Treatment of osteoporosis هشاشة العظام. Traitement de l'ostéoporose

L'ostéoporose est une des maladies les plus graves fragiles affectant les os, qui perdent leur densité et la force, et les rend faibles et cassants même lorsque vous faites des mouvements simples, et en raison de nombreuses raisons telles que: l'âge, le tabagisme, facteur génétique, la grossesse, les femmes à l'accouchement, etc., dans notre article sur ce que nous allons en apprendre davantage sur un groupe d'herbes qui contribueront au traitement de ce problème. Herbes aider dans le traitement de l'ostéoporose gingembre antioxydant gingembre et les propriétés anti-inflammatoires, il est possible de préparer des boissons au gingembre en faisant bouillir un morceau dans la quantité d'eau à feu moyen pendant quelques minutes, puis sucrer avec du miel et boire trois fois par jour pour obtenir le meilleur résultat. poudre Curcuma curcuma propriétés anti-inflammatoires et anti-oxydantes, et il peut être utilisé en plaçant une cuillère à café de poudre de curcuma dans un verre de lait, et bien couverts, et sucrer en ajoutant une demi-cuillère à café de miel naturel, puis boire trois fois par jour pendant une semaine. L'anneau contient l'anneau sur de nombreux minéraux et vitamines essentiels tels que le fer, le calcium, le phosphore, et être utilisé mettre une cuillère à café de l'anneau dans un verre d'eau chaude, et en les mélangeant bien, manger cette boisson deux à trois fois par jour, ou un mélange suspendus à partir des graines de l'anneau avec la quantité d'eau, et d'appliquer la sortie de mélange sur les zones infectées et affectées, et le laisser pendant environ un quart d'heure, jusqu'à ce qu'il soit complètement sec, puis lavé à l'eau tiède, répéter de préférence ce traitement deux fois par jour, pour obtenir un résultat garanti pendant une période de temps limitée. Le thé vert contribue au thé vert dans le maintien de la densité osseuse et la force, donc en plaçant une cuillère à café de feuilles de thé dans une tasse d'eau chaude, en prenant soin de bien couvert, et le laisser pendant cinq minutes, puis ajoutez une cuillère à café de miel liquide naturel, manger ce boire deux fois par jour. de cannelle en poudre utilisé cette recette en mettant une cuillère à café de cannelle moulue grande poudre et une cuillère à café de miel dans un verre d'eau chaude, manger cette boisson par jour le matin avant le petit déjeuner, ou en mélangeant une cuillère à soupe de cannelle avec une petite quantité d'eau et versez le mélange sur les zones touchées, et le laisser pendant dix minutes, puis rincer à l'eau tiède, et il est recommandé de répéter cette recette trois fois par jour. Persil utilise cette recette en faisant bouillir la moitié paquet de persil, de manger une tasse de tous les jours, où le persil contient une substance de fluor qui possède une grande capacité de résistance de l'os

Osteoporosis Fragility is one of the most serious diseases affecting bones, which lose their intensity and strength, and make them weak and breakable even when doing simple movements, due to many reasons, including: aging, smoking, genetic factors, pregnancy and childbirth in women and others, In this article we will identify a range of herbs that will contribute to the treatment of this problem. Osteoarthritis Ginger ginger is an anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It is possible to prepare a ginger drink by boiling a piece of it in a quantity of water over medium heat for a few minutes, then sweetening it with honey and drinking it three times a day for the best result. Turmeric powder Turmeric has anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties. It can be used by placing a teaspoon of turmeric powder inside a cup of milk, and well covered, and adding it half a teaspoon of natural honey, and then drink it three times during the day for a whole week. The ring contains many important minerals and vitamins such as iron, calcium and phosphorus. Use a teaspoon of the ring in a cup of warm water, mix well, take this drink 2-3 times a day or mix the seeds of the ring with The amount of water, apply the resulting mixture to affected and affected areas, leave it for about a quarter of an hour, until completely dry, and then wash with warm water, preferably repeat this treatment twice during the day, to obtain a guaranteed result during a limited time. Green Tea Green tea helps maintain bone density and strength by putting a teaspoon of tea leaves into a cup of hot water, keeping it well covered, leaving it for five minutes, and then adding a teaspoon of natural liquid honey. Drink twice daily. Cinnamon powder This recipe is used by placing a tablespoon of crushed cinnamon powder and a tablespoon of honey in a glass of warm water. Take this drink daily in the morning before breakfast, or by mixing a tablespoon of cinnamon with a small amount of water, and put the mixture on The affected areas, left for ten minutes, and then rinsed with lukewarm water, and advised to repeat this recipe three times a day. Parsley Use this recipe by boiling half a pack of parsley, and eat a cup of it a day, where parsley contains fluorine, which has a great ability to strengthen bones

