken within the quota calculated a day, it is a pointer low (low gi), which means being an does not cause a sharp rise in the levels of blood sugar, but it works to raise a gradual Due to being a rich in fiber food, are advised to usually take the diabetic share of the date it is what convergence three beads small from the date, and within the plan food calculated. Dates, sex and found that the role in an increase the ability of sexual and treatment of the problems of infertility output for some disorders nationality, and found role in an increase the number of sperm and improve the movement. In addition to the fact that dates and provide the body sources simple necessary to supply the cells of energy, and increased dysfunction. If you are aspires to exploit the dates at this point we recommend to take the dates with milk local honey and pre-sleep, you will notice the difference
Food to increase the child's intelligence
Food to increase the child's intelligence
Every mother is interested in growing her child better and getting skills that help him to become important when he grows up, providing healthy meals for him to have healthy growth that ensures his focus and mental activity better.
In this article you will review a list of foods that help stimulate your child's intelligence and develop his skills so that you can give him a helping hand to focus on his assignments and activate his mental skills.
Fish contain a high percentage of the body's essential nutrients. It contains high levels of omega-3 fatty acids needed by the brain cells to form, which ensures that your child has a higher level of intelligence. To help your child improve his intelligence, provide weekly meals of fish It has better health and higher skills.
Red meat helps to improve the intelligence of children, as it is a great source of many elements, such as proteins and iron fibers. Red meat is also more important than red meat, because it contains high levels of nutrients needed by your child's body and mind. Because it contains a high percentage of vitamin B12, which helps to improve the level of intelligence in children, so make sure to provide red meat in a healthy manner and quantities appropriate to your kindness so that he can get the elements needed by his body to grow properly.
Eggs are a great source of cholesterol, vitamin B and proteins that help your child develop and improve his intelligence. Nutrition experts advise eggs to be fed to children to feed their bodies with nutrients. Which they need.
Many children prefer to eat nuts in general, as they are light and highly nutritious, but pistachios have many benefits in stimulating your child's skills and skills. So make sure to make pistachios for your child, either cereal or peanut butter sandwiches to feed your child and stimulate his intelligence. And skills.
the milk
Of course, milk is among the foods that you should provide your child. Many scientific studies have shown that milk has many benefits for developing children's intelligence because it is rich in fatty acids and cholesterol, especially for children not older than two years. Cholesterol at this age helps stimulate the child's nerve and brain cells Which increases the child's intelligence, so make sure to provide a daily glass of milk, especially your child's full fat, to get the amazing benefits of milk to develop your child's intelligence and mental skills.
The child must eat as many proteins as possible. Eggs are a protein-rich nutrient, and egg yolks are important for brain growth because they contain choline, which promotes and strengthens brain function. Eggs are characterized by cooking in several ways, and also presented in different forms so it is easy to integrate into the school diet of the child.
Broccoli contains antioxidants, it is rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals and thus protects the body from bowel cancer. It also contributes to the strengthening and protection of the immune system and improves the flow of blood circulation to all parts of the body, improving the performance of the heartbeat and strengthening the bones. .
Tuna is a food rich in fatty acids and the most important of these acids is the acid (Omega 3), which is an acid that helps to maintain the integrity of the body and mind alike, and that the acid is located in the brain naturally.
Milk and dairy products:
Milk and its derivatives contain calcium, proteins and vitamin D. These elements are the most important elements that provide the child with protection for his muscles, tissues, nerves and enzymes.
the bread:
For different types of bread, including toast and plain bread, which provide the child with fiber, fiber can be obtained from salty biscuits and corn chips.
Beans are an integrated meal, as it contains all the nutrients that the body always needs. These nutrients include vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C, fiber, proteins, iron and calcium. It also contains a substance called dopamine, Of the activity of the body and increase its energy.
the banana:
It is recommended that you give your child a banana every morning before going to school. The bananas contain different minerals that give energy to the body. Bananas are rich in potassium, which reduces the pain of the muscles and helps reduce blood pressure. On large amounts of fiber.