هشاشة العظام تعتبر الهشاشة واحدةً من أخطر الأمراض التي تصيب العظام، حيث تفقدها كثافتها وقوّتها، وتجعلها ضعيفة وقابلة للكسر حتى عند القيام بالحركات البسيطة، وذلك يعود للعديد من الأسباب نذكر منها: التقدّم في السن، والتدخين، والعامل الوراثي، والحمل والولادة عند النساء وغيرها، وفي مقالنا هذا سنتعرّف على مجموعة من الأعشاب التي من شأنها المساهمة في علاج هذه المشكلة. الأعشاب المساعدة في علاج هشاشة العظام الزنجبيل للزنجبيل خصائص مضادّة للأكسدة ومضادة للالتهابات، ومن الممكن تحضير مشروب الزنجبيل من خلال غلي قطعةٍ منه في كميةٍ من الماء على نارٍ متوسّطة الحرارة لبضع دقائق، ومن ثمّ تحليته بالعسل، وشربه ثلاث مرّاتٍ خلال اليوم للحصول على أفضل نتيجة. مسحوق الكركم للكركم خصائص مضادة للالتهابات ومضادة للأكسدة، ويمكن استخدامه عن طريق وضع ملعقة صغيرة من مسحوق الكركم داخل كوب من الحليب، وتغطيته جيداً، وتحليته بإضافة نصف ملعقة من العسل الطبيعيّ، ومن ثم شربه ثلاث مرات خلال اليوم لمدّة أسبوع كامل. الحلبة تحتوي الحلبة على العديد من المعادن والفيتامينات الهامّة والضرورية مثل: الحديد، والكالسيوم، والفوسفور، ويكون استخدامها بوضع ملعقة صغيرة من الحلبة في كوب من الماء الدافئ، وخلطهما جيداً، وتناول هذا المشروب مرتين إلى ثلاث مرات يومياً، أو مزج معلقة من بذور الحلبة مع كمية من الماء، وتطبيق المزيج الناتج على المناطق المصابة والمتضررة، وتركه لمدّة ربع ساعة تقريباً، حتى يجفّ تماماً، ومن ثم غسلها بالماء الدافئ، ويفضّل تكرار هذا العلاج مرتين خلال اليوم، للحصول على نتيجة مضمونة خلال فترة زمنيّة محدودة. الشاي الأخضر يساهم الشاي الأخضر في الحفاظ على كثافة العظام وقوّتها، وذلك من خلال وضع ملعقة صغيرة من أوراق الشاي داخل كوب من الماء الساخن، مع الحرص على تغطيته جيداً، وتركه لمدّة خمس دقائق، ومن ثم إضافة ملعقة صغيرة من العسل الطبيعيّ السائل، وتناول هذا المشروب مرتين يومياً. مسحوق القرفة تستخدم هذه الوصفة عن طريق وضع ملعقة من مسحوق القرفة المطحونة وملعقة كبيرة من العسل داخل كوب من الماء الدافئ، وتناول هذا المشروب يومياً في الصباح قبل وجبة الإفطار، أو من خلال خلط ملعقة كبيرة من القرفة مع كمية قليلة من الماء، ووضع الخليط على المناطق المتضرّرة، وتركه لمدّة عشر دقائق، ومن ثم شطفه بالماء الفاتر، وينصح تكرار هذه الوصفة ثلاث مرات يومياً. البقدونس تستخدم هذه الوصفة من خلال غلى نصف حزمة من البقدونس، وتناول كوب منه يومياً، حيث يحتوي البقدونس على مادّة الفلورين التي لها القدرة الكبيرة في تقوية العظام.

Treatment of osteoporosis هشاشة العظام. Traitement de l'ostéoporose

L'ostéoporose est une des maladies les plus graves fragiles affectant les os, qui perdent leur densité et la force, et les rend faibles et cassants même lorsque vous faites des mouvements simples, et en raison de nombreuses raisons telles que: l'âge, le tabagisme, facteur génétique, la grossesse, les femmes à l'accouchement, etc., dans notre article sur ce que nous allons en apprendre davantage sur un groupe d'herbes qui contribueront au traitement de ce problème. Herbes aider dans le traitement de l'ostéoporose gingembre antioxydant gingembre et les propriétés anti-inflammatoires, il est possible de préparer des boissons au gingembre en faisant bouillir un morceau dans la quantité d'eau à feu moyen pendant quelques minutes, puis sucrer avec du miel et boire trois fois par jour pour obtenir le meilleur résultat. poudre Curcuma curcuma propriétés anti-inflammatoires et anti-oxydantes, et il peut être utilisé en plaçant une cuillère à café de poudre de curcuma dans un verre de lait, et bien couverts, et sucrer en ajoutant une demi-cuillère à café de miel naturel, puis boire trois fois par jour pendant une semaine. L'anneau contient l'anneau sur de nombreux minéraux et vitamines essentiels tels que le fer, le calcium, le phosphore, et être utilisé mettre une cuillère à café de l'anneau dans un verre d'eau chaude, et en les mélangeant bien, manger cette boisson deux à trois fois par jour, ou un mélange suspendus à partir des graines de l'anneau avec la quantité d'eau, et d'appliquer la sortie de mélange sur les zones infectées et affectées, et le laisser pendant environ un quart d'heure, jusqu'à ce qu'il soit complètement sec, puis lavé à l'eau tiède, répéter de préférence ce traitement deux fois par jour, pour obtenir un résultat garanti pendant une période de temps limitée. Le thé vert contribue au thé vert dans le maintien de la densité osseuse et la force, donc en plaçant une cuillère à café de feuilles de thé dans une tasse d'eau chaude, en prenant soin de bien couvert, et le laisser pendant cinq minutes, puis ajoutez une cuillère à café de miel liquide naturel, manger ce boire deux fois par jour. de cannelle en poudre utilisé cette recette en mettant une cuillère à café de cannelle moulue grande poudre et une cuillère à café de miel dans un verre d'eau chaude, manger cette boisson par jour le matin avant le petit déjeuner, ou en mélangeant une cuillère à soupe de cannelle avec une petite quantité d'eau et versez le mélange sur les zones touchées, et le laisser pendant dix minutes, puis rincer à l'eau tiède, et il est recommandé de répéter cette recette trois fois par jour. Persil utilise cette recette en faisant bouillir la moitié paquet de persil, de manger une tasse de tous les jours, où le persil contient une substance de fluor qui possède une grande capacité de résistance de l'os

Osteoporosis Fragility is one of the most serious diseases affecting bones, which lose their intensity and strength, and make them weak and breakable even when doing simple movements, due to many reasons, including: aging, smoking, genetic factors, pregnancy and childbirth in women and others, In this article we will identify a range of herbs that will contribute to the treatment of this problem. Osteoarthritis Ginger ginger is an anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It is possible to prepare a ginger drink by boiling a piece of it in a quantity of water over medium heat for a few minutes, then sweetening it with honey and drinking it three times a day for the best result. Turmeric powder Turmeric has anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties. It can be used by placing a teaspoon of turmeric powder inside a cup of milk, and well covered, and adding it half a teaspoon of natural honey, and then drink it three times during the day for a whole week. The ring contains many important minerals and vitamins such as iron, calcium and phosphorus. Use a teaspoon of the ring in a cup of warm water, mix well, take this drink 2-3 times a day or mix the seeds of the ring with The amount of water, apply the resulting mixture to affected and affected areas, leave it for about a quarter of an hour, until completely dry, and then wash with warm water, preferably repeat this treatment twice during the day, to obtain a guaranteed result during a limited time. Green Tea Green tea helps maintain bone density and strength by putting a teaspoon of tea leaves into a cup of hot water, keeping it well covered, leaving it for five minutes, and then adding a teaspoon of natural liquid honey. Drink twice daily. Cinnamon powder This recipe is used by placing a tablespoon of crushed cinnamon powder and a tablespoon of honey in a glass of warm water. Take this drink daily in the morning before breakfast, or by mixing a tablespoon of cinnamon with a small amount of water, and put the mixture on The affected areas, left for ten minutes, and then rinsed with lukewarm water, and advised to repeat this recipe three times a day. Parsley Use this recipe by boiling half a pack of parsley, and eat a cup of it a day, where parsley contains fluorine, which has a great ability to strengthen bones