Bee's honey:
Honey is one of the most important sources of energy for the body because it contains water and carbohydrates, and is also an anti-inflammatory and viruses and therefore it gets rid of colds, so we recommend you dear mother to feed your child a tablespoon of honey every morning before going to school, or before Go to the club to practice physical and motor sports.
Aliments pour augmenter l'intelligence de l'enfant
Chaque mère que son enfant grandir mieux et d'obtenir les compétences nécessaires pour l'aider à devenir un important quand il grandit, après quoi fournir des repas sains pour lui de profiter d'une croissance saine assure sa concentration et l'activité de mon esprit les meilleurs soins.
Passez en revue votre magazine de la vie dans cette liste d'articles des aliments qui aident à activer l'intelligence de votre bébé et de développer des compétences pour Taatmkny de lui fournir Tsaeidih de se concentrer dans son école et stimuler les aptitudes mentales.
Les poissons contiennent de fortes proportions des éléments que le corps a besoin en général, car ils contiennent de grandes proportions d'acides gras du type de cellules oméga-3 cerveau nécessaires pour former ce qui assure plus le niveau d'intelligence de votre enfant, et aider votre enfant à améliorer le niveau d'intelligence offre nationale poisson hebdomadaire repas sa meilleure santé et des compétences plus élevées.
Des aliments qui sont recommandés en prévoyant votre enfant dans la viande rouge régulièrement, car ils contiennent des niveaux élevés de nutriments nécessaires à l'esprit de votre enfant et le corps, aide rouge Vallhom pour améliorer le niveau d'intelligence des enfants afin d'être considéré comme une grande source de nombreux éléments tels que les protéines et les fibres de fer, comme cela devient de la viande rouge de plus en plus importante car il contient un pourcentage élevé de vitamine B12, ce qui contribue à l'amélioration du niveau de l'intelligence chez les enfants, alors assurez-vous de fournir la viande rouge d'une manière saine et en quantités appropriées pour votre gentillesse afin qu'il puisse obtenir les éléments nécessaires à l'organisme pour se développer correctement.
Fournir des oeufs un repas de base pour votre enfant le matin avec du fromage et du lait pour obtenir votre enfant aux valeurs nutritionnelles merveilleuses contenues dans les œufs, ce qui est des oeufs une grande source de cholestérol et de la vitamine B et des protéines qui aident votre enfant les compétences Tnumeio et augmenter le niveau d'intelligence, si les experts en nutrition sont invités à fournir des œufs pour les enfants à nourrir leurs corps éléments ils ont besoin.
De préférence, de nombreux enfants mangent des noix en général, avec l'avantage d'être léger et de hautes valeurs nutritives, mais Pistache en particulier de multiples avantages pour stimuler les compétences de votre enfant et le développement des compétences, alors assurez-vous de fournir des arachides pour votre bébé soit pilules ou par le travail des sandwichs au beurre d'arachide pour l'alimentation de votre bébé et stimuler son intelligence et ses compétences.
Bien sûr, le lait tombe dans la nourriture que vous fournissez pour votre enfant, de nombreuses études scientifiques ont montré que le lait de multiples avantages pour le développement de l'intelligence des enfants, car il est riche en acides gras et de cholestérol est important pour les enfants en particulier ceux qui ne les dépasse pas deux ans, Valchollstrul à cet âge contribue à stimuler les cellules nerveuses et cérébrales d'un enfant qui travaille pour élever le niveau de l'intelligence de l'enfant, alors assurez-vous de fournir une tasse de lait par jour, en particulier du lait entier pour votre bébé pour obtenir les bienfaits du lait au développement extraordinaire de l'intelligence et les capacités mentales de votre bébé.
L'enfant doit traiter avec le plus grand des protéines, et est l'œuf des riches sources alimentaires de protéines, et le jaune d'œuf a un rôle important pour la croissance du cerveau, car il contient une substance (choline), qui travaille à promouvoir et à renforcer la performance du cerveau. Les œufs se caractérise comme cuit de plusieurs façons, et offre également diverses formes si facile à intégrer dans le régime alimentaire des enfants d'âge scolaire.
Le brocoli contient des matériaux anti-oxydants, comme il est riche en fibres, vitamines et minéraux et protège ainsi le corps d'un cancer de l'intestin, en plus de sa contribution au renforcement du système immunitaire, de protéger et d'améliorer le flux de la circulation sanguine à toutes les parties du corps qui améliore les performances de la force du rythme cardiaque et de l'os, et améliore l'humeur .
Le thon est un des acides gras riches en aliments et les plus importants de ces acides acide (oméga-3), qui est l'un des acides, ce qui contribue à maintenir l'intégrité du corps et de l'esprit à la fois, et cet acide réside dans le cerveau naturellement.
Nous savons tous à quel point le lait pour le bébé, le lait et les produits laitiers Ihton calcium, de protéines, de la vitamine D, et ces éléments est l'un des éléments les plus importants qui offrent une protection pour l'enfant à ses muscles, les tissus de son humeur et Anzimath.
Pain de différents types, y compris des toasts et du pain ordinaire, qui fournit la fibre de bébé, et de fibres peut être obtenu à partir de biscuits salés et de flocons de maïs.
Les haricots:
Bean est l'un des plats intégrés, car elle contient tous les éléments nutritifs nécessaires à l'organisme toujours, et ces nutriments: vitamine A, vitamine B, vitamine C, des fibres, des protéines, le fer et le calcium, il contient également une substance appelée (dopamine) qui favorisent de l'activité du corps et de l'énergie augmentent.
Nous vous conseillons mère chère donner à votre enfant tous les matins de la banane traitée avant d'aller à l'école, les bananes contiennent différents métaux de travail sur l'énergie pour le corps d'accorder, comme la banane est riche en potassium, ce qui réduit le sentiment des muscles de la douleur et aide à réduire le niveau de la pression artérielle à être normale, ainsi que le fait que les bananes contiennent de grandes quantités de fibres.
Miel Abeilles:
Le fils de miel des sources les plus importantes d'énergie pour le corps, car il contient de l'eau et des hydrates de carbone, et est aussi un anti-inflammatoire et les virus et donc il se débarrasse du rhume, donc, nous vous recommandons de mère chère nourrir votre cuillère pour bébé de miel tous les matins avant d'aller à l'école, ou avant il est allé au club pour pratiquer le sport physique et moteur.
Herbs to fight cancer and protect it. Herbes pour lutter contre le cancer et de protéger le
Herbs to fight cancer and protection of it
contains herbs and spices to many of the nutrients that can have the protection of the body of diseases which may be subject to her, vinsah doctors to take drinks herbs hot to cool the symptoms of influenza, cold by anti-herbs virus . As demonstrated scientific studies conducted research team at the University of Leipzig that herbs and spices ability to control the dangers of cancer, reviews Journal of your life in this article list herbs and spices, which helps in the fight against cancer and protection of it to food the health of the ideal and free of diseases. Ginger long ago, ginger, is a cure popularly treat colds and constipation to fit the articles of anti-oxidation assist in the treatment of these diseases relieve symptoms annoying, and can be eating ginger ground on the spices be added to foods different to give her taste great and unique, as can be eating ginger fresh to provide comfort stomach, and helps eating ginger in the protection of infections cancer different especially gastric cancer, colon. Rosemary is Rosemary otherwise known as "rose Marie" of herbs Mediterranean Wood and one of the best sources of natural materials and anti-, is used to this grass in many of the Italian dishes where can add sauces different, it also helps Rosemary on detoxification of the body and treatment of the problem of indigestion, loss of appetite, and can be protection of diseases cancer by taking a Cup of tea Rosemary a day to keep the safety of the body and protection of the dangers that may exposed. Turmeric is turmeric a family-ginger herbal on behalf of Curry, which uses chefs