هشاشة العظام تعتبر الهشاشة واحدةً من أخطر الأمراض التي تصيب العظام، حيث تفقدها كثافتها وقوّتها، وتجعلها ضعيفة وقابلة للكسر حتى عند القيام بالحركات البسيطة، وذلك يعود للعديد من الأسباب نذكر منها: التقدّم في السن، والتدخين، والعامل الوراثي، والحمل والولادة عند النساء وغيرها، وفي مقالنا هذا سنتعرّف على مجموعة من الأعشاب التي من شأنها المساهمة في علاج هذه المشكلة. الأعشاب المساعدة في علاج هشاشة العظام الزنجبيل للزنجبيل خصائص مضادّة للأكسدة ومضادة للالتهابات، ومن الممكن تحضير مشروب الزنجبيل من خلال غلي قطعةٍ منه في كميةٍ من الماء على نارٍ متوسّطة الحرارة لبضع دقائق، ومن ثمّ تحليته بالعسل، وشربه ثلاث مرّاتٍ خلال اليوم للحصول على أفضل نتيجة. مسحوق الكركم للكركم خصائص مضادة للالتهابات ومضادة للأكسدة، ويمكن استخدامه عن طريق وضع ملعقة صغيرة من مسحوق الكركم داخل كوب من الحليب، وتغطيته جيداً، وتحليته بإضافة نصف ملعقة من العسل الطبيعيّ، ومن ثم شربه ثلاث مرات خلال اليوم لمدّة أسبوع كامل. الحلبة تحتوي الحلبة على العديد من المعادن والفيتامينات الهامّة والضرورية مثل: الحديد، والكالسيوم، والفوسفور، ويكون استخدامها بوضع ملعقة صغيرة من الحلبة في كوب من الماء الدافئ، وخلطهما جيداً، وتناول هذا المشروب مرتين إلى ثلاث مرات يومياً، أو مزج معلقة من بذور الحلبة مع كمية من الماء، وتطبيق المزيج الناتج على المناطق المصابة والمتضررة، وتركه لمدّة ربع ساعة تقريباً، حتى يجفّ تماماً، ومن ثم غسلها بالماء الدافئ، ويفضّل تكرار هذا العلاج مرتين خلال اليوم، للحصول على نتيجة مضمونة خلال فترة زمنيّة محدودة. الشاي الأخضر يساهم الشاي الأخضر في الحفاظ على كثافة العظام وقوّتها، وذلك من خلال وضع ملعقة صغيرة من أوراق الشاي داخل كوب من الماء الساخن، مع الحرص على تغطيته جيداً، وتركه لمدّة خمس دقائق، ومن ثم إضافة ملعقة صغيرة من العسل الطبيعيّ السائل، وتناول هذا المشروب مرتين يومياً. مسحوق القرفة تستخدم هذه الوصفة عن طريق وضع ملعقة من مسحوق القرفة المطحونة وملعقة كبيرة من العسل داخل كوب من الماء الدافئ، وتناول هذا المشروب يومياً في الصباح قبل وجبة الإفطار، أو من خلال خلط ملعقة كبيرة من القرفة مع كمية قليلة من الماء، ووضع الخليط على المناطق المتضرّرة، وتركه لمدّة عشر دقائق، ومن ثم شطفه بالماء الفاتر، وينصح تكرار هذه الوصفة ثلاث مرات يومياً. البقدونس تستخدم هذه الوصفة من خلال غلى نصف حزمة من البقدونس، وتناول كوب منه يومياً، حيث يحتوي البقدونس على مادّة الفلورين التي لها القدرة الكبيرة في تقوية العظام.

Some Arab countries cut relations with Qatar

The Yemeni government announced on Monday that it was severing its diplomatic relations with Qatar and supporting the steps taken by the leadership of the Coalition for the Support of Legitimacy in Yemen to end the participation of Qatari forces, according to our correspondent.

Yemen has joined the four countries (Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Bahrain and Egypt) by severing diplomatic relations with Doha after Qatar's practices, its dealings with the coup militias and its support for extremist groups in the country have become apparent.

The Yemeni government reiterated its confidence in the continuation of the coalition countries to make all efforts to achieve security and stability for the Yemeni people and support the legitimacy and restore the Yemeni state sovereignty of the coup, and continue to fight terrorism on all Yemeni territory.

Following the announcement by Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Egypt of severing diplomatic relations with Qatar, on Monday, Arab history records a number of similar events that have already witnessed relations between the Arab countries.

It is certain that the most prominent of these precedents is the severing of the relations of several Arab countries with Egypt in conjunction with the signing of Cairo Camp David agreement with Israel, which paved the way for the peace treaty on 26 March 1979.

Province of Egypt

In November 1978, following the signing of the Camp David Peace Agreement with Israel, the Arab states, except Oman, Somalia and the Sudan, decided at the Baghdad summit to transfer the headquarters of the Arab League, suspend Egypt's membership and then sever relations after the signing of the Egyptian-Israeli peace treaty on 26 March 1979.

The boycott included the suspension of flights and the boycott of Egyptian products and non-dealing with individuals. The Arab League then issued a decision to consider Tunisia as the official headquarters of the Arab League and the appointment of Shazly al-Kulaibi as secretary-general of the university.

In March 1990, the headquarters returned to Cairo to hold the emergency conference in Casablanca, and Esmat Abdel Majid became Secretary General of the League of Arab States, amidst regional, Arab and international developments. At the summit, Egypt's return to the Arab world and the return of the League of Arab States to Cairo were completed. Virtually the decisions of the 1978 Baghdad Summit.

The withdrawal of ambassadors from Qatar

March 2014, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates decided to withdraw their ambassadors from Doha due to "Qatar's failure to comply with decisions previously agreed upon," according to a joint statement issued by the three countries at the time.

He announced the return of the ambassadors of Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Bahrain to Doha in November 2014 after Qatar announced its commitment to some of the decisions previously agreed upon in the Gulf Cooperation Council and the closure of Al-Jazeera directly Egypt, and the departure of some leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood from Qatar to Turkey.

Cut ties with Syria

Because of the war in Syria, Saudi Arabia severed its relations with Syria and decided to close its embassy in Damascus and expel the Syrian ambassador in 2012, and then in June 2013, Egypt decided to sever diplomatic relations with Syria under the rule of the Muslim Brotherhood,

Moroccan-Algerian relations

The Algerian-Moroccan relations have been fraught with much of the charged atmosphere. The war of the sand broke out in 1963. In March 1976, relations between Morocco and Algeria were cut off due to the latter's support for the Polisario Front until it returned in 1988.

In 2013, the Kingdom of Morocco withdrew its ambassador from Algeria for consultation.