professionals in the preparation of diets in restaurants luxury لنكهته delicious, has been proven to this compound the characteristics of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory, likely to be a protection against the evolution of cancer, including the colon, prostate, breast cancer, and skin cancer. Chili is chili of foods that help in the treatment of some pain, he discovered researchers to eat chili helps to the secretion of the body chemicals is working to reduce the feeling of pain وتسكينها, this does not mean put chili the affected areas pain this is it may increases the severity of the pain, but consult your doctor specialist to use drugs creams localized contain some elements taken from the chili pain, of infections cancer you can assessment address the meals with proper amount of Red pepper and tafrti in quantity added for meals in order effects of negative Red on the health of the body. Mint use Mint since the thousands of years as a means of ease of the problems of digestive system where the ease of gases and treatment indigestion colic, diarrhea, and improve the flow of yellow, as a Mint to protect the body of cancer, so advised to doctors to take a Cup of tea added his Mint a day or take a Cup of drink Mint hot, proved scientific studies that Mint helps to reduce the problem of sores mouth painful that can occur of chemotherapy
Herbes pour lutter contre le cancer et de protéger le

Herbes et épices contiennent de nombreux nutriments qui peuvent protéger le corps contre les maladies qui peuvent être exposés, les médecins sont invités à manger des boissons à base d'herbes chaudes pour soulager la grippe et les symptômes du rhume par le virus de contrôle des mauvaises herbes qui provoque la grippe.
Des études scientifiques menées par une équipe de recherche à l'Université de Leipzig a également montré que la capacité des herbes et des épices pour lutter contre les dangers du cancer, et passez en revue votre magazine de la vie dans cette liste d'articles d'herbes et d'épices qui aident dans la lutte contre le cancer et à la protection de celui-ci à ajouter aux repas alimentaires et Tnama santé idéal et sans maladie.
Il y a longtemps et le gingembre est un traitement populaire pour le traitement du rhume et de la constipation, car il contient l'aide d'oxydation anti-matière dans le traitement de ces maladies et soulager les symptômes lancinante, peut être l'apport de gingembre moulu sous la forme d'épices ajoutées à différents aliments pour lui donner un goût merveilleux et unique, comme le gingembre manger frais pour offrir un confort estomac et aide à manger du gingembre protéger contre diverses maladies, notamment le cancer de l'estomac et le cancer du côlon.
Le romarin est également connu comme le « Mary Rose » d'herbes bois méditerranéen et l'une des meilleures sources naturelles de matériaux, anti-oxydation et utilisé cette herbe dans de nombreux plats italiens où il peut être ajouté à des sauces soupe et divers, aussi il aide le romarin à éliminer les toxines du corps et de traiter le problème de l'indigestion perte d'appétit, et peuvent être protégés contre l'incidence du cancer en mangeant une tasse de thé de romarin par jour pour maintenir l'intégrité du corps et le protéger contre les dangers qui pourraient être exposés.
Est considéré comme le curcuma membre du gingembre à base de plantes connu comme le curry utilisé par des chefs professionnels dans la préparation des repas dans les restaurants de luxe et délicieux pour sa famille saveur, ce composé a des propriétés anti-oxydantes éprouvée et des propriétés anti-inflammatoires, et est susceptible d'être protégé contre le développement du cancer, y compris du côlon, de la prostate et le cancer du sein , et le cancer de la peau.
Est-ce chili des aliments qui aident à traiter certains de la douleur, et ont découvert des chercheurs que manger le piment aide la sécrétion de produits chimiques du corps travaillent pour soulager la sensation de douleur et cantonnement, et ce que cela peut augmenter signifie pas mis du piment sur les zones touchées de la douleur, la gravité de la douleur, mais consulter un médecin spécialiste pour utiliser les médicaments et les crèmes contiennent topiques certains éléments de chili pour soulager la douleur, et de protéger contre les infections de cancer, vous pouvez évaluer manger des repas qui contiennent une quantité de piment rouge approprié de ne pas Tafrti la quantité ajoutée pour les repas de manière à influencer S poivron rouge négatif sur la santé du corps.