Announced that all of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Arab Emirates United Kingdom of Bahrain Egypt, Monday, cut diplomatic relations with diameter, protecting its security risks of terrorism extremism. Announced Manama early in the news of cut ties before تتوالى ads from Riyadh Cairo and Abu Dhabi. Source said Saudi official, that the Kingdom decided to cut diplomatic relations and consular with Qatar, as I decided to close all ports wild and Marine air, and prevent transit in the land atmosphere territorial waters Saudi Arabia, and start the actions of legal instant understanding with the sister and friendly and companies international to apply the same procedure as soon as possible for all transportation to and from Qatar, reasons related to National security Saudi. Added statement, I have taken the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia its critical this result of violations serious exercised by the authorities in Doha, secretly and publicly, over the past years in order to incision grade internal Saudi, incitement to get out on the state, والمساس بسيادتها, and embrace terrorist groups and sectarian multiple targets hit the stability of the region, including the group (Muslim Brotherhood and داعش) and (base), and promotion لأدبيات schemes such groups by means of informed permanently. As denounced the statement support Qatar the activities of terrorist groups backed Iran in the province Qatif of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and in the Kingdom of Bahrain sister and financing and adopt وإيواء extremists seeking to hit the stability of the unity of the nation at home and abroad, and use of the media that seek to fuel strife internally as it turned out the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia support by the authorities in Doha militia Houthi coup even after the declaration of Alliance support legitimacy in Yemen. He explained the statement that the Saudi taken this decision in solidarity with the Kingdom of Bahrain sister, which are campaigns and terrorist supported by the authorities in Doha. He since 1995 been made to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and brothers efforts strenuous and continuing to urge authorities in Doha a commitment to its commitments, and adherence conventions, However, this authorities has been on the broken its international obligations, breach agreements signed by the under the umbrella GCC Gulf stop hostilities against the Kingdom, and stand against groups and activities terrorist, was the last that not implementing agreement Riyadh. He explained the statement that إنفاذا the decision of cutting diplomatic relations and consular prevents the Saudi citizens travel to Qatar, or stay where, or traffic through it, and residents and visitors of them speed-out during the period not exceeding 14 days, and prevent, Unfortunately, for security reasons precautionary login or cross the citizens Qatari to Saudi Arabia, وتمهل residents and visitors of them period of 14 days to leave; confirmed its commitment to وحرصها to provide all the facilities and services pilgrims والمعتمرين Qatari. Saudi Arabia, pointed out that it patient long, despite the continuation of the authorities in Doha to evade its commitments, conspiracy to them, the interest of the people of the country, which is a natural extension وأصيل لإخوانه in the Kingdom, and part of أرومتها, and will continue to Kingdom bond people country brother and supportive لأمنه stability, no matter what committed by the authorities in Doha of practices hostile. Statement UAE .. issued the United Arab Emirates statement saying "confirm the United Arab Emirates its commitment to the full support for the full system GCC maintain security and stability of the member States .. in this framework based on the continuation of National authorities in its policy which undermine security and stability of the region and manipulate evasion of commitments and conventions the decide to take the necessary measures to benefit the GCC general and people country brother especially in support of the statement of the Kingdom of Bahrain sister statement of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates decided to take the following procedures: 1- cut ties with diameter, including the diplomatic relations وإمهال mission country 48 hours to leave the country. 2- prevent login or cross the citizens Qatari to the United Arab Emirates وتمهل residents and visitors of them period of 14 days to leave for security reasons واحترازية also prevent the citizens Emirati of travel to Qatar أوالإقامة where or traffic through it. 3- shut down all ports naval air during the 24 hours before the next move and departure to Qatar and prevent transit transport country all coming and departure and take legal procedures and understanding with state-friendly and companies international regarding crossing atmosphere, water, regional and UAE to and from Qatar reasons related to National security UAE. Statement said the UAE, the state of the United Arab Emirates take this procedure crucial a result of non-commitment National authorities agreement Riyadh to re-ambassadors and agree supplementary his 2014 and continue to support and financing واحتضانها regulations terrorist extremist sectarian led by Brotherhood and work of the continued to publish and promotion of thought organization داعش rule by means of informed direct and non-direct as well as نقضها the statement of the summit of Islamic US in Riyadh join 21 - 5 - 2017 anti-terrorism, who was considered Iran state sponsor of terrorism in the area as well as harboring Qatar extremists and wanted a security to ساحتها وتدخلها in the internal affairs of the state of the Emirates and other countries and continued support regulations terrorist, which will pay the area to a new phase unpredictable بعواقبها followed. Added statement, the regrets the state of the United Arab Emirates is adopted by the authorities country of policies and lead to الوقيعة between people of the region, it confirms respected and appreciation adults people country brother of what linking with him from the bonds of kin ratios, history and religion. Statement Bahrain .. announced the Kingdom of Bahrain cut ties with diameter based on the insistence Qatar to proceed to destabilize the security and stability in the Kingdom of Bahrain and intervention in their affairs and continue in escalation incitement media against it. As a statement news agency Bahrain. Came in the statement that cut ties came due to support Qatar terrorist activities armed and financing groups Associated with Iran to do بالتخريب and dissemination of chaos in Bahrain, in violation stark per agreements and charters and principles of international law, without the lowest into account the values or law or moral or considered as the principles of neighborly or obligation بثوابت relations Gulf والتنكر for all the commitments the former. Added statement, the Kingdom of Bahrain Announces cut diplomatic relations with the state of Qatar preserve its National security and pull mission Bahrain of the Doha وإمهال all members of diplomatic mission country 48 hours to leave the country with complete application procedures required as Announces the closure of the air in front of the movement of aviation closing ports territorial waters in front of navigation and from Qatar within 24 hours of declaration statement. Statement made clear that the Bahrain, as prevent the government of the Kingdom of Bahrain its citizens of travel to Qatar or stay in which they regrets for not allowed to citizens Qatari of log in to its territory or traffic through it also gives residents and visitors Qatari time limit 14 days to leave the territory of the Kingdom تحرزا of any attempts activities hostile exploit the situation despite pride and confidence high in our fellow of the people's country وغيرتهم on their country II. Bahrain, made it clear that the practices of country serious not limited شرها the Kingdom of Bahrain only .. but beyond it to the States of sister surrounded note these practices that embodies a pattern very serious can not be silent on it, acceptance him, but requires the need to deal with him all the power packs. Statement Bahrain across regret for this decision taken by the Kingdom of maintenance to its security maintain لاستقرارها, confirmed its commitment to the people's country brother who understands معاناتنا a witness with all عمليةإرهابية casualties bro and its people in Bahrain because of the continued his government in support of terrorism at all levels and work on the projection system rightful in Bahrain. Egyptian position .. in Egypt foreign Ministry said, that Qatar insists to take the conduct hostile to Egypt, added a statement of state that attempts لإثناء Qatar for supporting terrorist organizations AIT failure, and that the Qatar insists harboring the leaders of the organization of Brotherhood terrorist.