Utilisez la menthe pour des milliers d'années comme un moyen de soulager les problèmes digestifs où la réduction des gaz et de traiter l'indigestion, les coliques, la diarrhée, et d'améliorer l'écoulement de la bile, comme la menthe poivrée fonctionne pour protéger le corps contre le cancer, afin que les médecins recommandent de manger une tasse de thé ajouté un jour à la menthe ou une tasse de menthe boisson études chaudes, scientifiques ont montré que la menthe poivrée aide à atténuer le problème des plaies douloureuses de la bouche qui peuvent se produire à partir de la chimiothérapie et la radiothérapie.
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The benefits of Peel lemon
The benefits of Peel lemon
Lemons are a favorite all over the world and an essential kitchen staple. Plus, they’re one of those foods that you can use every bit of – from the flesh to the peels.
Lemon peels contain a wide range of vitamins, minerals and fiber that provide a nutritional boost. In fact, compared to lemon juice, the peels have more vitamins C and A, beta-carotene, folate, calcium, magnesium and potassium, to name a few.
The peels are even refreshing and smell divine, and can add flavor and aroma to foods and drinks. They also offer skin as well as common household cleaning benefits
1. Improve Your Skin Health
Lemon peel has many skin benefits. The acid in it can help enhance the clarity, glow and softness of your skin.
Plus, lemon peels are great for exfoliating to remove dead skin cells and stimulate new skin growth. They can also be helpful for those with acne.
You can choose from various methods to reap the benefits.
You can rub fresh lemon peel all over your face. Wait 10 minutes, then rinse it off with lukewarm water. Do it 3 or 4 times a week to enjoy smooth and bright skin.
Dry your leftover lemon peels in the sun for a few days. Put the dried lemon peels in the blender into a coarse powder. Mix 1 cup of this crumbly mix with ½ cup of sugar and enough olive oil and honey to make a paste. Gently rub this homemade scrub on your damp skin for a few minutes, then leave it on for 15 minutes before rinsing it off to get soft and glowing skin.
Grind dried lemon peel into a powder, then add a little water to make a paste. Apply it on the acne-affected area. Leave it on for 10 minutes, then rinse it off with lukewarm water. Repeat once daily.
Massage leftover lemon peels on your hands, elbows and heels to rejuvenate and lighten the skin as well as tighten the pores.
2. Make Lemon Peel Tea
Instead of throwing away the peel, you can use it to make tasty and healthy homemade tea.
Packed with vitamin C and antioxidants, lemon peels can help improve digestion, reduce weight, balance your pH levels, boost the immune system, and offer liver-toning benefits, among others
It’s easy to make the tea.
Put 1 tablespoon of thinly cut lemon peels (remove the white pith) in a cup.
Pour some boiling water over the peels.
Cover and allow it to steep for 10 minutes.
Strain the liquid.
Add some honey and stir thoroughly.
Drink the tea while it is still warm.
3. Keep Your Home Ant-Free
Dealing with ants is a frustrating and tiring task. Now, you can make your kitchen and other areas of your house ant-proof with the help of lemon peels.
The sweet, lemony smell deters ants. Also, the acidic property masks the scent trails that their ant friends follow when finding their way into your home.
Cut lemon peels into small pieces.
Place these pieces in windowsills, door entrances and any sorts of cracks to prevent pests and ants from getting in.
Replace the lemon peels every few days until you are satisfied with your efforts.
4. Make a DIY All-Purpose Cleaner
Lemon peel can also be used as an all-purpose cleaner. Its acidic property makes it an awesome element for cutting through grease and disinfecting items.
It is particularly effective at cleaning glass windows, mirrors and showerheads, and other household surfaces.