The risk of salts on the body

The salinity of the salts in the body and its causes is due to the leakage of salts in the body due to the fundamental neglect of the importance of drinking water and its function in the body, where water constitutes 70% of the body's components and any shortage of water needed by the body leads to many diseases, including the deposition of salts, and cause sudden hormonal changes When women are deposited in the salts in the body, in addition to the treatment of some types of drugs whose side effects are precipitating salts and water retention in some areas and swelling, such as the area of ​​hands, feet and abdomen. Treatment of the deposition of salts naturally Drinking plenty of water, drink at least two liters of water per day for the adult because of the importance of water in stimulating the body to dissolve salts and stimulate the work of the kidneys to generate urine and rid the body of excess water contained in it. Many diuretics, you can dispense with the diuretic medicine by eating foods that help to stimulate the urine and activate the kidneys and thus expel the salts and sodium deposited in the body, and these foods tomatoes, cucumbers, watermelon, onions, parsley and melons because of the high amounts of water, You can drink drenched some herbs such as cinnamon, mint and anise. Reduce the amount of salt placed on food, and reduce the intake of salty light foods, pickles and cans. Foods that contain high potassium levels and low sodium can cause water retention and salt accumulation. The most important foods containing high amounts of potassium are orange juice, fresh or dried apricots, and legumes, such as peas, lentils, , Avocados, and dairy products, such as: milk, yogurt. Treatment with dietary supplements In some cases, the doctor describes some types of nutritional supplements for the patient, which contain vitamins and minerals needed to get rid of the salts and helps fertilize the urine, such as dietary supplements containing potassium, magnesium, calcium and manganese in specific rates in addition to vitamin D, and vitamin B5, VITAMEN B1. General tips for the treatment of salt deposition Regular exercise, where the sport to increase the proportion of sweating and thus disposal of fluids and salts excess of the need of the body and prevent the accumulation of it. Raise the feet when sleeping on the pillow, so that the feet at a level higher than the level of the body to prevent the accumulation of fluid and fat in the limbs and swelling of the body. Prevention is the best treatment, it is important to know what causes damage to the body and dispense with it and replace it with all that is useful and healthy

Salts There is no disease in the medical world called salts, but this term is circulated by people to express the high body sodium. This increase is due to a combination of factors such as stress, pregnancy, allergies, heart and lung disease, dysfunction of thyroid gland, menstrual cycle , And the lack of the level of vitamins in the body, and result in this increase the retention of fluids in the body, especially in the legs, and this rise has many natural ways to cure it. Natural ways to get rid of salts soak the body in English salt solution for fifteen minutes, three times during the week rid of the body of excess salts, it purifies the body of toxins and calms the nerves, heal inflammation of the muscles, and brings the solution by adding half a kilo of English salt to warm bathing water . Drink almost two liters of water daily, water activates the kidneys to do its work, and thus increase the amount of urine excreted, and in this way rid of the body of the salt accumulated inside. Put the compresses mixed boiled herbs on the places of pain either on the legs or on both sides, and prepare this mixture boiling ginger and barley each one separately, and then mix the boiling together, and add lemon juice. Drink a glass of fresh grape juice daily before breakfast. The feet are soaked in cold water for five minutes, then in warm water for five minutes. This method is repeated for thirty minutes. This method is very useful in treating the salts in the legs. It is also possible to massage the feet with moisturizing cream daily and before sleeping. Foot salts. Drink half a cup of orange juice, orange juice contains the potassium element is very useful in the fight against salts, and foods rich in potassium apricots, legumes. Drink three cups of boiled onions on a daily basis for two months, and this boiled brings the addition of slices of onions to a liter of water, and boil ingredients should be noted that the need to filter ingredients before drinking. Soak the body in the bath essential oils for twenty minutes, the aromas of these oils activate the lymphatic system to get rid of excess sodium, and brings this solution by adding two tablespoons of both juniper and musk, to the water bath tub. Drink drenched fennel seed three times throughout the day, until the salts return to normal level, and attend the soaked add a tablespoon of fennel seeds to a cup of hot water, and leave the ingredients for ten minutes and then drain and drink. Drink drenched parsley and get soaked add a tablespoon of dry parsley leaves to a cup of boiling water, and leave the ingredients for ten minutes before filtered and drinking, it is also possible to eat fresh parsley.