Throw a few handfuls of washed, chopped lemon peels into a clean glass jar half way.
Pour white vinegar into the jar until the peels are completely covered.
Put the lid on and keep the jar on a sunny windowsill for 2 to 3 weeks, shaking it occasionally.
Pour the mixture through a mesh strainer or a cheesecloth.
Transfer the lemony liquid into a clean spray bottle.
Use your homemade lemon cleanser as you would use any other all-purpose cleaner. You can also dilute it with an equal amount of water and then use it.
Note: Do not use this cleaner on porous surfaces like granite and marble.
5. Make Homemade Lemon Pepper Seasoning
Whether you are preparing chicken wings, pasta, grilled veggies or roasted potatoes, you can enhance the taste with homemade lemon pepper seasoning.
The savory blend of salt, zesty lemon peel and freshly cracked black pepper is all that you need to take your culinary skills to new levels.
Preheat your oven on the lowest possible setting.
Using a zester or vegetable peeler, remove the yellow part from the outside of 4 or 5 lemons.
Coarsely grind ¼ cup of black peppercorns.
In a small bowl, thoroughly mix together the crushed pepper and lemon zest.
Spread the mixture evenly on a baking sheet.
Bake it on low until the mixture is dry.
Add ¼ cup of sea salt to the mixture.
Store it in an airtight container and use as needed.
This homemade seasoning will last for up to 6 months.
Even without adding the pepper, you can use lemon zest to flavor both sweet and savory dishes.
6. Brighten Yellow Nails and Teeth
No matter how beautifully you cut and shape your nails, if they have a yellowish tinge you’ll be reaching for some nail polish. But it’s important to give your nails a break from the polish, as they need air to breathe and remain healthy.
To brighten yellow nails, lemon peel is one of the best secrets. The acidic property of the peels helps reduce discoloration. In addition, it is effective in treating nail infections that may be causing the discoloration.
Soak your nails in warm water for 10 minutes.
Rub each of your nails with fresh lemon peels for 20 to 30 seconds.
Rinse your nails with water.
Use this treatment twice daily until your nails are no longer discolored.
You can also use fresh lemon peels to reduce the yellow tinge accumulated on your teeth. Its bleaching property helps reduce teeth staining, especially smoking stains.
Rub lemon peel over your teeth for 2 to 3 minutes.
Rinse your teeth and mouth thoroughly with lukewarm water.
Do this twice daily until you are satisfied with the
Thank you for following up
Lemons are a favorite all over the world and an essential kitchen staple. Plus, they’re one of those foods that you can use every bit of – from the flesh to the peels.
Lemon peels contain a wide range of vitamins, minerals and fiber that provide a nutritional boost. In fact, compared to lemon juice, the peels have more vitamins C and A, beta-carotene, folate, calcium, magnesium and potassium, to name a few.
The peels are even refreshing and smell divine, and can add flavor and aroma to foods and drinks. They also offer skin as well as common household cleaning benefits
1. Improve Your Skin Health
Lemon peel has many skin benefits. The acid in it can help enhance the clarity, glow and softness of your skin.
Plus, lemon peels are great for exfoliating to remove dead skin cells and stimulate new skin growth. They can also be helpful for those with acne.
You can choose from various methods to reap the benefits.
You can rub fresh lemon peel all over your face. Wait 10 minutes, then rinse it off with lukewarm water. Do it 3 or 4 times a week to enjoy smooth and bright skin.
Dry your leftover lemon peels in the sun for a few days. Put the dried lemon peels in the blender into a coarse powder. Mix 1 cup of this crumbly mix with ½ cup of sugar and enough olive oil and honey to make a paste. Gently rub this homemade scrub on your damp skin for a few minutes, then leave it on for 15 minutes before rinsing it off to get soft and glowing skin.
Grind dried lemon peel into a powder, then add a little water to make a paste. Apply it on the acne-affected area. Leave it on for 10 minutes, then rinse it off with lukewarm water. Repeat once daily.
Massage leftover lemon peels on your hands, elbows and heels to rejuvenate and lighten the skin as well as tighten the pores.
2. Make Lemon Peel Tea
Instead of throwing away the peel, you can use it to make tasty and healthy homemade tea.
Packed with vitamin C and antioxidants, lemon peels can help improve digestion, reduce weight, balance your pH levels, boost the immune system, and offer liver-toning benefits, among others
It’s easy to make the tea.
Put 1 tablespoon of thinly cut lemon peels (remove the white pith) in a cup.
Pour some boiling water over the peels.
Cover and allow it to steep for 10 minutes.
Strain the liquid.
Add some honey and stir thoroughly.
Drink the tea while it is still warm.
3. Keep Your Home Ant-Free
Dealing with ants is a frustrating and tiring task. Now, you can make your kitchen and other areas of your house ant-proof with the help of lemon peels.
The sweet, lemony smell deters ants. Also, the acidic property masks the scent trails that their ant friends follow when finding their way into your home.
Cut lemon peels into small pieces.
Place these pieces in windowsills, door entrances and any sorts of cracks to prevent pests and ants from getting in.
Replace the lemon peels every few days until you are satisfied with your efforts.
4. Make a DIY All-Purpose Cleaner
Lemon peel can also be used as an all-purpose cleaner. Its acidic property makes it an awesome element for cutting through grease and disinfecting items.
It is particularly effective at cleaning glass windows, mirrors and showerheads, and other household surfaces.
Throw a few handfuls of washed, chopped lemon peels into a clean glass jar half way.
Pour white vinegar into the jar until the peels are completely covered.
Put the lid on and keep the jar on a sunny windowsill for 2 to 3 weeks, shaking it occasionally.
Pour the mixture through a mesh strainer or a cheesecloth.
Transfer the lemony liquid into a clean spray bottle.
Use your homemade lemon cleanser as you would use any other all-purpose cleaner. You can also dilute it with an equal amount of water and then use it.
Note: Do not use this cleaner on porous surfaces like granite and marble.
5. Make Homemade Lemon Pepper Seasoning
Whether you are preparing chicken wings, pasta, grilled veggies or roasted potatoes, you can enhance the taste with homemade lemon pepper seasoning.
The savory blend of salt, zesty lemon peel and freshly cracked black pepper is all that you need to take your culinary skills to new levels.
Preheat your oven on the lowest possible setting.
Using a zester or vegetable peeler, remove the yellow part from the outside of 4 or 5 lemons.
Coarsely grind ¼ cup of black peppercorns.
In a small bowl, thoroughly mix together the crushed pepper and lemon zest.
Spread the mixture evenly on a baking sheet.
Bake it on low until the mixture is dry.
Add ¼ cup of sea salt to the mixture.
Store it in an airtight container and use as needed.
This homemade seasoning will last for up to 6 months.
Even without adding the pepper, you can use lemon zest to flavor both sweet and savory dishes.
6. Brighten Yellow Nails and Teeth
No matter how beautifully you cut and shape your nails, if they have a yellowish tinge you’ll be reaching for some nail polish. But it’s important to give your nails a break from the polish, as they need air to breathe and remain healthy.
To brighten yellow nails, lemon peel is one of the best secrets. The acidic property of the peels helps reduce discoloration. In addition, it is effective in treating nail infections that may be causing the discoloration.
Soak your nails in warm water for 10 minutes.
Rub each of your nails with fresh lemon peels for 20 to 30 seconds.
Rinse your nails with water.
Use this treatment twice daily until your nails are no longer discolored.
You can also use fresh lemon peels to reduce the yellow tinge accumulated on your teeth. Its bleaching property helps reduce teeth staining, especially smoking stains.
Rub lemon peel over your teeth for 2 to 3 minutes.
Rinse your teeth and mouth thoroughly with lukewarm water.
Do this twice daily until you are satisfied with the
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