The salinity of the body is high in the body's uric acid, also called uric acid, and produces this problem for a variety of reasons, including bad diet, genetic factors, as well as taking some diuretics, as well as pregnancy, allergies, menstruation, Kidney disease, lung and heart, and also lack of vitamins, thyroid problems, high acid may cause many diseases and at the same time there are many natural and safe home methods that help treat this condition. Symptoms of high salinity in the body. Fluid retention in the body. Heartburn during urination, change in urine color. Pain near the kidneys, either on one side or on both directions. Complications of increased salts in the body gout, which is inflammation in the joints of the body, and shows the disease in the form of redness in the joints of the body and severe pain, and the cause of this disease is the deposition of salts in the tissues of bone and cartilage surrounding the joints, and this disease affects the joints of the fingers and feet in the habit , But sometimes infects the articular knee and ankle. Kidney stones, gravel is made by the rise of salts in the body, often causing this disease nausea and vomiting, bloody pulmonary, accompanied by pain. Renal failure, which is one of the most serious complications resulting from the rise of salts in the body, and the symptoms of this disease is swelling of the limbs, and lack of urine quantity, and also shortness of breath. To increase the salts in the body drink a cup of parsley dipped three times daily, Parsley has a very effective properties in the diuretic, and attend parsley dipped with a tablespoon of dried parsley leaves to a cup of boiling water, and leave the soaked aside for ten minutes before Drink. Drink drenched India B three times daily, and attend drenched dandelions by adding a tablespoon of dandelion herb to a cup of boiling water, and left aside for ten minutes before drinking, it is also possible to eat five hundred milligrams of dandelion supplements three times every day, Dandelion rich in elements that It is rich in potassium, which works to rid the body of sodium, thus reducing the proportion of sodium in the body. Sit in a tub of English salt solution for fifteen minutes, repeat this method three times a week until the salts are removed, and bring the salt solution bath, adding half a kilo of English salt to a basin of warm water. It should be noted that English salt is effective in clearing The body of salts and toxins accumulated by it, it also reduces the congestion of fluids in the body. Drink two liters of water daily, until you get rid of the salts, and also be careful to drink daily about eight glasses of water.

The problem of high salts of the problems of accidental that is expected to suffer many people throughout their lives as it is not related to a certain age and is not linked to the type of children also suffer, is a simple problem, there is no need to fear them usually result from imbalance imbalance Therefore, there is no medical disease called salinity increase, but it is a result of the increase of uric acid in the body where the uric acid is dissolved into purine. This substance is found in many foods, Meat and land And figs in general and some vegetables such as tomatoes.

Causes of high uric acid - Acide urique:
The main reason for the height of this article is the quality of the nutrition that the patient gets, which is the presence of citrus and excess salt food and acidic foods such as orange, lemon, tomatoes, meat, animal and vegetable proteins and mango and not to drink water in sufficient quantities, The higher the uric acid uric acid - Acide urique in blood, the more kidney stones and gallstones are formed, as the salts are deposited in the kidneys and form the long term danger to it, therefore, take into account the foods consumed and increase the water to two liters per day

Symptoms of uric acid (Acide urique):

There are a number of symptoms to increase salts, but the most serious of these symptoms diseases that may accompany:

First: the presence of pain in the kidney area (right side)

Second: feeling pain down the abdomen near the bladder.

Third: Urinary incontinence Burning sensation during urination

The patient who suffers from the above three symptoms is subjected to a number of laboratory tests to confirm the presence of excess salts or is not a farm and urine or prostate fluid and is caused by the symptoms of increased urine in the body a number of diseases are complications of high uric blood:

First, gout is a disease caused by the accumulation of amounts of uric acid in the body so that the kidneys are unable to absorb it completely, which leads to storage for a limited period and then taken out by the process of urination, infected with the disease usually eat large amounts of proteins such as beans and beans and Which causes swelling with the feeling of bloating and itching in the soles of the foot and start symptoms with severe pain in the joints affected and swelling and redness around it may occur a slight rise LDR So there are a number of steps that a gout patient must do as a result of high salts.

Drink plenty of water to dissolve uric acid in the body. Refrain from alcoholic beverages. Reduce intake of plant, animal and fish proteins such as kernels, sardines and red salmon. Reduce the intake of lighted cereals such as beans, beans and beans. Maintain the weight so that it does not constitute extra pressure on the joint.

Kidney stones: The most important kidney stones that are formed due to the increase of salts in the body due to the accumulation of uric kidneys, causing the stones, which increases in size with time cause a number of chronic pain, nausea and vomiting and severe side effects, the other symptom is renal failure of the most common diseases They appear clearly with increased salts, which are characterized by urination, severe tightness of breath, severe swelling of the feet and hands, and inability to walk on the soles of the feet.

Treatment of increased salts in the body:

There are a number of preventive measures other than the drug when the cases of these cases must be resorted to the doctor to perform laboratory testing to ensure the presence of salts or not and the use of drugs are often antibiotics in the cases of gout drug (verphenol) with the drug (Cochin) in simple doses, Much of the treatment for this is when a patient has to change the lifestyle of the following: -

Drink plenty of water, reduce juices and eat fruit instead of juices to contain a lot of salts, especially mango and tomatoes. Eat small amounts of meat, especially liver, kidneys and red fish such as salmon and sardines and replace them with white meat such as chicken, head and rabbit. Eat fresh vegetables instead of grains. Do not eat foods that contain high fat. Exercise regularly. When you get any symptoms of high salinity, do not neglect, consult your doctor and check the kidneys.